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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Don't understand why he don't say. 'Enough of this. Let me serve my time in a proper prison;. 8 to a cell.'
  2. Two English cows chatting while chewing the cud. ''Say Fred, have you heard about this Mad Cow Disease?'' 'Certainly have Bert. I've got nothing to worry about though.' ''No! How you make that out?'' 'I've transitioned. I'm now a pig.' ' ''You are calling yourself a pig?!'' 'I am a pig. And from now on I want to be called 'oink-oink'. ''You are totally nuts.'' 'Just what I expect, from someone that has caught Mad Cow Disease.'
  3. Whose science might that be? Compromised, big pharma white coats? Take a look at some of these medicines. Vioxx in particular. The fines given to the drug, and vax manufacturers, run into many billions. And what were the fines for? Mostly for putting out false information about their products.
  4. Dr Mark Bailey, has now put out his documentary to accompany his paper; ''Farewell to Virology.'' https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/08/29/documentary-a-farewell-to-virology-part-1/ For those interested in covid; it's a good watch. Look forward to parts 2 and 3.
  5. Indeed they are. Bumped into them both in Big C the other day. And had a good chin wag. Always watch Michael's vids on YT. Fun!
  6. You are not wrong there Owl. So much for progress. So much for civilisation. From what I've heard the education for youngsters in the UK is going wonky.
  7. That's Robert. Soon be a year old. Goes everywhere with me now outside. Don't hurt cats. Don't hurt chicken; which is always a worry here. If I;m on my own he rides in the pick-up with me. Oscar is Robert's half brother. A different character altogether.
  8. Once I decided to get one, I looked on Lazada. They ranged from 1,300 baht to 45,000 baht. Didn't want to get a real cheap one, so mine cost 1,440 baht. Plus delivery. Plus tip. So just under 1,500. I have definitely got the contrast setting too high. Some more practice will sort it out.
  9. That could be the travelling tooth extractor/castration expert. I heard about him roaming around the Western Sahara plying his trade. The only payment he wanted for the extraction, was to keep the tooth. Indeed a nice hat.
  10. Firstly; only twice have I had to put grooves in the tooth to stop the twine from slipping. The first time I used a ladies nail file. That was 30+ years ago. Last time I used the file attached to a decent pair of nail clippers. I think they were '777' make clippers. I did use wire once, but it was very direct, and hurt a lot. Never done it that way since. Imagine a bungee jump. If you use wire, it could rip ya leg off. Have to have a little give. But not fishing line. I've tried it. Useless! '''What do you do in case of complications, just to name a few: A wound infection, which can easily turn into a life-threatening osteomyelitis?''' I don't sterilize anything. Just wash me hands. If the twine looks a bit grubby; I use a cleaner bit. Some teeth narrow as they get into the gum.. Get the fixing as low as possible. A good knot is essential. Fortunately I have done some fishing so I know a good knot. '''The twine I have seen on your picture will pull only on one side of the tooth comparable to the rope on the neck of a person sentenced to death, which in most cases will result in a broken neck. The effect on your tooth is that it is not only pulled but also tilted to one side at the same time which may result in a good part of the alveolar bone being ripped out too.''' Try to pull straight up. Otherwise the tooth might influence the tooth sitting next to it, and cause problems. '''As the roots of the upper molars are very close to the sinuses, their extraction leads to a connection between mouth and maxillary sinus in many cases, which must be treated with a plastic maxillary sinus occlusion immediately.''' Don't know about that stuff. I just twist the buggers out. As I have said; if you have a tooth problem, go see a dentist. If you want to try self-extraction. my way is OK for me. What method would you suggest for self-extraction?
  11. Extracted my first one in the desert, when I was in Special Forces. The teeth were OK then for quite a few years, Then a car door hit my mouth is Spain, and loosened a tooth. I pulled it that night. Pulled four since coming to Thailand. It's not a big deal. The real secret is once you start twisting; don't stop. I don't trust anyone who wears a long white coat. Be they scientist, doctor or dentist. Of course, if you have a tooth problem; see a dentist. But if you are in the desert, and a camel has just kicked you in the gob, you have to make some quick decisions.
