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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Nice one , Now they need All the Politicians to be checked for Bribery and Donations and then they will have to built a few new jails to put hem away for a lifetime. Just Dreaming.
  2. New Business Registrations Hit 10-Year Peak in 2023. Were are the stats from Businesses that are Folded/Gone Broke for that period
  3. Maybe for the $US. But in Feb one 2021 for the $ AUS the THB was exactly the same as Today THB 23.5 for the AUS Dollar . This is what I am looking at I get paid from AUS that wat counts for me .
  4. Could be a mixture of Races? Lot sof Sunshine ?
  5. Black/ dark skin Indian.
  6. Google Chrome on Apple Works Perfect.Had MacBook pro with Chrome and now MacBook Air M2 with Chrome works Fine for 90 Day reporting online .
  7. Yes he has , there' not enough parking spaces in most streets and the Shops Don't Own the road It'a Public road so one can park Anywhere, But it ain't Safe all the time to park in front of a shop if there's no other space .Better do a Block run and see if one space comes vacant where one has to go.
  8. What part of Thailand has the best air quality? As of November 2023, Nakhon Ratchasima, the capital of Nakhon Ratchasima province in Thailand ranked first as the city with the cleanest air quality in the country, with an air quality index of 17 points. In comparison, Bang Khun Thian in Bangkok was the most polluted city in terms of air quality in the country.Nov 8, 2566 BE. https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/10-least-polluted-cities-in-thailand-2023-rankings/
  9. Freezing weather drains your battery power by 30-60%. Your battery naturally recharges as you drive—but you must first face the challenge of getting it started. Why does the cold drain battery power? Most batteries work through an electrochemical reaction, which sends power signals to your terminal ends. This chemical reaction slows down in colder weather, weakening your battery’s power.
  10. Nah wi'll stick wit the Fission for a while . Are fusion reactors a thing yet? In a fusion process, two lighter atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, while releasing energy. Devices designed to harness this energy are known as fusion reactors. Research into fusion reactors began in the 1940s, but as of 2024, no device has reached net power.
  11. Falling Victim to Loan Shark Tactics. That's not falling victim .Who in their right mind go borrow 600K from a Shark. That's Plain stupid. Now they want protection from the law and most likely they will try to get away with paying back the money they borrowed. I hope they have to Pay Back the money they borrowed . No Sympathy.
  12. That's a bit over the top .what about the Locals ? Just look at this will you, https://youtube.com/shorts/gKC5deDWtkg?si=lZVR7nPq8UdEFI6R.
  13. It's an normal hazard of the Trade If you play with Fire you will get burned . Health and safety Issues Playing a big Factor in Factories like this.
  14. Pretty silly to show of all your bling whilst on holiday in Thailand . We don't have to know that you have some money and showing some gold.
  15. The cops know him as a loanshark for how many years?. Why didn't they stop him as soon as they knew about him. I suppose me thinking that the cops must have had shares in this .
  16. Of course he will Deny that , his personal secretary will be the Fall guy. That's a lot of pork , If the money trail doesn't include him he's maybe ok otherwise he will be done like a chop.
  17. Why are some Thai people upset seeing girls in a bikini. Pretty childish I think Don't they forget that is was normal for Thai Women to go toples up to around. 1930? https://mythailand.blog/2017/02/24/thailand-topless-women/
  18. NO. not for an other 100 Years maybe more.
  19. They are worried about the Tax and the money they can't collect to fill their pockets if the population is cut in Halve.
  20. What has this got to do with some Nosy Lawyers? It's up to Imm to decide what is the right visa .
  21. You can Laugh all you want , I Know I don't talk Bull Sheet like some people on this forum.
  22. Next time I will send my replies to you so you can Edit them to your liking OK? If you don't like what I am posting Don't read them and be Quiet
  23. I hope not ,It's bad enough to have to listen to the Terrible noise the Thais make.
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