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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Air con is not good for you PW. Not natural. Get with the earth and its subtle vibrations. Kick off those shoes. Take off that shirt. Feel the grass beneath your feet. Feel the sun on yer back. Look at the branches of the tree. Wonder that is bears fruit. Good to see the two of you today.
  2. Thanks MD. Lots of pics this week. Had 60, and had to get them down to 40 or so for the post.
  3. I pay for the MinL's leccy. This month it was 565 baht. Ours was just over 2k baht. What do we run? Certainly not air-con. That is for wimps. Two fridges, A bathroom water heater, Water heater in the kitchen. Very occasion use of micro-wave and juicer. TV and router. Lights. Very little things like the computer and charging mobiles. The big gobblerupper is the fans. Three in the big bedroom. Three in the lounge. One in the little bedroom, and two in the outer area. Not all on at the same time though. Later in the year, it should drop down to 1,500 like last year. PS Nearly forgot, a daily 10 minute pulse charge for the pick-up battery. It's on the blink, but I can't afford new one. PPS Once every three months, charging my hair cutter.
  4. Female mud wrestling would be OK. Plenty round here that are game for a laugh, and need some dosh.
  5. Good you appreciate me Steven What is that 'Lots of Love' thing at the end of the post? If you would like a long and covid-free life; PM me. Can't say too much on this platform.
  6. What you trying to shoot the messenger for? Your beef should be with the authorities that are hiding the evidence.
  7. The CDC is wrong. And if you are trying to get the truth about covid; stay away from the CDC and WHO web sites.
  8. Owl Log - 24-09-2023 - Sunday afternoon It's all happening. This morning, at seven, the leccy people came round to ask if we would let them put posts in our number one farm, for future leccy. Now this raises an important question. Are we willing to give up sovereignty on the 300+ metres of road that I built and paid for? Cause once they put up the posts, the road effectively becomes public. Will get along there later to see progress and get some pics. Big C. Big C.are. Had a little problem last week. And it turned out that it was my own stupid fault. I am always looking our for bargains. And I was drawn towards a stand that was displaying glasses. Not the ones that hold drinks. No! The ones that make yer see better. 59 baht! I sorted out a couple of nice pairs, and called the Mrs over. She got a couple too. One of the pairs, I noticed, had a tag that said 199 baht. In fact all the pairs that we had selected had a little tag with prices ranging from 199 baht to 299 baht. I asked the nice lady at the Big Care Service Centre if they were advertised as 59 baht? And was this the bargain price for them all? Alas! The 59 baht only referred to the kiddies play items. So put them all back. I can get those glasses in the 20 baht shop. Black mark for Big Care there. But they do have an ever-growing cannabis section. Mildred had exams on Wednesday. She finished early and called to see if I could pick her up. Which I did. On the way to Ban Dung, I saw a couple of quite big holes in the road. I thought that I would investigate on the way back. On returning, the road-repair people were already sorting it. I'm sure they will do a great job. Don't get holes that big in the 2022 every day. Not every day!! Moved the avocado trees from outside the house to the farm. The creepers had taken a grip on the biggest one. Cut off the creepers, and lifted the whole lot onto the pick-up. Will plant them over the week end. Saw a large butterfly flapping like mad. Went outside to investigate. It had got caught up in some spider lines. catch butterfly 00.mp4 Set it free it and watched it fly to freedom. Vary satisfying. Sorry spider. It's that time of year. Guys getting their best cocks out, ready to do battle. Had to pay our land tax on Friday. Although a big, and important, place, this government complex is right in the middle of nowhere. The Mrs took the deeds in, and I had a mooch about. There is a lake close and I just had to drive around it. If I could! A building on the island. It looked interesting. A bit creepy and very deserted. Although at that 'float the candle on a little raft time' it's probably busy. It's a big lake. At a guess I'd say 200 rai. Found a fisherman. ''What yer got there bud?'' ''Hi farang. Just a couple of pla nin.'' Found the overflow. The water goes under the road, and tumbles down the valley. Would have looked for the underground pipe if I'd had more time. But had to go back for Mrs Owl. Best not to keep her waiting. Visit to the afternoon market last week. This is a daily market. Concentrates on veggies, fruit and take-away food. The Mrs asks me for money. I always part with 1,000 baht. Never get any change. That reminds me; gave her 1,000 baht to pay the tax. She said it came to 260 baht. No change as yet. She must be saving up for something. Asked Mildred to take a pic of the school before she left on Wednesday. She took me literally!! Brought back bad memories that. Don't remember plastic chairs at Erkie. Mildred's latest. www.mildredart.com There are always things going on at Bella's farm. Mildred's rice plantation looks awful. Is there simply too much rice in too small a pot? Latest puppy pic. Let the little bird go. Plenty of rain earlier in the week. But with the rain comes mud. What silly sod went and broke the upper ring of the overflow? More expense. Found a new place to get yer cows made. Guy resting, and having a fag, after cutting eucas at his farm. Beautiful plants outside the house. Been some great skies lately. This pic taken outside the VOA on the 2022. Been using