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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. I'm also in the UK and I agree prices are much higher and people are struggling. The ONS data shows that inflation is slowing and wages are rising, but it'll take a while before the people really feel the benefit. I agree with you that the global Covid lockdowns caused massive financial damage that might take decades to recover from. It's amazing that people seem surprised about what happens when you shut down the economy for months and print loads of money.
  2. You're thinking of Core CPI which is a different measure. Core CPI (excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco) https://cy.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/consumerpriceinflation/march2024
  3. Here you go. Don't tell your tik tok friends, they'll be upset https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/articles/ukconsumerpriceinflationbasketofgoodsandservices/2024 CPIH weight, February 2024³ (per cent) Observed variation in price changes¹ Representative items² ³ (per cent of total) 1 Food & non-alcoholic beverages 9.1 Medium 25 2 Alcohol & tobacco 3.2 Low 4 3 Clothing & footwear 4.7 High 12 4 Housing & household services 29.9 High 4 5 Furniture & household goods 5.0 Low 10 6 Health 2.1 Low 3 7 Transport 10.9 Low 7 8 Communication 1.9 Medium 2 9 Recreation & culture 11.5 High 17 10 Education 2.4 Low 1 11 Restaurants & hotels 11.7 Low 6 12 Miscellaneous goods & services 7.5 Low 10
  4. When will you remoaners ever learn. The massive improvement is that we're no longer answerable to a bunch of no names in Brussels. The fact that we've fared no worse than other EU countries throughout the disastrous Covid lockdowns and two major wars is a huge bonus!
  5. They don't strip out food and energy prices. You need to come off tik tok.
  6. BoE target inflation rate is 2%, with a 1% max divergence either side, so effectively anywhere between 1% and 3% is acceptable.
  7. No I don't. I mean if Hamas had the means they would DELIBERATELY wipe all Jews off the map. And all other 'infidels' for that matter. That is different from Israel targeting Hamas and killing civilians in the process. Neither are good, but the Hamas' mandate and intentions (and despicable actions) should concern you at least as much as the Gaza casualties.
  8. I understand what you're saying, and sadly it was bound to happen due to the intolerance of that other religion. It's a sad world we live in when one religion continues to use fear tactics to silence it's critics. And on that guys views about LGBT etc., I don't think an Islamist would take issue with that considering the way they would like gays to be dealt with.
  9. "Yet billions of people are still fighting and killing each other in the name of their religions gods." One particular religion seems to be involved in every conflict / act of religious violence. Thankfully some western leaders are finally being honest about this (re the impact of the influx to their own countries). Even EU leaders are starting to take it seriously.
  10. From what I've read the League of Nations approved the mandate for a Jewish state in the early 1920s, and when the League of Nations was dissolved in 1946 that mandate rolled over to the UN.
  11. Civilised? This is the Middle East we're talking about here...
  12. "I think most people agree that Iran is a pretty bad regime" 'Pretty bad'? That's a massive understatement. I think you need to do a bit more research on the Iranian regime my friend. "If we all followed international law, this wouldn't have happened in the first place - because Israel wouldn't exist." Please explain why Israel wouldn't exist if international law was followed.
  13. For all the terrorist activity they are behind, all the trouble they are stirring up across the ME, and the despicable way they treat their own citizens, the Iranian regime deserve zero protection IMO, no matter where they are.
  14. And yet we're expected to believe the Palestinian death toll numbers provided to us by Hamas
  15. It's not the Iranian consulate. It's a terror planning HQ for the IRGC. That's why it was full of senior IRGC military advisers - who are now thankfully unable to advise anymore.
  16. Why do some people always quote bad stuff from the Bible in these situations? How often do we see women being stoned, honour killings, terrorist attacks etc. in the 21st century carried out in the name of Christianity? This is about a present danger, not one from hundreds or thousands of years ago.
  17. Thoughts are with our Australian brothers and sisters today. At least 5 killed while out shopping in a Sydney mall. Apparently a 9 month old baby was one of the stab victims. Looking at the video clips it seems highly likely the attacker was another follower of that peaceful religion. At least five killed and several in critical condition after Westfield shopping centre attack in Sydney https://news.sky.com/story/major-police-operation-under-way-after-reports-of-multiple-stabbings-at-shopping-centre-in-sydney-13113923
  18. He should get extra jail time for his dress sense too
  19. To use a phrase often used by the Hamas sympathisers, you do know Israel's actions you mention didn't happen in a vacuum don't you? Before Oct 7th Hamas / Palestinians were constantly launching attacks and sending in 'innocent' children to attempt to kill Israeli civilians. Most attempts are unsuccessful because of the defence systems in place, so we don't hear about this on the news. The raping is indefensible (if true), but it's quite evident that Palestinian kids are just as keen to wipe Israel off the map as the adults are. Sadly it's deeply ingrained in their minds from birth. So yes they will get detained, and yes violence will sometimes be necessary if they are a threat.
  20. Absolute nonsense and fear mongering. New arrangements will be made for all those things. Lefties are such drama queens...
  21. That's like asking how the Paris 2024 Olympics are going. The Rwanda plan hasn't started yet. The Rwanda plan is intended to deter migrants from paying thousands of pounds to people smugglers in order to make dangerous sea crossings. If there is a chance they might be flown off to Rwanda upon arrival, they won't risk paying the people smugglers or risk their lives crossing the Channel. The threat of being sent to Rwanda is non existent at the moment because human rights lawyers stopped the flights. Legislation will soon be passed that prevents those lawyers from doing the same again. Only then will we be able to find out 'how the Rwanda plan is working out'.
  22. I don't think they're banned. I've never had a lighter taken from me at security, apart from once going to the PI. Oh and another time when they saw I had two lighters in my bag, they confiscated one of them.
  23. The FB video in this thread doesn't show the girls attacking him first. It shows him massively over reacting and attacking them. Looks like the engineer definitely has a screw loose.
  24. He might have had 3 beers in another bar and 3 beers there, who knows. But in any case a bloke who gets violent towards women after drinking shouldn't be drinking at all.
  25. You stated that you were the one who 'liked' the poster's discriminatory comment about Jews. I assumed you made a mistake, because I'm sure you wouldn't condone a comment like this: "one might also wonder why 1% bearded big nose people with sideburns and stupid hats control 90% of the world's money and media." I was simply giving you the benefit of the doubt.
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