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Everything posted by owl sees all
The diseases, illnesses and sickness you state above, would simply not exist if a natural approach to world-health was adopted. It wouldn't happen overnight. But over 4/5 generations. The way forward for human well-being, is a return to nature. We must learn from it, and use its wonderful resources for our common good. Our world has everything we need. Unfortunately the systems we have put in place, mean that we are simply destroying our future. As far as the medical world is concerned; a complete rethink/revamp is needed. Concentrating upon what keeps us naturally healthy. Rather than 'a 'piill for every ill' and an 'injection for every infection' way. The 'white coats' need to start learning about good-health rather than concentrating on bad health.. And truth needs to shine through.
I'll tell you Brian. 1/ As DDT was reduced in use so Polio went. 1/ Tetanus is not caused by a virus. 3/ Flu is a natural body expression of undesirables. 4/5 Heps A and B, would both disappear with a more natural health outlook. 6/ Rubella is a way of the body eliminating toxins. 7/ Hiv - no need for that to ever raise its head. 8/ Same as #6 9/ Whooping cough - caused by a poor environment. x/ Good, healthy genome would sort these. The above all in my opinion Brian. Of course; if you are sick; go see a doctor.
I could answer that Brian. We could get closer to nature and learn from it, instead of fighting it, and trying to improve on it. We would all be much healthier if we did. Giving perfectly healthy babies, toddlers, adolescents and any adult jabs for some imaginary entity is not the way forward for us humans. IMO. Those with Illnesses and sickness, that fill up hospitals, would be a thing of the past. But with the dangerous WHO, beginning to take a firm grip on world health, there seems little hope.
Oh yes! Doctors! All they have to do is learn what the Big Pharma tells them. A pill for every ill. An injection for every infection. They should learn about the most important things that keep us healthy. Good wholesome food Uncontaminated water Clean air Love If they concentrated on the above only the A&E would see people. The rest of the building would be empty. Can't poison a healthy body back to good health!!! What?? That's what 'modern' medicine is all about.
Kiss of death. 3-0.
I only quote the WHO 2018 publication because I have one. I don't disagree with you on fat. Every update of the WHO volumes state '''',,,smoking, drinking and obesity,,,''' etc. Wasn't it POTUS Nixon who established the 'war on cancer' back in 1971? We don't seem to have come very far since then! And, IMO, nor can we, while we continue to ignore nature and what it has to offer, both in terms of advice and natural substances. Let's get down to it. I don't agree that ''germs' cause disease, illness or sickness. The natural state of the body is 'good health'. When the chemical and electrical balances of the body are compromised, it goes immediately into attack mode. Expelling what it can. Emulsifying and exterminating. and yes, storing away toxins. As for electron microscopy; I've worked with it, and I've never seen a 'virus'. Seen cell fragments; which I think 'viruses' are. Cell debris! But nothing that has been shown to be pathogenic. ''Do you think the millions of dollars spent on Stage 4 biological laboratories is money wasted?'' Absolutely! Better ways of keeping the world healthy. Great debate L.
I hear what you say L. But could I offer a different way of thinking? First the main line. The WHO, in its 'cancer fact sheet' of 2018, described it thus: It (cancer) arises from the abnormal, purposeless, and uncontrolled division of cells, that then invade and destroy surrounding tissues. Continuing: cancer accounts for 1 in 6 deaths worldwide. And that ratio is gradually changing for the negative. The causes of cancer are described thus: It is a result of a person's cellular interaction with three external agents; physical carcinogens, chemical carcinogens and biological carcinogens. Alternative view. The view that it is the body's inability to deal with toxins that is the cause of cancer. Nothing what-so-ever to do with mystery pathogens. Toxins are all around us. Not just in our food, in much of the water that is consumed, and in the air that we breathe. In our homes, and workplaces. Mostly, our body's maintenance (immune) system can take care of these undesirables in real time. However, if the body is not in as good order as it could be, or the toxin is too great or exposure too frequent, the body will isolate and surround the toxin. The vast majority of medicine centres around the 'idea' (theory) that illness, sickness and disease is caused by pathogens, that are transmitted from one person to another. I contend that this is not the case. Most illness symptoms are the result of the body battling to eliminate toxins. What is often thought of as being a sickness; as in a fever or a skin rash, is the body expressing an undesirable, and should not be suppressed. Which brings us nicely onto antibodies. What is their role, and how to they effect the body?