  12. Owl Log - 10-09-2023 - Sunday evening I know I was dead against getting a smart-phone, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I bought one. Not sure what it's called. Android A9 I think. Anyway, it set me back 1.500 baht. Got it Thursday, and spent the rest of the day, trying to change the language to English. And try to suss out how to transfer pics to me laptop. Milly came home from school and sorted it out in a couple of minutes. I took a pic from my spot in the corner of the lounge, and tried to upload it. As soon as she sorted it out, she went on a snapping spree. Pics turned out quite good. Mildred's school had a couple of days of fun last week. Educational fun. On Thursday some of the students dressed as foreigners. It seemed like her class were to be Japanese. She knew this a week before and ordered some clobber off Lazada. Delivery arrived and she tried on the skirt, blouse, socks and neck-tie. In her bedroom. The day arrived. Not sure that some of the others looked remotely Japanese. The following day (Friday) was completely different. It was a dressing up day (as far as I can tell). Mildred had ordered a Teletubbie suit. The red one; La La. Tried it on at home, Perfect fit. So it was a Teletubbie get together. Seemed like a load of fun. Good for them. And a strange vid, that I reckon was destined for Tik Tok. teletubbis.mp4 The was more at the school though. Quite a big art display. I would have liked to have been there for a good look. Mildred did a bit of art-work at school in the last couple of weeks. Don't know if it was displayed. Mrs Owl, and me, went to the farm Friday afternoon. She was casting vitamins into the rice paddy. I was taking as many pics as I could with me new toy. . Overall I quite like the quality of the pics. It has built-in manual pic enhancements, I fiddle about, but that will take me years to get to grips with. And a front lens. But only half as good. Took some pics of the village while I waited for Milly on Friday evening at 17-00. looking North. South. East towards the Buddha. West to the main road. Couldn't resist snapping the delightful twins as I passed, t I've been fiddling with the enhancements on the camera. Looking at this pic, I think I've got the contrast level set too high. I'm learning about all this sophisticated technology as I go. And there was Mildred coming off the bus, dressed in her La La garb. Robert waiting to greet her. And that just about sums up the week. Did two short vids to try out the mobile. But although I've uploaded them, I can't get them to play. Have to sort that out for next week. And the chicken one. Something not quite right with this one. VID chickens (copy).mp4 Milly has put on LINE and WhatsApp on the mobile. Next thing is to find out how to make calls. It's a complicated life! Been raining most of the day. Not hard, just drizzle really. Mrs Owl was moaning that her vitamin she cast into the paddy on Friday, would wash away. Can't say it bothered me. Want all the rain that a'going. Let the dogs out for a run on Friday morning at about 6ish. Both had their usual charge about. Only Robert came to the bus stop with me and Mildred. Then he walks back with me, and comes inside. Oscar went off to Pook's farm - about one km away - and didn't return until after sunset. England and Ukraine drew 1-1 in Poland last evening. Leyton Orient had a good away win at league leaders Exeter. Aveley won at Slough in their National League South match, and top the league. Big game today in the US Open tennis; Djokovic v Medvedev. Man on the run in London. Think they caught him fishing in the Grand Union canal. If that is him? They have already arrested one wrong guy. Took 329 pics and 7 vids with the new camera since Thursday afternoon. Took me hours to sort through them today. Hope the quality meets with not too much disapproval. Remote for the TV has gone wrong. Mrs Owl not too happy about that. Had to put a new tap on the hot water outlet. Only 45 baht. Took just 5 minutes to do. Gas run out today. When I first came to the village it was 220 baht an exchange. Cost me 500 baht yesterday. Gave the guy a 1000 baht note, and he said he would give back the change later. I asked the Mrs about it today. She said they sent the 500 baht to her bank account last night. Can't trust those gas people. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Oh yes1!! Nearly forgot. The footy question. It was Crewe Alexandra that got hammered by Spurs, 13-2, in a recent FA Cup game. The clue gave it away. ''She wanted to go to Birmingham.'' Made it too easy. VID 001.3gp
  13. What is the best way to put out one of these fires. I don't think water. Is there a chemical that will do the trick? Buckets of sand?! In the future, perhaps all EVs will have a built-in extinguisher?!
  14. I think this is computer generated numbers. Imperial College London is infamous for medical forecasts.
  15. I have a new phone. Been taking pictures, vids and generally trying to understand how it works. Not the cheapest smart-phone out there. With a tip to the driver; 1,500 baht. Couldn't get the colour I wanted. I liked the green, but only metalic blue available. Also didn't get the smaller size. It's a bit big and bulky for my taste. But I'll stick with it for now. Came with ear-phones, protective case and two - yes two - chargers. Mildred is gonna set up LINE and WhatsApp for me. More tomorrow on the Owl Log.
  16. All countries will have to pay vax injury compensation. Going by 'How Bad is my Batch'. There would seem to be different levels of toxic ingredients in different batches. From toxic, down to harmless. I see it as being a individual's well-being, in the first place, as to whether their body can deal with the ingredients. But as Dr Cahill says; everyone who has had one of the more toxic jabs will eventually have problems. Thimerosal (mercury) used to be the main adjuvant in days past, now it is generally aluminum. There are conflicting studies regarding both.
  17. Good for you Ignis. A bargain if ever there was one; 328 baht. If you have a tooth problem get to the dentist. But if you want to pull it yourself then my method is fine. Has worked for me down the years. And cheap with it.
  18. ,,,,,,the (alleged) adverse effects of the vaccine. They are real enough; not alleged. They are not adverse effects; they are direct effects.
  19. So, quite naturally, one should ask questions. The first would be; who was putting the pressure on? Secondly; why such a lop-sided agreement? Were the government that scared of a virus hurting their people, that they gave in to these demands. Thirdly; have other governments signed the same, or similar contracts?
  20. Good that you have posted this RP. A lot of dodgy things going on with the vaxes. If one considered how long it normally takes to develop a drug, it can be of little surprise that there was - and still is not - any 'long tern data'. There could be another mutation along shortly. So best we not forget.
  21. It's well known by the locals, that the area south of the Sakom Nakhon road get considerably more rain that the areas to the north. I was told that it was because of the peelaws, and the massacre of Lao women and children, at Kham Chanod, But I reckon it has more to do with the land being so flat. There is a hill to the north-west of Ban Dung, but it's only about 20 metres above ground level. That's it for hundreds of Kms.
  22. Not one of the more constructive posts on here. I think mid-table, Keith says a possible top 6. But we will see.
  23. Top 6 is possible of course. But are there a couple of unfancyied teams that could get into the top half dozen. The Seagulls have raced way. The Irons done them 1-3 away, in what I thought was a shock result. So should we count them? Are The Geordies a spent force? A one season wonder! Who else? Just the usual lot. So it's City then Pool, then??? Just can't see United getting there.
  24. Bang on the dosh there HP. As far as the women go,,,,. Bring back the huts I say.
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