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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. Why do people keep commenting about a 'Thai couple' being the attackers? The attackers were a bloke from the UK and his Thai wife! People who don't read threads before commenting....🤦‍♂️
  2. And the Brit had a choice at that moment. Go off and enjoy the rest of the night, or charge in like Rambo for a fight. Hopefully this was a lesson learned (finally, at 60+ years old!) and he won't end up getting killed another night as a result of his bad temper. He's probably been ruining people's nights with his temper tantrums for over 4 decades.
  3. You're not in Kansas now Dorothy
  4. You must be watching the wrong video. The security guy was backing off until the old fella came marching up thinking he was Rambo. He also backed off straight after the punch, unlike a lot of the security thugs we've seen in previous videos. I think this Sarawut showed both skills and restraint under the circumstances. I also can't see a kick to the groin - I wondered if that might have happened prior to the video recording.
  5. But now they are Thai. The world's borders change. Why should that excuse the violence? A lot of Cornish people passionately believe Cornwall should be an independent nation, but they don't go around killing innocent civilians to further their cause. Don't make excuses for so called 'separatists'.
  6. Surely stopping the war so that no more children are slaughtered like that is a good thing? Or is revenge more important?
  7. You must be mistaken. Islam is a peaceful religion. They wouldn't kill and maim innocent people to further their cause. Oh wait...
  8. Really?! All I see there are big African mamas walking the streets
  9. I was in Pattaya in Jan, first time for about 15 years. I walked the whole length of Soi 6 and didn't see one place I wanted to go into for a beer, for the same reasons you outlined. Such a pity!
  10. He has a massive head start on the other candidates. 100% of the Muslim population of London vote for Khan. Muslims will always vote for one of their own no matter what their policies are or how bad their track record is. Khan has this job for as long as he wants it.
  11. Legalising weed has made Thailand the go-to place for the 18-30 crowd, mostly males. Sadly places like MHS are quickly becoming the new Magaluf. I'm trying to comfort myself with those famous words....This too shall pass
  12. If you think these two parties are far right, maybe politics isn't for you.
  13. I agree it's probably the lack of women. I was in Chaweng in January and all the bars / clubs were full of groups of men in their 20s. A sea of man bags, beards and tatts. I thought I was having a bad dream.
  14. Most Brits I hear absolutely love his approach to immigration and 'only two genders'. Most are wishing we had a leader with such conviction on those topics. Maybe the UK is an outlier. Or maybe your comment was just wishful thinking.
  15. Let me correct that for you: I doubt most folk in the UK give much thought to DEI, unless they’re a straight white man applying for jobs, and not even getting interviews because they don't tick the DEI boxes.
  16. That's irrelevant. You're paying for a service. The girls provide you with company, you pay for it. If you don't like paying for it go to 'normal' bars in the west, and see how many pretty girls are willing to spend the evening chatting and flirting with you at your table.
  17. And yet you say they should accept an 'Internationally accepted' solution rather than decide themselves? Make your mind up
  18. And yet further down here you said the following: "Yes the restructuring needs to start with recognition of the Palestinian State. That’s the internationally accepted solution." So do you think the Palestinians should accept what foreigners want, or shouldn't?
  19. It's no wonder the Arab nations don't want Palestinians living in their countries. Not sure which countries Trump thinks will accept them for relocation. Oh wait, the UK government will probably volunteer. Starmer and co are doing all they can to encourage migration from f d up countries.
  20. Common sense says you should use words that a Thai (or any other non-English speaking person) would easily understand. Why say 'Large' when you know Thais would more likely understand the word 'Big'? Empathy and politeness cost nothing.
  21. I saw the same a couple of weeks ago in Chaweng. The man to lady ratio was a shock after visiting Green Mango area for 20+ years! Pre-covid there was usually a fair number of western women among the party goers to distract the shirtless gym bunnies. This time it was virtually 100% men. Too many men and not enough women = boredom = fighting. Maybe it's the same in Patong at the moment 🤷‍♂️
  22. Farage is trying to put a stop to all the political cover ups. He should be applauded for that. We (the UK / West) have a fast growing community of immigrants from countries and cultures that have a high number of young males full of hate for us, and in particular a loathing/disdain for young white girls. Not many politicians are brave enough to talk about it. And those on the left are just like lobsters in a pot of warming water. By the time they realise what's truly happening it'll be too late.
  23. But life would be made hell for any woman who went against a Sharia court ruling
  24. What has been done? Young Muslim men are still crossing the Channel in small boats in record numbers. If Labour stop the boat crossings they'll deserve praise. And if they start immediately deporting the ones who already made it across, then they'll deserve praise. Sending a few Brazillian visa overstayers back home is not going to excite the British public.
  25. It doesn't really matter how you frame it. What most people in the UK want is an end to the thousands of young fighting age men of a certain faith coming over in boats to milk the UK asylum system. Call them legal , call them illegal, call them whatever you like. It needs to stop. Ireland have managed to start sending them back to the UK. What have Labour done so far about those economic migrants? Cancelled the only plan that may have discouraged the channel crossings. Unsurprisingly the numbers coming over are rising again.
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