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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. Do you still have that guy's contact details? Asking for a friend.
  2. Walk in works. They have been good for me but for a different medical condition.
  3. Institute of Dermatology, Rajavithi Hospital. It is a couple of hundred metres from Victory Monument skytrain station. It is a public hospital but do not be deterred by that. The building which is some fifteen stories tall is solely dedicated to dermatology and it is new as in everything in it. It makes Bumrungrad look a bit shabby. Excellent doctors and consultants. Short surgery wait times. I have used this hospital since about 2007 since they were in the old building next door and I recommend it.
  4. I don't do annual in country extensions because of the 'kiss the officer's ring' requirement. Have some self respect.
  5. That is interesting. I say that because the UK government seems so determined to to push everyone down the route of every interaction with Big Brother should be online.
  6. This may sound 'woke' to some posters on this forum but if banks in the UK apply the permanent address requirement to all customers how would some unfortunate sod in the UK who is homeless or 'couch surfing' receive benefits? There are also many people in the UK who are in employment who have no permanent address.
  7. I can remember I sold mine for 1600 Pounds with a failed big end; to a specialist and I disclosed the failure. As a UK "T" registration it would have been 1979/80. I think the wheels were Campagnolo or possibly Speedline. Do you know?
  8. I used to have a bevel drive 900ss back in the 1970s and 80s. It was a beast of a thing. Excellent brakes and handling. Loud enough to wake the dead. Not so fond of the fact that the rear alloy wheel broke up while I was riding it. It's still alive on the UK DVLA website. VBW570T. Almost forgot. The kickstart broke while I was touring in the south of France. No electric start. Such fun bump starting a 900cc V twin in the summer heat in one piece leathers.
  9. Yes but the Honda 650 is pretty heavy and was never designed as a sports bike. It is a good all rounder, good value for money and has other Honda virtues but it is not really a competitor for the Kawasaki four pot.
  10. I love mine. The only things that are a pain are doing a carb strip and clean because it is a pig trying to refit them into the inlet rubbers given that it is a 90 degree V engine. Shimming the valves are also a pain if you drop a shim down the cam gear tunnel and it ends up in the sump. Don't ask me how I know that!
  11. It's heavier than my NC30 and that is thirty years old and used to be criticised back in the day for being a bit porky. 75 bhp does compensate though if that figure is genuine.
  12. I did find a video on the internet yesterday but I didn't save the link: 1. It was running drag radial slicks at least on the rear 2. It had rear suspension revisions 3. It was running on a prepared drag strip 4. Fuel was ethanol I have no way of knowing whether the claimed times are accurate. The video just showed the first couple of seconds of the launch.
  13. .....and the article you gave a link to says they ran it on ethanol to achieve those figures. Do you have any other fake news for us?
  14. If I remember correctly the last time they made bold performance claims for this car the times were set using drag racing slicks on the rear which somewhat undermines the 'production car' claim.
  15. I doubt it is a coincidence. Normally I try and avoid giving them my real number and say I do not use email but sometimes it is in my interests for them to contact me.
  16. I often get an upsurge in scam calls and SMS after I give my real number to Thai immigration.
  17. These look like the Honda Rebel with a light restyle. A hard no from me. You can do way better for the money.
  18. Why do you keep talking about women with penises?
  19. Sorry. I assumed you were talking about a submersible.
  20. Assuming the pump is submerged in water it does not need to be primed. Have you checked that the pump is under water?
  21. Back in the 1970s I got a university education in the UK and it was entirely free. The tuition fees were paid by the taxpayer and I received a student grant from my local authority which covered my living expenses. I walked away with a degree and no debt. That has been a lifelong asset that trumps any amount of consumer tat.
  22. Not going to happen where I live. The smart car is broken and hasn't moved in at least a couple of years. It sits under a thick layer of dust.
  23. The colours British cars used in the 1970s didn't help. Why so many poo brown and vomit yellow cars?
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