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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. I imagine they withdrew from duty because they know exactly what happened that day, and know what a dangerous criminal that guy was, and therefore the danger the officers were confronted with. Pulling the trigger is an incredibly hard decision to make under that sort of pressure. And now they could end up on a murder charge. This was a violent man with criminal history around guns. He took his own life when he decided to ram the police blockade.
  2. I was pointing out we now have more (electoral) control over immigration. When we were in the EU the UK government were not accountable for EU migration by Romanian car washers etc., because Romanian car washers had freedom of movement into the UK. Now that the UK government are accountable for ALL migration, the UK electorate by extension have more power over immigration issues. As you'll see at the next general election if UK gov don't get a grip on it.
  3. Isn't this the whole point about Brexit? We can kick out the UK government at the next election if they fail to deliver on immigration. Therefore we've taken back control. If we were still in the EU we'd have all the Romanian and Lithuanian car washing men continuing to swamp our neighbourhoods legally, ON TOP of the thousands of young male economic migrants coming over illegally on boats.
  4. You cling to that hope. It's never going to happen. Despite some tactical polling now showing support for rejoining, the people of the UK would never accept the new EU terms for rejoining once those terms were made clear before any referendum. We'll never rejoin.
  5. Judging by this Luke's background and history, I don't think he was a victim of seduction as you're suggesting. It sounds like he uses his position as a teacher to take advantage of the children he 'teaches'.
  6. Or if all those gods have an annual get together, like a G7 meeting...
  7. I don't mind different people existing. I just don't like the woke brigade telling us to use inaccurate pronouns, and ridiculous terms like cisgender. . You and other trans people should just do your own thing. Call yourselves he, she, they, or whatever you want. Just don't expect the rest of the public to join in, and stop verbally attacking those who don't join in.
  8. Apparently onboard the craft the three Indian astronauts are celebrating, drinking a bottle of Heineken with 3 straws
  9. You have to pay more for the fat bald ladies?
  10. What you're talking about is guys who give the girls false hope in order to get a few freebies, and then dump them. The girls are going with them for free because they believe / hope there's a long term gain for them. If you want to take advantage of girls in that way it's up to you. But I don't think it's anything to boast about.
  11. They're choosy about who they make conversation with ????
  12. 'parasites', says the man who lets his missus pay for nights out 80% of the time ????
  13. If there was a spate of English people breaking the laws and they decided to crack down on them, I'd have no issue with that. It makes perfect sense. Why let wokeness stand in the way of cleaning up crime and making the streets safer? That didn't turn out well in Rotherham, Rochdale etc. did it? And by the way, where in the story did it say everyone else gets a free pass?
  14. Doesn't that mean it was a different bar? Reminds me of the Trigger's broom scene in OFAH ????
  15. OP was talking about bars. I can't remember ever being offered a menu at a pub in the UK
  16. I demand that submissive c/ring users get their own letter in the LGBTQ+ sequence
  17. I think I'd prefer a coffin to eating salad every day...
  18. Tell them you're gay? You can always come out as straight later down the line, if you decide you like one of them
  19. Presumably you're bi-sexual though. Hetero-sexual men wouldn't climb on 'her', unless they didn't know 'she' used to be a bloke.
  20. All that rage isn't healthy, even for tall handsome farangs. If you want to make it to old age (and young TGFs) you should mellow out a bit ????
  21. That explains a lot... (sorry, that was an open goal ????)
  22. There are plenty of words for gay men that you would object to.
  23. Man = born a man Transgender man = born a woman, now identifies as a man What part of that is inaccurate?
  24. But there are already words for non-Transgender people. Men and Women. Can you please explain why we should not just call them men and women?
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