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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. I have the same iPhone SE but I got it for free. A hand me down from my wife. Now she is bitching about the absence of a home button on her new iPhone!
  2. I think they do need to forearmed and forewarned. The funds may be legitimate but the bank may require them to document that they are. I have been required to do exactly that at times.
  3. My experience is with Santander UK. If my Santander account in the UK receives just about any significant amount from abroad they demand to know who the funds are from and the source of the money. They threaten to suspend my account in the event that such information is not provided. As an example of this last year I spent five months in the UK. I covered my living costs in the UK from funds in my Santander account but I had underestimated the cost of living there. I therefore asked my wife in Thailand to transfer 3000 Sterling to me (I do not have online banking on my Thai account). That relatively small transfer from abroad was sufficient for Santander to write to me as described in the first paragraph. I have no way of knowing whether my account is flagged for some reason though I can think of no legitimate reason for them doing so. My experience is, of course, not Barclays specific but I mention it as forewarned is forearmed.
  4. What he said. Fine and normal. Take them out and the pads will go clackety clackety clack until you cannot stand the noise any more and pay money to replace them.
  5. Lazada or Shopee. Search by part number. The part number is on the filter.
  6. Does not really accord with TAT's image of a happy smiley retirement in Thailand.
  7. I cannot think of a legitimate reason for such a visit. Maybe they want a day out of the office. Maybe they want to hit the applicant up for some cash.
  8. Trump. The man who discussed dating his daughter on a chat show.
  9. My experience, albeit with a Honda motorcycle, is different. In the UK I own a Thai manufactured Honda motorcycle. Wherever possible I buy parts for it in Thailand as in the UK the parts are four to five times the Thai price. There is, in fact, a grey market for parts for this model. On E bay there are numerous people selling service parts. Of course with a motorcycle it is much easier to hand carry parts from A to B. I would not consider hand carrying car parts such as a clutch, drive shaft or exhaust system.
  10. I have similar problems. Generally it is of little consequence but it is a serious problem when letters from lawyers and banks are involved. Usually the problems are at the Thai end.
  11. Yes. What he said. You can get 220v LED bulbs and throw away the transformers.
  12. If it a Thai is looking for a used car they tend to go to used car dealers as they will be able to provide finance. I have sold one car here privately which was to another foreigner. I did not know him. My perception is that selling a car privately here is certainly much harder than in the UK,
  13. Just for amusement I looked back at a costing I did in December 2009 for a 400w off grid system. At that time the total system cost was going to be 122,000 Baht including 3 x 130w panels at 24K each! Unsurprisingly I did not go beyond producing a costing.
  14. I do not know how they concluded the old meter was faulty. My wife spoke to them on the phone. I have been recording electricity usage and bills for the last ten years and there was no significant difference in units used.
  15. We do not have solar but I am considering installing a grid tie system next year. On the subject of meters we had a new meter fitted in the last week. This was done at the initiative of PEA in Chumphon as they said the old meter was faulty. I had not noticed any problem. The new meter is of the spinning top variety so we got lucky I guess.
  16. Abstraction of electricity where I live in redneck country is very common. Just about any event such as a wedding or funeral a guy is hired who turns up with marquees, plastic chairs and tables. They usually bring enough lighting to light up a football stadium and they power it all by illegally connecting to the grid upstream of the property owner's meter. Many market traders power their market stalls in a similar manner.
  17. I think it was just before. Days or a few weeks before. The timeline I was referencing was in today's Guardian. It only gave events by month as opposed to the exact date.
  18. He reached an agreement with HMRC back in August 2022 which included the payment of a substantial fine. That was the point at which his guilt was established.
  19. 1. Does she have an income in Thailand and can she document it? 2. Does she have other reasons to return to Thailand?
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