the laundry service in Ban Dung. Handy for those big items like bedding, that can't get in yer washing machine at home. That reminds me that John Burridge dressed as Superman in the game against Newcastle. (last quiz question). Another in the week. Relegated (last season) Peacocks and Foxes both had good wins. Saints lost again. Getting serious far Owls after another defeat. Promoted Tractor Boys doing well. Orient shooting up their table. Red Bull's Max Verstappen wins this weekend's Japan F1 race by 20 seconds. Wouldn't drink a RB if it was offered to me for free. Gone right off it. The drink, and the racing. Still popular though; it seems. There was a plan to host an F1 race, around the streets of Bangkok, a few years back. Don't know why that didn't materialise. Gonna help Mildred with some maths, ready for her mid-term exam tomorrow. Shop lady next door to us is out of hospital. Went in a hospital in Udon, a week ago, for a leg operation. Seems to be OK. Leccy bill a little lower this month. Just over 2k baht. Michael and Mem - breeder of our two dogs, Robert and Oscar, - paid us a visit today. Had a great chin wag. Two people in the village died last week. In the down-village area. Not much news on it from the Mrs. No rain forecast for the following week. Has the dry season kicked in? Good job the ponds are full. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all
  9. Some posters on the thread think the 'virus' came from an Wuhan lab. In an accidental leak. Others might believe it was engineered to be pathogenic, and deliberately let loose during the Military games in 2019. Some may think it jumped from an animal (bat or pangolin). Others say it is simply a glorified 'flu'. That is not my position; on any of the above.. If anyone has had the jab, they are more likely to get vax-related illnesses than the un-jabbed. Maybe death too. You don't think I'm correct in saying that?
  10. Never mind about the CDC. If anyone has had the jab, they are more likely to get vax-related illnesses than the un-jabbed. Maybe death too.
  11. Not only didn't I know, but I don't believe it. You are certainly a MSM champion.
  12. Do you really believe that? What killed these people that didn't take the jab? A computer programme from Imperial College?
  13. TBH, I think this is a bit of a red herring. According to my information, only certain batches of the vax, actually had ingredients that were not harmful. There simply couldn't be a situation where everyone, who had the jab, was falling sick. The boosters were the same. Sooner or later anyone having a series of jabs - through sheer probability - will fall sick. https://www.howbadismybatch.com All these jabs carry some risk. I've read a couple of articles, that strongly suggest that the ingredients of the more toxic ones, could stay in the body for a lifetime. There are ways for the body to rid itself of some toxins. But beyond the scope of this thread.
  14. Don't get the scaffolding bit. Thought it was all done on a computer. These 'news organisations' may be well established, but that don't stop them either hiding the truth, or in the case of the BBC; telling lies. Don't even know what a troll is Bruce. Unless you mean:
  15. Sorry for any confusion Sir. It was probably me bad grammer dat confuzed you. Wot i was meening to say was. Wen the OP report was published, I tend to believe it. As soon as a fack-cheker rubbishes it, I'm all in with it. Hope that's cleerer now.
  16. It is true that we are all doomed. Soon we will be able to upload our brains into a metaverse cloud, and forget about our bodies. After all all we do is eat, have sex and foul the planet. In the meantime. Kick off those flip-flops, shed those unnecessary garments, and walk about barefooted. Experience the subtle vibrations of the Earth. Feel the energy coming from the very depths. Touch those leaves. Smell those mushrooms. Stroke the pussywillow. Wonder at the butterfly caught in the spider's web. Imagine being a fish in a beautiful clear lake, or a bird escaping from a hawk. Wonder of the sun beating on yer neck. Who needs Goggle? There is better stuff out there.
  17. Don't looked photo-shopped to me Bruce. I agree that someone could have done it for a laugh, and blamed it on some AT thing. Could have been an IT/AI error. When I see things with me own eyes, I tend to believe that it's true. These links to places like the BBC, CNN or The Guardian, I put a question mark up there straight away. And these fact-checkers are often funded by dodgy concerns.
  18. This is not my experience. If you go to one of the bigger markets. North Weald or Wembley you are lucky to get a shirt for under a fiver. And very often they are creased up, and could be seconds. Here in Isaan. A very decent shirt costs about 80 baht. Bought one the other day. '100% cotton.' 'Superior quality.' Very smart. Red and white check. But subtle, not at all ostentatious?. However, I have found difficulty in getting plain white shirts - with a top pocket - for less than 120 baht. When I'm out and about I always wear a 'taliored' shirt. When I go to farm I often wear a footy shirt. Have loads of different ones. Man City, Spurs, Italian National Team, even a Scottish one.
  19. It's all in the OP presentation. I can see it. It clearly says 'Glory to Urine'. Is that not good enough for you Bruce?
  20. Lots of named houses in the West Country and South Wales called 'Cartref'. I've also come across a couple in South Bucks.
  21. What could have happened, is the person on the computer couldn't spell Ukraine, and the Spell-checker took over. A lot of Americans have probably never heard of Ukraine.
  22. The family is trying to get the lad's body flown to England. A 'Go Fund Me' has raised over £10k
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