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Everything posted by digger70

  1. I don't know as yet .I think about that when the time comes/when I get told.
  2. That shows. One can't lose Face ,never mind about the consequences.
  3. Yea , i saw one yesterday Hino Truck with dog trailer 7 exhausts side by side at least 8 inch diameter. Took off at the lights put up a smoke certain couldn't even see his trailer.
  4. This sounds a bit stupid, how do the cops know that a gathering of cars are racers? Only if they advertise like making lots of noise right revving engines and too many to loud exhausts and modified engines for racing. Then fine ,Book em and crush the vehicles.
  5. Why you may ask, It's all about money. If the sellers state that there's some weed /extract in the food/drinks they will charge you more. (Greed)
  6. If one thinks that one Needs a Prenup then one is Scared , Don't get Married, then one owns All the assets .
  7. Building Control https://old.ieat.go.th › Program_IEAT › pages › Keyword NoList of LawsLaws 1Building Control Act, B.E.2522 (1979)Details 2Building Control Act (No.2), B.E.2535 (1992)Details 3Building Control Act (No.3), B.E.2543 (2000)Details View 70 more rows,,,,
  8. They cracked down on the authorities sell the drugs. ????
  9. Jacked up numbers like the Thais do. ????
  10. Yes I had the same about 2 months ago ,Had to send a screenshot from the bank transaction , that wasn't right. didn't have my name on it .Had to get an electronic statement from my bank in Aus from the transaction ,Within 24 hrs it was all cleared . Lucky that i only transfer 1 or 2 times per year. Next time I make sure that my name is on the bank transfer . ( I'll try anyway)
  11. As a NonThai one can't get the NDID cos one hasn't got the 13 digit Id card / Number. They send me an E mail a few times about that, I told them Easy I won't use Pay Pal I sometimes used it for Payments online ,Other payments are available like Passwords and pin numbers with debit cards on a few Platforms . Pay Pal They said sorry that we can't help you . No probs Pay Pal I can do without you.
  12. Yea, and spending money that they haven't got.
  13. What are people going to do now if they are not allowed to play with the phone . Well they weren't suppose to anyway its been a law for a long time. Are they going to watch were they are driving/riding and adhere to the traffic rules? I doubt it very much.
  14. LOS, Land Of Scams, Corruption From the Lowest level in the community to the highest level of the community in Hi So and Government. Biggest problem is that this is Bred into the population for Centuries and now impossible to stop this.
  15. Most Normal working Thais won't have the Knowledge to do this . Often perceived as an easy moneymaking career, forex trading is actually quite difficult, though highly engaging. The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, but trading currencies is very different from trading stocks or commodities. Due to its high liquidity, 24/7 schedule, and easy accessibility, forex trading has emerged as a popular career, especially for people with a financial background. Being your own boss with the comforts of making money using your laptop/mobile is enough motivation for both young graduates and experienced professionals to consider forex trading as a career. However, forex trading has its disadvantages, such as high risk and volatility.
  16. That's great ,Now the travel agent can tell their clients not to go there and let the greedy sods go broke.
  17. You know where, don't act dumb or are you. If you don't , most countries in Europe England America Australia New Zealand and a few more, Happy now ?
  18. So why is that then, do you think that you are more superior than us? Don't forget that we are Made all the same , a bit off in and out and Voila a new person on the way.
  19. Him and Mrs Palmer were doing fine. ????
  20. sanc·ti·mo·ny /ˈsaNG(k)təˌmōnē/ noun DEROGATORY the action or practice of acting as if one were morally superior to other people. "they have no shame and turn on the phony sanctimony" I only said what's normally done . so keep your comment to yourself /don't post.
  21. Never mind putting cones out ,the truck should've had many Flashing lights so the Racers could've seen the truck. Even if they weren't racing they most likely wouldn't have seen the truck. I didn't see any Flashing /working lights on the truck. but then I could be wrong.
  22. Did You Ever Get the FEELING that...You Are CRAZY? 55555. you must be nearly there , posting all that u no wat
  23. The bank said this was so because both houses looked similar and neither had number plates attached. So the contractor screwed up. Shouldn't the contractor be responsible /have Insurance to Fully compensate the owners ?
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