Utter nonsense. However, 'they' can call themselves what they want. That sounds like the trannie debate.
A good honest reply STF. Allow me to expand on the previous points. Nature has evolved through billions of years to allow organisms to basically do two things. Survive and reproduce. Humans are right in the mix. The natural state of the body is 'good health'. Assuming the mother is OK (not contaminated with anything), her milk is enough to see baby through for at least a year; maybe longer. The baby - now a toddler - has everything within it, to see it through the various stages of growing until adulthood. What that human needs is simple. It needs nutritious food, clean water, fresh air and love. A good environment is also benificial. There are also things that are best avoided along the way. EMFs and fear for starters. Fear seems to be everywhere for the last few years. My advice; try not to be fearful. The body don't need injections for imaginary pathogens. It don't need medicines for natural body functions that are misinterpreted as undesirables (fevers and rashes 4 eg). It don't need serious medical procedures for something that could be sorted out with a change of diet. Nature has the answers. We must learn from it, rather than try to undo years of natural evolvement. Thanks STF for allowing me to answer in a more comprehensive way.
IMO, this is dangerous nonsense. It comes across as if the body is somehow not capable of looking after itself. In virtually all instances the baby is born without complications. Assuming that the mother has not been contaminated, her milk will see her offspring through without any problems. This idea that the body needs help - through injections and medicine - to make it either immune or to prevent future pathogens, is simply not scientific. The whole house of 'pathogens' has to be brought crashing down if we are to truly attain our potential.
Ivermectin is a mild poison that kills parasites. In the correct doses it can be beneficial to those with a poor diet, lack of clean water and living in what we in the west would call 'unsanitary' conditions. Paracites abound in huge areas in Africa, Asia and to a lesser degree the rest of the world. Parasite infections give rise to symptoms; some of which are similar to those commonly known to be caused by the 'flu', 'common cold', and 'covid'. A round of Ivermectin could indeed make to person feel better. Don't - in my book - mean that the subject had anything other than a parasitic infection. A lady who was the number one on this was Hulda Clark. She did lots of research into paracites, and wrote a couple of very readable books. A word of warning for anyone wishing to take a dose of ivermectin. An overdose can kill. Of course, it goes without saying, if one is feeling under the weather; go see your learned doctor.
As far as human health is concerned, there has been a gradual move way from Nature's truth for well over 100 years. Big Pharma controls 'human health'. And their message is based on a fallacy. Anyone saying so is ridiculed, and labelled a 'nut job'. Then silenced and cancelled. The hope being that they are discredited forever and will not have any audience. But things are changing. People are awake like never before. The authorities are struggling to get any enthusiasm for their latest round of jabs. In the US, the take up of the latest booster is less than 5%**. **Wayne Rohde: http://thevaccinecourt.substack.com
My 'broad-brush' statement?! Perhaps I soul be more specific. I was saying that it was the jabs that made the people sick. A flu-like illness is not - in my opinion - an illness at all. True it makes one feel sick. Can't be commenting on individual cases, but generally it is the body eliminating rubbish, toxins and maybe parasites from the body. Can be any number of things that trigger the response. I think the number one is a lessening of water vapour in the air. On an individual basis, it could be smoke inhalation or what I've noticed myself; sickness after the mozzie-sprayers have been round the villages.
Tripple-jabbed?! For me; this is a bit of a hit-and-miss study. Not to say is has not been worthwhile. I have resevations. If one is single jabbed, the chance of a bad reaction depends upon a couple of factors. One is how toxic the particular jab is. The other is if a person has any underlying problems. Let's say the chance of getting a toxic jab is 50%. A second jab opens the door to four possibilities; all rated at 25%. 1/ Both jabs are toxic 2/ The first was toxic but not the second 3/ The second was toxic but not the first 4/ Both jabs were benign. However, a further (third) jab swings the odds very much into the chance that at least one jab will be toxic (87.5%). In fact the chance of having three benign jabs are just 12.5% or one in eight. https://howbadismybatch.com/
What science might that be Watthong? Much of the c-19 science is not so scientific after all. One of the difficulties, is that batches of jab ingredients vary so much. Some batches have little more effect than a sore arm, while others have far graver consequences for those accepting them into their bodies. Good that this study has revealed such interesting data.