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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. But you clarified one person by saying 'Trans woman'. You don't need to clarify other person, the woman. As I said before, women don't need to be relabled. They're just women.
  2. I know you feel this word 'cisgender ' is important. But it really isn't necessary. You wrote: "A trans woman marries a cisgender woman" What is wrong with saying this? "A trans woman marries a woman." Why should women be relabled? Did they ask to be relabled?
  3. No, I think they are ordinary people. It's not me trying to separate them into different categories...
  4. Why would you assume that everybody must know a term that is only used by the LGBT+ community and it's allies? For the majority of people the term 'Cisgender' is unnecessary.
  5. Or maybe you're not very good at getting a point across. Top tip - read your posts back to yourself before submitting. You're welcome.
  6. Sorry but I didn't understand your point either, in relation to the post you were replying to
  7. I suspect they tested positive for Omicron (hospitals are rife with it), but I'd wager most of those 226 people are being treated for something more serious than Omicron. They should be more transparent when giving out these numbers. They can cause real anxiety among the general population by obscuring the facts (as can be seen on this forum with some posters still thinking Omicron is as serious as the plague).
  8. But what we don't need is scaremongering. Using that 2.4% figure out of context is a bit irresponsible (unless you just made a mistake?)
  9. I'm afraid it's more likely your wife and the Thai guy are a couple, and they're letting you stay with her in return for money.
  10. I grew up in the UK thinking that drunken Brits were the worst when abroad. I suppose because we only holidayed in Europe. It was only when I started visiting Thailand that I encountered the drunken Aussie. I quickly realised the Brits had fierce rivals in the drunken idiocy stakes. In fact 3 bar owners I know on Samui always dread January when all the Aussie party goers arrive. It's quite funny that we're separated by a couple of hundred years and a few thousand miles, yet we're basically the same animals still ???? *Disclaimer: I'm a sensible drunken Brit
  11. There is a temptation here to say: "Well, get yourself a western GF then". I do understand what you're saying, but you have to weigh up the pros and cons of the Thai life and Thai GF. We can't have it all!
  12. Why pick on white people? I imagine one or two Muslims are tired of this Trans agenda too...but you lefties would probably defend their views.
  13. You're mistaken. We know what's going on, we just think it's nonsense.
  14. I bet you'd have something to say if they cast a white actress to play a black woman ????
  15. Taking out legitimate targets (military / government) might be construed as freedom fighting. Letting bombs off and flying planes into buildings killing members of the public indiscriminately is mass murder, committed by evil low-lifes.
  16. So you found a 60+ yr old drag artist at a bar in Sydney and watched topless old farangs dancing in Jomtien. Then you post a question on AN looking for older men who like to party. It's much easier to use a dating app mate ????
  17. Totally agree with that. The biggest focus should be on stopping the destruction of ancient trees, woodlands and forests. But people can't make money from stopping the destruction of trees. In fact a lot of money is lost when tree destruction is prevented. Instead we're all told to buy EVs and upgrade our energy providing equipment. Lots of money to be made from those changes. In the UK the same people who are bleating about carbon footprints are also saying we need to build a million more houses every year, further destroying the eco system. Makes no sense to me.
  18. You actually believe you have game? I hate to break it to you, but judging by your comments on this thread, it's definitely not your personality that gets these women into bed with you ???? The women you pump and dump are hoping you'll support them financially, even though they don't say it explicitly. Then you leave them before they catch on to your trickery. You're taking advantage of them. Or you bed drunk / drugged up women. Game...555
  19. So as others have mentioned, your method is trickery and deceit, or finding drunk / drugged women so you don't have 'financial burdens'. Basically you've worked out how to get it for free. You seem to be implying that makes you morally superior to guys who agree an honest financial transaction with a girl, with both parties making an informed decision. It doesn't IMO.
  20. So this girl who will be earning about 23k per year as an assistant manager in a stressful (mostly sh tty) job, you almost brought her to tears? I would suggest next time don't take it out on low paid branch staff who are just following company orders. If you had nearly brought the Santander CEO to tears, fair enough. But ruining some poor girl's day / week in the branch is not 'lol' worthy.
  21. Just because you're too tight to pay, and use all these tricks to get it for free, it doesn't make you a better person. The opposite I'd say.
  22. If they are women? No, if they're women they shouldn't be banned. Why, do you think they should?
  23. I'm offended that they allowed trans women to compete in women's sport in the first place, and I expect those women who were beaten by trans women having dedicated their lives to the sport would feel absolutely livid. The governing body came to the right decision this week, but they should have reached this conclusion BEFORE any trans athletes were allowed to ruin the careers of female athletes.
  24. A (passionately woke) female friend of mine was raging on FB about this news last night. She asked why they haven't also banned FTM (female to male) trans people from competing in men's sport. That's because women who transition to men don't suddenly start winning all the medals and breaking men's world records. Which in fact highlights the unfairness of trans women competing in women's sport even more.
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