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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. But she has a male physique, and all her opponents have a female physique. The comparison with Spitz is mute. This is like allowing a sighted person compete in a race with the visually impaired.
  2. Or perhaps they are worried for the safety of female boxers fighting a woman with a man's body. Yes it's not her fault she has a man's body, but that doesn't mean she should use her male physique to beat the cr4p out of all her opponents.
  3. She's 24, which is probably the equivalent of a 16 year old in the west in terms of maturity. Most Thai girls from the sticks are still very childish at 24, hence she's playing on her phone all the time. This might also explain why she's shy about cuddling up with you.
  4. Those violent thugs who viciously attacked armed airport police need to be made an example of. How can people be allowed to beat up armed police at an airport without consequences? How can the public be sure that those cops are able to keep us safe now? The officers should have used their firearms. But they were probably too scared of being sacked/imprisoned because the law has gone too soft on criminals and instead cracks down on police, soldiers etc.
  5. Hands-off policing is part of the reason we are where we are in the UK, i.e. thugs have no fear of and no respect for authority. I say lets get back to proper hands-on policing where the real nasty feckers get a good kicking when it's justified. Sadly this case is focussing 100% on the police actions (which were extreme but understandable from a human perspective), and 0% on the vile thugs who caused the incident in the first place. They behave like this (assaulting officers) because they know they usually get away with it. The scumbags are lucky they didn't get shot.
  6. It's like the Brits who settle in the Costa Del Sol. The Spain expat communities like to have Brit style pubs, cooked English breakfasts etc. Likewise people coming from troubled areas in the ME and Africa try to make the UK just like home.
  7. And there are people who turn a blind eye to all the EU corruption and squandering of money, because they desperately want to believe the EU is good.
  8. People didn't turn down PR before. The people (i.e. 90% of the population) had zero interest in or knowledge of FPTP versus PR. I don't remember a single person discussing it at the time! It only really became a mainstream talking point when UKIP got over 4 million votes and zero seats. I can guarantee if the people got a chance to vote on PR now (after the debacle of the Lib Dems getting 60 odd seats versus 5 for Reform), the result would be very different.
  9. We're talking about 2024 - the current threat. Would you have been sticking up for the Crusaders when that was going on? Here's another near miss in the UK. Another horrendous crime that didn't make the headlines on any major news channels in the UK. In the early hours of 20 January last year, Mohammad Farooq arrived at St James's Hospital in Leeds armed with two knives, an imitation firearm and a pressure cooker bomb. The 28-year-old clinical support worker planned to trigger an evacuation to lure patients and staff into a deadly trap. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ck5g7xn1re0o
  10. Yeah it's so woke to think whacking a woman to the ground is wrong....🙄
  11. But the tailor isn't Thai. How many Thai tailors do you see in Phuket etc.?
  12. What he said has been twisted to fit an agenda. He made legitimate points that the main parties are too frightened to make. He's also made it crystal clear he hates what Putin has done. MSM twisting his words to get a story. Try reading beneath the headlines.
  13. The establishment were never going to give Reform an easy ride. Reform have huge support among the British public, and much more than the polls suggest due to 'shy' Reformers. This has frightened the life out of the current establishment and they'll do anything to smear Farage and Reform. Expect a lot more of these dirty tactics leading up to polling day. I'm surprised it took those in power so long to uncover these so called bad eggs on the fringes of the party. They would find wronguns campaigning for all the major parties if they looked hard enough.
  14. What a depressing thought. Sitting there in the LOS chatting to a western woman about Julian Assange. Sounds like really bad dream 🙈
  15. And zero concessions for Hamas? You're happy for Hamas to continue ruling in Gaza once your astonishingly fair (not one-sided at all) peace deal is in place? 🤦‍♂️
  16. This 100%. I used to be on a facebook group for Essex singles. People would introduce themselves and get comments from admirers, maybe 10-50 comments depending on looks. One day a Thai woman introduced herself, mid 30s. Average looking for a Thai. She got 120 comments within an hour from thirsty farangs. The Thais I know in the UK (married or not) love all the attention they get from local blokes. Especially if it's a 'youngman'
  17. How many Jews would Hamas kill if they had the capability? All of them is the answer. Hamas are intent on genocide but just don't have the military resources to carry it out. That's why they need to be completely exterminated.
  18. Markets fall when there is uncertainty. Any serious investor would know that markets would have fallen temporarily if the UK voted to leave the EU. Odey very cleverly took positions to profit from that. For him it was a win win. His funds made millions and the UK was finally going to be free of the EU. Did you expect a hedge fund manager to sacrifice millions instead? 🤦‍♂️
  19. I see your new buzz word is hedge funds 🤦‍♂️ Hedge fund managers use multiple strategies in order to outperform a benchmark (e.g. FTSE 100) to make money for their investors. You're trying to convince people that anyone associated with hedge funds is automatically betting against the UK. That's a lie. The most famous hedge fund manager who DID bet against the UK was George Soros. He made billions when the pound crashed. And Soros was and is fiercely pro-EU! (Btw I have worked with hedge funds for 25+ years)
  20. How did you get that 140 Billion DonnieGullible? No doubt some rabid remainer group took all the negatives and excluded all the positives to come up with a number that makes them feel better, and you believed them 🤦‍♂️
  21. It's called facing reality rather than wearing the rose tinted spectacles that 'your people' wear.
  22. Nit picking. Illegal immigrants arrive on boats, make bogus asylum claims and then get put up in hotels. Yes technically while they drain the UK tax payers of funds waiting for their bogus asylum claims to be processed, they are deemed asylum seekers. But people will still call them illegal immigrants because in reality that's what they are.
  23. Do you think they stay in their hotel rooms all night every night? I've seen them with my own eyes, gathering in groups round the corner from their hotel accommodation. These things won't be reported, so if you haven't witnessed it I can understand your scepticism.
  24. Agreed. LBC veered to the left in recent years getting rid of most centre right presenters. That's why most of their callers these days are lefties. It's a nice echo chamber for them. Shame
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