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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Don't know why you are bringing covid into it? But seeing as you did. Wasn't he so right?
  2. As I stated D23, I was listening to the BBC. The number one go-to viewing for the facts. Didn't read up on the coming Ice age literature at all. Too busy dealing with life itself. Then came 1976, and the 'ice age' narrative was no more. We used to chat about what the BBC was stating, while we were down the pub. Mostly we thought it bunkum. Fifty years on; I now think it's monumental bunkum.
  3. Does the stratosphere stay the same temperature all the time? The populas has been misled many times down the years. If you are so easily fooled; then so be it. But I tend to look behind the stage curtain. Look who is lurking in the wings?! Ask why all this stuff has descended upon us in the last few years.
  4. Unlike many of the posters on the thread, I'm not an expert on Klimate Change. But I have an opinion, based on other's reports. Greats such as David Bellamy and Piers Corbyn. Many others also; too many to mention. As far as fiat currencies go. Was I not right about the digitisation of money in the west? And the fiat crash will come soon enough. Buy some gold. And yes! I am an expert on money.
  5. Not so much internet in the 1970s D23. It was all over the BBC for a year or so. We were all rushing out to buy fur coats.
  6. Ever heard of common sense?! And there was me thinking the science had been settled about 50 years agom when the ice age was approaching fast. But no! It wasn't settled. Slight miscalculation. But it is now. Global warming is here. Science is settled once again. This nonsense is just another stepping stone, for the dark rulers, to advance their objective.
  7. I don't fully agree with you. The climate of the Earth has always been in a state of change. There are macro cycles that take 100k years to cycle through. Along the way there are fluctuations; smaller cycles. And even micro-cycles of 100 years or so. Maybe less. CO2 is an essential compound. It is food for plants/trees, and they in turn give out what we need; oxygen. Man's contribution to the climate on Earth is insignificant. That is not to say we should continue to dump our filth in the oceans and fowl or lands. The two biggest influences on climate, is the sun and the oceans.
  8. I play chess. At one time I reached reasonable ranking. I also follow chess intently. I'm not aware of any chess-playing men that would transpose to being chess-playing women. But a couple of points. Firstly; it is not IQ alone that makes one excel at chess. There is immense amounts of theory to wade through at the higher levels. A good memory is a must at a rating of over 2,000. Secondly; vision. The ability to see something that your opponent does not. Thirdly; the trend now-a-days is to win the end-game. Although this has always been true. Some of the very best players take a pawn advantage in the middle-game, to a winning end-game. Lastly; mental stamina. What I'm perturbed about - and nothing to do with chess - is that we are considering giving the 'trans' their own category. Once this lot get their foot into the sporting door, they will want more. If the sportsmen and women want to engage, let then compete in their own sex category.. The sex they were at birth; and always will be.
  9. Thanks Andy for an interesting post. All be it, a sad one. As far as I can see, it is an accumulation of toxins over a longish period that causes the kidneys to deteriorate. When the wife was diagnosed with damaged kidneys, I spent a couple of years researching these essential organs. Even went on 'Talk Sport' (late night when it was anything but sport), to speak about the whole thing. Take care out there bro'.
  10. My lovely wife died through a Kidney problem. She was on dialysis for a few years. Then had a transplant. OK for a year or so, but then complications set in and she left me. As fate would have it, me mum died the same month. That's what brought me to Thailand in the first place. I reckon the best thing for kidney problems is to take the stress from them. Keep toxins away Keep sugars away. Keep medications away. I'm due to go to Udon again soon. I'll send you a PM Rick. Take care out there bro'.
  11. In the wars there Rick lad. I'll pop over and tell you all about the wife giving away 700k baht to her useless daughter. That'll be sure to cheer you up. All three of my avocados, at the farm, have died. Will get round, eventually, to taking the ones from outside the house. and replanting them in the dead ones spots, at the farm. '''Decided it was also time for some blood tests, went to Nong Prajak hospital - result - wouldn't let me leave until i had seen 2 doctors. Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) is getting worse.''' Could you not have had the tests in the UK?
  12. Not me! As Matt LeTissier says. Who fact-checks the fact-checkers?
  13. Doctor couple - Mark and Samantha Bailey - have an ever-increacing following in New Zealand. Giving others encouragement to look at, and question, stats, and to examine protocols.
  14. I had finished my act on stage. Was in my locked dressing room, taking off me clothes. I heard the girls screaming and banging on the door so hard I thought it might break. I thought. Should I let them out.
  15. Her back arched. Her legs trembled. Wave after wave of energy surged through her body. I thought. Might be time to turn the electric fence leccy off.
  16. Wonderful. She did her best lifts well before the 2008 Olympics. Left the sport in 2012. Any sporting life after weight-lifting? What's she up to now?
  17. My wife missed me. I'm sure she'll have another shot.
  18. I love it here. Not without it's strange and unpredictable moments. Is there a better place to be in the world?
  19. It's not all doom and gloom. Did have a nice win against Stockport in the week. Stats read much better that match.
  20. Bang on the money there Owl. https://aseannow.com/topic/205571-weightlifter-prapawadee-wins-first-olympic-gold-for-thailand/
  21. A bit early for sacking Owl. But!! Don't want to get stuck at the bottom after a just a few games. Those stats are a worry, They have to get the midfield sorted. Can't win many games with less than 30% possession. Maybe the odd game. But that's it.
  22. The most concerning thing for me after two matches are the stats. Saints game. Against Hull Strikes me that they have difficulty holding onto the ball. Lots of work to do; and better now than later.
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