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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Under the present health system they are probably worthwhile. However; the whole concept of health during the last 120 years is wrong. Virtually all modern illnesses can be avoided. And, indeed, much illness is generated/caused by medical practices and procedures. But to achieve a utopia, where one stays healthy for their entire life, the entire realm of health and medicine has to be examined and changed.
  2. No one has ever walked on the moon JW2. The earth is more like a doughnut. Strawberry jam in the middle. But lets not get two far away from the topic in hand. Nature has the answers. Not stuff in syringes.
  3. Maybe they are starting to see the truth about the jabs? But the battle is far from won. Expect a big hairy scary variant along soon.
  4. Can't remember Brian. Sorry mate.
  5. What did I say? You are a mind-reader Brian.
  6. I'm just looking at the possible outcome. If IDF ground forces go in; Hezbollah will get involved. Or so they say. Then all hell will break loose.
  7. Not saying anything against that WB. What I posted earlier is a distinct possibility. If this whole debacle develops into WW111, we'll see innocents killed all over.
  8. You are bang on the money there WB. A ground incursion into Gaza would bring in Hezbollah. The Americans might be tempted to unleash their fire-power (itchy fingers and all that). Iran would step up, and sink some of the west's military boats in the east Med. Iran would get a nuke (if Israel has any). If not, then just a few ordinary missiles. Russia would steam in. It could then get tasty in the South China Sea. Next thing it would be the west + Israel v the rest. Get your bunkers ready guys.
  9. I appreciate that you are getting your info from, what some think are decent publication/sources, but in my view the whole thing paints a completely false picture. It has never been shown that a natural pathogen, (or a lab-made one either), can be transferred from one person to another. Plenty have tried; especially during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Nothing so far. And nature says it's not possible.
  10. Not considering a 'ceasefire' then BM? Prefer WW111?
  11. Safe and effective? Thought that had been debunked by the jab makers.
  12. Never mind Mr Morch. I suggest is that all the Jews from Europe and the west get out. All the Muslim extremists go away, and let the Semites live together peacefully; as they once did.
  13. Didn't Hamas chase ISIS out of Gaza?
  14. Don't care what those silly books say. People should be able to live in harmony. As long as they are seen as equals.
  15. I don't think that jews have a problem with muslims or muslims have a problem with jews. After all, both religious groups are human. Didn't they all live happily together a few years back? Where the problems arise, is the extremes of the two. Get the zionists out of Israel and let all people live in harmony.
  16. You can have my covid shot Brian. My gift to a fellow poster. Over and out.
  17. Look around you. Feel the energy beneath your feet. And you simply trust a theory? Nature has it all. We can't easily improve upon it. Messing with our DNA and the electron transport system and the kreb's cycle will not be any good. Could be the downfall for many who took the jab.
  18. You are probably right there HP. Personally, I'd rather eat a banana off a market stall here, than from a supermarket in the UK.
  19. Another not so nice post. I'm not rude to you about your mistaken beliefs. I'm educated enough thanks Brian. You should think along a different pathway. Nature has all the answers we need.
  20. That's not a nice post Brian. Your while argument is based around a theory. Mine is based on nature itself. Think you should be providing truths.
  21. i don't think anything that Mr Rattlesnake has posted has been picked apart. On the whole I agree with him. Our world-health is an absolute man-made disaster.
  22. We disagree on health Brian. That's for sure. Generally speaking, we are born healthy. We will stay healthy until we eventually pass on at 100/110 years old. The last few years would be the most telling. Nature has all the answers. Is it too much for you to consider that we are on the wrong path? Cannot you see that the only people profiting from our present health-system is the controllers; not the people? A healthy baby or toddler don't need jabs for anything. It's all a giant money spinner for those in control.
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