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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Trump's Mass Deportation Plans Spark Controversy and Resistance Across the US Now that's great news , And Who was saying that DT didn't know what he was doing? He knows an doing Great. 😇
  2. Thaksin blames Prawit for political turmoil amid coup fallout TS better shut up and watch his back someone will soon stop him from Breathing . That Will shut him up Permanently.
  3. Why did you try to talk people down by calling me a Retard. People like You Should be Banned from this Site AN. good luck AHole.
  4. Nah you got that Wrong We never had a problem with tha as Yet thats a fair way away from us therenwas only one as I c an remember in 2012 when they blew up Lee Garden Hotel. webfact Admin 390.3k Posted March 31, 2012 Urgent: Bomb rocks Hat Yai hotel, over 200 people trapped HAT YAI, SONGKHLA: -- A bomb exploded inside the Lee Garden Hotel in this southern border town Saturday afternoon. About 200 guests and hotel staffs were trapped on the fourth floor and rescue workers were rushing to rescue them. -- The Nation 2012-03-31
  5. Thaksin Boldly Promises to End Scam Call Centres in Months Who In Satans Name is running this Country? The PM or This Crim Dude TS.
  6. Expats How Do You Deal With The Toxic Air Pollution in Thailand? Frst of all Move to an area that hasn't got the problem/small problem. Down in the south here Hat Yai/Songkhla we don't have a problem. 🙏
  7. Why worry. not your problem. Let It Be. 🙏
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=gammon+pork&rlz=1C5CHFA_enTH1025TH1025&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgAECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQI
  9. Spain plans 100% tax for homes bought by non-EU residents! Shows again how greedy those Governments are All about money . Just an other BS idea, If they don't want to sell to None Euro residents than make it a Law Ohh But then they don't get to pocket the 100 % Tax.
  10. You must be speaking about yourself than are you?
  11. Do multivitamin supplements actually work? The researchers concluded that multivitamins don't reduce the risk for heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline (such as memory loss and slowed-down thinking) or an early death. They also noted that in prior studies, vitamin E and beta-carotene supplements appear to be harmful, especially at high doses.
  12. I fired a date for voting for Trump. Why tell Us? 🙏
  13. Yea , If one believes everything they say one will Die, You can't eat or drink anything or they will have to say that it Maybe bad for some organ /part of ones body Right it May, But it Doesn't it isn't proven.
  14. BS, https://www.facebook.com/reel/832305452326567
  15. Study Rings Alarm: Thai Children Face Rising Obesity Crisis Don't need a study for that, This is mainly the parents fault by given their winging kids whatever Crap to eat to keep them quiet and letting them play with their phones and other poison games and not kicking them up their @sses to ply games with other kids outside . 😇
  16. That' BS,If people can pay to Travel They Can Pay for an Insurance. NO EXCUSE. 🙏
  17. Yes ,Suppose to be that's right but they Ain;t . One can see that every day Anywhere Mistreated neglected Dogs /cats/Horses /birds you name it .
  18. House Approves Bill to Prohibit Transgender Student-Athletes from Women's Sports That's only Halve a Bill ,what about all the other Wannabes . This bill states : banning transgender athletes from participating in women's and girls' sports in schools and institutions receiving federal funding.
  19. Phuket Struggles with Escalating Waste Woes: A Call for Action Typical mismanagement Wait till they cant handle the waste than think about what they maybe can do about it. They should've had a Future plan in place Years ago .
  20. Plane stupid! Australian man’s flight crash threat lands him in jail Dumb dude a bit soft in the Brains I think.
  21. Supreme Court Petitioned to Return Thaksin to Jail Amid Allegation That would be the right thing to do. Wouldn't that be a kick in the @ss for T S.
  22. Wake up for What? To see that you don't like DT? Guess what, Care factor Zero.
  23. Media Organizations Brace for Legal and Political Challenges Under Trump Why would they worry .they have freedom of Press. If they don't do anything Stupid and illegal than there are no problems.
  24. That isn't wrong , Let the Government look after the Homeless by providing Toilets an Showers to the homeless Why doyou think people pay Taxes ? To take care of it's country people.
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