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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Nothing special about that now isn't it. Pretty Low Numbers. The average number of people killed in road accidents in Thailand each day is between 50 and 62, depending on the source: World Health Organization (WHO) The WHO estimates that around 60 people die in road accidents in Thailand each day. Thailand ranks ninth out of 175 WHO member countries for road traffic deaths.
  2. Yes ,The transfers from Bank to Wise are fast After that it's normal that it takes a Few days to get the Funds in the account in Bangkok Bank Thailand. It always takes a couple days especially over the weekends .
  3. new Wise account details, bank says fraud. Yes ,wise give me their new account details a while ago Maybe a year ago I am not sure . I had no problems with that or my bank, I have done a couple Transfers From AUS to Thailand using Wise . NAB to Wise in AUS to my Bangkok Bank
  4. Should Motorbikes be allowed to drive on the sidewalk? Pavement ,Footpath, who cares what ya call it . No ,No motorbike/Pushbike riding on the Footpath . Easy fixed doh. Carry a bit of old broom handle and just stick that in the Spokes of the wheel when they try to run you off the footpath works 100%. Ass up they go. 😇
  5. Yea that is right so send them back to their Own country. Don't built new family detention centers send them back home ,safe the Taxpayers money.
  6. I think only wishing /Hoping that that will happen. Today 21.6. At investing.com Start Getting sad for us Aussies
  7. Not likely, who would've done that during the flight Before it was shot down? Just thinking.
  8. Absolutely Bring it on and use it more often . Don't leave those animals that do those Heinous crimes enjoy the privilege of getting getting life and waiting for some pardon that they might get. Get Rid of them .
  9. China unleashes a heavily armed robocop. All good and well But there has to be One person to Operate the Toy and be able to keep up with it and make the Right decisions on what the toy has to do.
  10. US Warplane Brought Down in Red Sea Amid “Friendly Fire” Incident. Are those Jets not aquipped with Anti Missile Systems and more sophisticated systems. Seems a bit odd that Flying around in a Hot Area that this happen.
  11. Ex-MP Claims Thaksin is the True Leader of the Government Yea we all know that he's the Puppet master and that his Daughter is the Puppet. That is why he should be in jail because he's is breaking the court Order that he isn't allowed to engage in any way with/in politics.
  12. Thaksin Outlines Vision for Transforming Thailand's Northeast. Lock him up . Isn't he Breaching a court order not to meddle in /with Politics.
  13. This is stupid ,they confessed that is a 100% Guilty Plea. They must give them the death Penalty Get rid of them.
  14. Lord Coe Vows to Protect Women's Sports from Transgender Participation in Olympics Great that's a good start . Make this in All Women's only competing sports .
  15. Payton McNabb’s VolleyBall dreams Shattered by Transgender Opponent. There's one secure way to stop those Wannabes competing in Women's Teams. Stand together and Refuse to compete against a team that has one or more wannabes in there team.
  16. I don't know how that one made the list. But we all could think of some Maggots that fit that bill. 😇
  17. No not at all Never. It should be used more often for the 100% Guilty Heinous Crimes committed. Heinous crimes are crimes that involve extraordinary personal injury or death, or shock the conscience in some other way. Examples of heinous crimes include: Murder Forcible rape and sexual molestation Aggravated assault Robbery First-degree arson with serious injury or death Financial exploitation of older adults or people with disabilities
  18. Formula 1 has visited Melbourne annually since 1996, with the exception of the COVID-19 years 2020 and 2021. Despite an ongoing contract until the end of 2025, a new deal was negotiated. This was announced in June 2022, with an extension until as late as 2035.Mar 1, 2567 BE
  19. Living the Thai life: Kingdom rolls out red carpet for big spenders They forget what the Expats that live here do and spend millions on their GFs/Wife's not to forget all the money they spend on Cars/ Properties and houses/Businesses
  20. Police Warn Against Reindeer Antlers and Coloured Lights on Cars. Don't make me Laugh . What a bout Idiots like this , they are dangerous .
  21. Concrete Counterweight Falls from Crane onto Rama IV Road, Crushing Car That is not falling from the crane , it's from the building.
  22. Where Does It End? First She Wants Breast Implants, Now a Brazilian Butt Lift! It' won't stop, Safe wasting your money and run.
  23. Nothing wrong with that , no drama . When I transfer funds from AUS to Thailand a few times per year with Wise it takes most times 3+ days for the funds to arrive in to my Bank Account
  24. What Idiots let them Wannabe women compete in a All women's sport events . What is this world coming too.
  25. The thief wanted it to make clear that Stupid people should Lock their Bike so that he can't take it and than park it at the Cop shop. 😜🙏
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