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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. That is possible. My giffgaff SIM is in a 2016 iPhone SE. I have a much newer iPhone 13 I can try it in.
  2. Data roaming is on. Current network is True. Way past my bed time. I will look at this again tomorrow.
  3. Maybe I should have stayed in the UK in the cold and the rain. I would be miserable but my bank would work.
  4. I have other UK bank accounts but they have maximum balance limits and once they are at or near the limit, as mine are, you cannot really do much with them. The awkward bank either has no limit or it is high enough that it is academic. I use it mostly as a distribution point to send money elsewhere. But you are probably right. I do need another bank that can perform a similar function and frees me, so far as possible, from these wretched OTPs.
  5. I guess it is possible. The last time my giffgaff UK mobile was in the UK was about fifteen months ago.
  6. Thanks for the link. I will look at it in the morning.
  7. This particular bank are very hostile to the idea that anybody living outside the UK has an account with them. I have had to fight them tooth and nail repeatedly to retain my account. I will ponder what you say but such an enquiry may lead them to conclude that I am too much trouble as a customer.
  8. Just done that. No joy so far but phone has only been back on for a few minutes. I will certainly report back if there is good news.
  9. Yes I have done that. Message was received on my Thai phone. Works the other way around too. Just OTPs that are the problem including giffgaff account log on.
  10. Yes I have checked that. Not blocked.
  11. Just tried to log on to my bank. No OTP received. Cannot log on. I could try adding credit and making a call to the UK.
  12. Strange thing is it is just the OTPs that are the problem. I sent an SMS to a friend in the UK a couple of hours ago and it was received.
  13. That is useful information. I did not receive any warning messages.
  14. Worst case scenario I guess I could send my giffgaff SIM to the UK for a holiday.
  15. Yes I have tried that a couple of times without success.
  16. My main UK bank do have an app but if you use the app they still send OTPs by SMS to a UK mobile only.
  17. I have been searching for a phone number for giffgaff but it appears they communicate online only.
  18. Please ignore this post. I cannot see how to clear quoted content from the reply window.
  19. I have a giffgaff UK mobile which I use almost exclusively for receiving one time passwords and PINS (OTP) from UK banks. I have used the phone in this way for about two years without problems. I have roughly twenty two Pounds giffgaff credit and no giffgaff plan. This phone stopped working yesterday in respect of OTP from UK banks and also if I try using SMS to login to my giffgaff account. It receives SMS from UK and Thai mobiles as normal. When I look at the settings for my giffgaff account I see that roaming status is set to off and there is the following message: "However, it looks like you've not used your phone (in) the UK in the last couple of months so we've switched roaming off." There is a list of roaming countries on the website and Thailand is not on the list. I have contacted giffgaff to ask about this issue but I have not had a reply so far. Any ideas as to how I can restore the receipt of OTPs from UK banks on this phone will be appreciated. Would adding credit to the phone do the trick?
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  21. There was a guy in the UK who sold his EV because he put on so much weight from all the coffee and junk food he ate while waiting for the thing to charge.
  22. Well you, obviously, cannot speak from personal experience.
  23. That isn't a fact. It is a forecast. Now do the journey for real and report back.
  24. OK. I live in Chumphon and reflected what I see, or rather don't see here. Personally I quite like it. I like the drop down sides, the fully flat bed and the way it looks.
  25. The one I looked at in my local Thai Toyota dealer had A/C. The strange thing is the supposedly cheap Hilux Champ does not seem to be selling. It has been on the market for a good few months but I have not seen a single one on the road. I think the problem is that if you spec what to me is the most sensible spec for a workhorse, diesel plus MT, it is priced too close to a basic single cab Revo.
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