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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Talking of children!! Absolutely stunning!!
  2. Are you saying that you don't think it happened? As soon as someone mentions that fact-checkers are on the case, I tend to believe the report is true.
  3. Perhaps that's what the conflict needs; some humour. Saw a report the other day that said over 70% of Americans couldn't pinpoint Ukraine on a world map. 4% couldn't even pinpoint Europe. There don't seem a lot of appetite for this conflict. Only among world-leaders, and US and UK war-mongers.
  4. According to the BBC (International Service), there will be no rain until Monday at the earliest. And who don't trust the BBC? So out with yer deck-chairs.
  5. Thanks CL. I laugh at your jokes on Worst Joke thread. Occasionally I put one up. No matter how much yer try; what can't you beat? a/ A carpet, b/ An egg, c/ Some sense into yer Isaan Thai wife, d/ Manchester United. Answer 'c'. Talking about my one naturally. Not other farang's sensible ones.
  6. Thanks for those encouraging words Sterling. Mildred had some exams on Wednesday, and is off school til Monday. She recons the Maths and English were easy, but the Thai History and Science a bit tricky. TBH, from what I've gleaned from her on the Thai History, seems more fictional than fact. A bit like watching Walt Disney to find out what really happened. On Monday she has some more tests. More Maths and English mostly. Pleased to hear that she will get a mark for her art offering. I recall my school exams at Erkie (name of school). When I took home my end-of-term result sheet, and handed it to Dad, he noticed that I'd only got 3% for Religious Instruction. ''How come lad?'' ''Don't know Dad, I left the sheet blank.'' At open day, Dad asked the RI teacher how I got 3 points for not even attempting any questions. ''One point for the date. One point for spelling ''Religious Instruction correctly. One point for being brave enough to put his name at the top.'' Dad seemed happy enough with that answer. And, if I can recall correctly, RI, was changed to RE in my last year. RE; Religious Education.
  7. One spot on Owl. The other was not correct. I used to run a sporting quiz night every first Friday night in the month in Willesden (NE London). The questions were somewhat loaded towards the footy and the venue was 'dry' so it kept sensible for three hours. I can still recall some of the questions. That 10-4, and 13-2 Spurs games for instance. But there was little in the way of internet then, so getting the questions ready was really time-consuming. Also, at the same time, wrote for a monthly UK Sports Mag. Just love sport. Here's another bit of trivia. Goalkeeper extraordinaire. John Burridge, played in over 750 games, including some top clubs; Villa, Newcastle, Saints, Wolves and Man City, He changed clubs 29 times (that's a good question in itself), but perhaps his most memorable game was playing for Wolves against Newcastle. He played the game dressed as a comic character. He had a £100 dare-bet with Kevin Keegan. When the news got out, a season-biggest Molineux crowd of 22,000 witnessed Burridge playing the match in what outfit? a/ Batman b/ Superman c/ Spiderman d/ Micky Mouse e/ Incredible Hulk f/ Barbie first half - Ken the second. Wolves gained promotion to the top flight that season with Burridge in goal.
  8. Bang on the money there Champs. Another teaser. The first Top Flight league after WW2 (1946/47) saw 22 teams contest for the title. Nine of those teams are currently in the EPL. Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Sheffield United, Liverpool, Man Utd, Villa, Wolves. and one other. Who? a/ Man City b/ Luton c/ Newcastle d/ Brentford e/ West Ham United Answers on a postcard to,,,,,,.
  9. A couple of easy peasy questions for the footy guys out there that post. Since WW11, what top flight team in the first league then 1946/47 til now, is at the lowest position down the leagues? Second one. What top flight champion is lowest as of now 19 Sept' 2023?
  10. Just had to post this. Is this the most one-sided game of all time? Were they shooting from the half-way line? Rangers won; just edging it.
  11. A big danger also, at least around these parts, is holes in major roads. The 2022 from Ban Dung to Sum Sao, a distance of 35km, is disgraceful.
  12. Went to pick the daughter up from her school on Friday afternoon. The gates opened, and the bikes came roaring out. The first twenty m/cs saw only two riders wearing crash hats. It has to start at the schools. They, and the casual parents' attitudes, need to change. The first thing to do is stop any bike leaving unless rider and passenger have a hat on. Inconvenience the parents. First step. As for age! Seen kids as young as 9/10 riding helmetless on the 2022 (Ban Dung to Phen road). .
