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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. Wait, you don't believe that gangs of mainly Pakistani Muslim men were (and still are) grooming girls (aged 12-16!) across England since the 1980s? People turning a blind eye to this issue were a big part of the problem!
  2. Nah, not a Brit. Brits that age don't wear those little man-bag things.
  3. It seems the irony went straight over some people's heads
  4. Why would a 'freedom fighter' rape and kill women? How does the raping fit in with your freedom fighter claim? Please explain...
  5. That's a myth trotted out by the left. If care homes couldn't employ cheap staff from abroad they'd be forced to offer proper wages, and then locals would apply for the roles. Immigrants are simply keeping wages low in care homes.
  6. Look, I know you're baiting but I'll answer anyway, just out of boredom. Groups of left wing activists (who've never experienced mass immigration where they live) do go out on the streets and protest. You've somehow reached the conclusion that these people speak for the whole of the UK. The majority of Brits have the same opinion as the majority of Aussies. I.e. some migration is necessary, and some people genuinely deserve asylum. But mass economic immigration from certain parts of the world is turning the country into a sheet hole. Imagine a big beautiful pond, and chucking one turd into it every day.
  7. Spend a bit of time in Tower Hamlets in London, then tell us about the 'benefits' they bring to the UK.
  8. Completely irrelevant in relation to my comment "You won't find a story where a Buddhist kills his GF for refusing to convert to Buddhism". Grasping at straws to defend a (mostly) barbaric cult.
  9. You won't find a story where a Buddhist kills his GF for refusing to convert to Buddhism. You seem to be blind to the intolerance of Islam.
  10. How many murders and terror attacks have been carried out in the name of Judaism and Christianity in the past 30 years? If you think it compares to the numbers for Islam you must be living under a rock.
  11. This is exactly it. People who gain the right to live in the UK, then bring all their family over to live off the UK benefits system. That's the scenario they're trying to stop. Brits who want to bring their spouse to the UK should be exempt. But I guess the lefties might accuse the government of racism if they made exceptions for Brits.
  12. Sounds like you've been living under a rock for the past 25 years. How can you possibly not know about 9/11, 7/7, Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, Borough Market, Manchester Arena, Tunisia beach, Bali, London Bridge, Lee Rigby, Swedish football fans in Belgium (last month), Stockholm truck attack, Strasbourg Christmas Market, Berlin Christmas market...the list goes on and on. I can't believe you even asked that question.
  13. Chopping heads off of babies and torturing / killing raping parents in front of their kids doesn't sound very heroic to me or any sane person. But you seem happy to justify it. Each to their own.
  14. If I were a deeply religious person, and terror groups were carrying out endless barbaric attacks in the name of my religion, I'd want to be out on the streets telling the world "not in my name" etc. Maybe Hamas and the like wouldn't feel so emboldened to carry out their deliberate attacks on innocent people if they could see Muslims around the world denouncing them with real passion and anger like we see on the pro-Palestine marches.
  15. So you think that because I don't go out on a one-man march against Islamist terror groups, then there is no need for protests against Islamist terror groups? Great logic there Chomper...
  16. Because they are the people attending these marches.
  17. So people can't march against Hamas and other terror groups because of this? Sorry but that's a poor excuse.
  18. So you think because the terror groups don't belong to the UN, their actions are not worth protesting about? Strange way of thinking IMO
  19. I guess you're right. It seems that 'ordinary' Muslims and those on the political left don't think all those Islamist terror atrocities are bad enough to warrant a protest.
  20. But why don't we see regular protests on this scale against Hamas and all the other Islamist terror groups? With the number of Islamist terror atrocities over the past 25 years, surely there should be millions on the streets protesting every week?
  21. I don't disagree, I just don't think EVs are the long term replacement. Way too many negatives, environmentally and practically. But I'm probably on the wrong thread to be expressing that POV
  22. EVs...I can't help thinking they are the Betamax of motoring
  23. I'm sure the OP's friend will be really grateful to know it's all his own fault. How kind of you to point this out 👍
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