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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. Tens of thousands of people working in help desk lost their job several years ago after simple chat bots were introduced, and now tens of millions helpdesk people will lose their job because current chat bots are complex enough to help an average customer with most of their problems. And not only basic support jobs are concerned, many programmers will lose their job too, because one programmer with the help of chatbot such as Copilot will do more than three programmers with the help of Google and Stackoverflow.
  2. more than that - if I manually set the item location to Thailand and add a free domestic shipping, Ebay lists the item as "item location: Thailand, free shipping to USA" ????‍♂️
  3. I'm afraid there is no more Ebay for us. Yes, it is (theoretically) possible to sell on Ebay without Paypal - they have partnered with Payoneer for that. I have registered with Payoneer and verified my account, but then faced a big issue - Ebay now defaults my location to USA despite my registration address is in Thailand, and both selling and buying addresses are in Thailand. But when I list an item for sale Ebay lists it as located in USA, and even if I manually change the item location to Thailand Ebay wants me to send it from Thailand via USPS or UPS Express - there is no DHL or FedEx option. So the only option is to use UPS Express as there is no USPS in Thailand, obviously. Also Ebay support told me that I will have to determine the shipping cost myself as Ebay could not automatically calculate the shipping cost for items located outside USA. So I will somehow need to make the buyers contact me prior to payment for my listings to determine the cost of shipping to their location. Or do not sell on Ebay ????‍♂️
  4. those who support the war must go invade Ukraine themselves.
  5. @StayinThailand2much @MTH How could you notice the transaction "later", don't you receive a SMS notification after every single transaction? You definitely should enable this option.
  6. Sorry, I do not have any. first of all read the manual for your router or google "your router model +openvpn"
  7. Then please share some moron youtube guy who would answer my questions, not same 30 minutes blabber.
  8. China does not block VPN per sé, only known IP addresses of large VPN providers, I have used my own VPN server when visited mainland China and even the simple OpenVPN protocol worked, without any obfuscation. So I give 99% that if you setup a VPN server on your router in Thailand it will work in China without problems. If you have a dedicated public IP address, of course. and I give 90% that if you would use a public VPN provider then it will not work in China.
  9. I don't want to spend 30 minutes on that video. Did this guy answer why gayropean sanctions target usual russian people, not Putin's friends, and why does gayrope still sponsor the war by buying russian oil and gas?
  10. Probably we have different AISes ????‍♂️ sh-4.4$ curl ifconfig.me/ip; echo sh-4.4$ whob|grep -i org AS-Org-Name: Advance Wireless Network Org-Name: Assign for AIS_Internet Customers sh-4.4$ host -t a github.com Using domain server: Name: Address: Aliases: github.com has address sh-4.4$ ping -c 4 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3078ms sh-4.4$ curl -v --header 'Host: github.com' * Trying ^C sh-4.4$ curl --connect-timeout 5 -v --header 'Host: github.com' * Trying * After 5000ms connect time, move on! * connect to port 443 failed: Connection timed out * Connection timeout after 5000 ms * Closing connection 0 curl: (28) Connection timeout after 5000 ms Everything else except Github works well (except 90% packet loss to my servers in France and Netherlands of course). Edit: rebooting the modem (i.e. getting a new IP) fixed the issue, so - thanks for the idea. Github works well with IP from
  11. If you mean a mailing list like NANOG then there is a zero chance I'll find help there, because AIS ignores all emails even from their upstream: but if not a mailing list then I'm all ears.
  12. this is true, Putin is hiring soldiers in the wild areas without Internet connection so people living there get information only from the TV, and on the TV Russia has almost won the war already, just one small easy task remains - to lure the clown crackhead Zelenskiy from his bunker. go get Zelenskiy and earn $5k/mo, easy peasy, many siberians are happy to join the forces. and when they realize it is too late. at least their families get some money in return.
  13. AIS blocks all connections to github.com ????‍♂️ what a bs isp
  14. exactly, and if sending any large amount via crypto then you'll have many more questions and will have to fill much more paperwork.
  15. if faking the utility bills does not break any law then I'm feeling glad ????
  16. what a pathetic world this has become if we have to break the law in order to comply with banks' idiotic policies
  17. Just send a wire transfer, cryptocurrency is usable only for amounts below 2k and above 200k, anything in between is a PITA.
  18. I'll be selling some shítcoins and keep Bitcoin ????
  19. ping me when Bitcoin hits $68K
  20. Mir is not accepted in Thailand, Unionpay is.
  21. https://aseannow.com/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=1224885&content_commentid=17406336
  22. any caveats in previous generation Mazda 3? (2014-2019)
  23. this is what it says when you have no SIM installed
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