  13. Owl Log - 17-09-2023 - Sunday mid-day Another wet week. Lubley Jubley. This week is the end of the official 'monsoon' season. From now, to the end of October, we are in the 'wet' season. Then it's 5 months without any rain. Fortunately our ponds are just about full. Certainly 1. 2. 3. and four. The others can take a bit more. Number 6 pond. This was dry as a bone last April. Can still take half metre or so. Ponds one to four are fine. Pond four. Mildred feeding the fish in number three. Leaning tree; still leaning. The only village house, that I'm aware of, that has a pigeon community. This house doubles as a soapy massage. Not tried the service myself, but BeeApp (BinL) has. Word on the street is that it's a nice experience. Don't know if that is why the pigeons like it. A couple of new pups showed themselves in farm two in the week. And Milo has had her pups. Went to see them yesterday. Put the puppy-house up on the mound in number four farm. Mum was really proud to show them off. Six black and white, and one brown. Only three days old. Measured a few trees yesterday. Mrs Owl was not with us, so we had plenty of time. Mildred standing by the biggest tree in the area. At one metre above ground it measured 54cm around. But not the biggest in the farm; as we found out later. Getting good with the mobile camera. Snapped this lovely chicken using the 'face' option. This corner of number four farm is always waterlogged when there's lots of rain. And while Mildred was walking round number six pond. ''Dad!! Come quick. There is a little bird drowning.'' And she was right. Only one thing for it. Had a job finding it. Mildred was directing me. And there it was. Soon scooped it up. Saved. Took him home, dried him off, gave food, and Mildred mothered him. Plan to let him go this afternoon. On the way out of the farm yesterday. I measured the biggest tree at the north end of number four. Wow!!! Measured in at 56cm. The village had a visitor in the week. The last elephant in the village was more that 10 years ago. And it was gone. Twins gave him a wave. Good to see the footy back after the international break. Wolves, Blades and Irons led early, but all caved in.. Owls lost at home. Getting serious for them. Top four in the third tier; Exeter, Port Vale, Oxford and Stevenage. Big boys, Bolton, Blackpool and Derby nowhere to be seen! Wrexham up to 4th in their division (4th). That 'goal' scored by Man City against Fulham last week was an absolute joke. The forward was two metres offside, and standing in front of the goalie. Should replay that match. Russell Brand in the news for the wrong, but not surprising' reasons. Laos and Thailand in talks to build a new bridge linking the two countries. Tawee Sermpakdeekul, the governor of Loei, and Khamphan Sithidampha, the governor of Laos’ Vientiane province got their heads together last month. Big floods in Greece. Dam burst in Libya. BBC say that ice in Antarctic;a is at a mind-blowing' low. Russia and Ukraine conflict goes on. Put my foot down on debt-management in the house. Things will come to a head this week I reckon. Didn't go to Udon as planned. Paying Mrs Owl's debts (mine really) has had a serious effect on cash flow. Cats not allowed in the house today. Not until little bird has been released later. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  14. Just hand over the dosh. Americans have so much money. Thailand needs all the money it can get. And she is a special Isaan lady. Spread it around; why don't you? Money is round to go round.
  15. Very first vid with the new camera. Converted to Mp4 from 3gp. VID 001.mp4 Chicken vid. VID chickens.mp4 Must remember that the camera is not in the corner like in the old mobile.
  16. If the crunch ever comes, I have an idea based on the Thai love of money. Which I've witnessed many times. When you go for your jab, be sure to wear a short-sleeved shirt; with a top pocket. Ensure that a 500 baht note is generously sticking out. When the nurse - or worker - sits you down, and is about to stick you, tell her to shoot the fluid in the bin for the 500 baht. She will lean over you and extract the dosh. Squirting the ingredients into the waste bin at the same time. It's all over in an instant. She is 500 baht better off. You have avoided having the jab; and are now eligible for the App. If all the farang did that, these jab-girls would be rich, beyond their dreams. And we would be helping the Thai economy too. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  17. Will get to that PW. I'll get the daughter to show me how to do it. Boys are doing OK. If I go anywhere outside, Robert wants to come. On Thursday at 16-40 Robert was nowhere to be seen. Five minutes later, I made my way round to the bus stop to greet Mildred. He was there already waiting for her. A loving and caring dog. When we going out Owl? Mildred uses my new phone mostly, She is playing games, or doing some internet art, on her own and chatting away at the same time on mine.
  18. A trip to the park. Reminds me of when I was young in the east end of London. We were poor. Very poor. Always hungry. At weekends around 2 in the afternoon, we would ask mum for food. ''Right now kids. Get over the park-pond, and grab the bread before those greedy ducks gobble it down. Bring it back and I'll make a bread pudding.'' I can remember when the first Kentucky opened up west. '''You know the score kids. Walk to that new food place, get on yer knees outside, and beg to lick the customers fingers as they come out. Don't come back til you are full up.''' Ah yes! Those were the days. We didn't have anything; but we were happy.
  19. Maybe to keep the testes. I understood he sorted out ladies issues too. Perhaps not too dissimilar to that London doctor, famous for curing ladies' hysteria, back in the last century.
  20. What would you have us do? Stay quiet? Maybe just sit at the bar with our mobiles turned off?
  21. Don't understand why he don't say. 'Enough of this. Let me serve my time in a proper prison;. 8 to a cell.'
  22. Two English cows chatting while chewing the cud. ''Say Fred, have you heard about this Mad Cow Disease?'' 'Certainly have Bert. I've got nothing to worry about though.' ''No! How you make that out?'' 'I've transitioned. I'm now a pig.' ' ''You are calling yourself a pig?!'' 'I am a pig. And from now on I want to be called 'oink-oink'. ''You are totally nuts.'' 'Just what I expect, from someone that has caught Mad Cow Disease.'
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