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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Sorry all, about the quality of the last Owl Log (above). I was rushing a bit and when I had finished I needed to edit, but couldn't get the edit to work. When I finally got is saving; I was over time. Just been to the store on the 2022 main drag to buy sections to fix the rice-store roof this afternoon. Another holiday in England. that's 3 Mondays off in one month. Can't recall that before.
  2. Owl Log - 29-05-2023 - Monday morning What a strange week. Started out slowly and finished up manic. Took more pics last week than I ever remember. Sorted out over 300. Whittled them down to 60 or so. Too many for one Owl Log. So took out the Sam Sao ones, a few others, and they will do nicely for the mid-week post. Went to Udon on Friday. Took a friend and also picked up my 90 day. Residents of Udon will know the images on the pics well. Scary monsters. Not the horses; the robots. Keeping guard outside the Downtown Mall. Another outside Bee No Bra. Went into 'Cheese 2 Meat you' for some cheese and Lincolnshire sausage. It was busy. Across the road from the grub shop I noticed a nice tree in the distance. That beauty has to get a visit next time in town. Called into DoHome to get some plastic sheets. It had all changed. Walked around for an hour or so, before giving up looking, and I asked someone. Had to put the English on a staff mobile for them to understand what I was on about. And there was the section. If I'd just walked another 100 metres I would have found it myself. DoHome is about 8 football pitches in area. Paced it out a couple of years aback. Went for the robust 5mm one. Only 115 baht. We (Mildred and me) were gonna cut the sheet and replace the dodgy ones at the week-end, but as it turned out, we were busy with other stuff. Found a very unusual thing on the way back from town. Took a back-road at the rear of the Agricultural College and was rewarded with a great shot. I've no idea what it is about. Perhaps Farmer Jo, or another member could shed some light. Called into Sum Sao for some great pics. Do a special feature on that later. Overloading vehicles is not uncommon here in Thailand. Done it myself with nuts and cassava waste. But when you put 3 ton of logs into a one ton pick-up. well, perhaps there could be problems on the way! And just a bit further down the road. vid traffic problem.mp4 Took a pic when I eventually got to the trouble spot. Couldn't see any reason for the 30 minute hold-up. The farm next to us have their house finished. Didn't take long. just a few days. They dug out a deep pond last year. Four metres deep. No water in there so far. Chickens still looking at themselves in the mirror. Fortunately the dogs don't care too much about chasing chickens. That's a result. We had a dog at the farm a few years back that was always chasing, and killing, ducks and chickens. A neighbour put it out of its misery with a hoe. Humanly done; he told the Mrs. Robert is best mates with Ginger; the cat. Hidden away behind the trees, about 400 metres from us; a new structure. Only just finished. Water for 8 farms. Including ours! Been informed that it holds 40,000 litres. Some outlet pipes already laid out. We were informed that there were pipes waiting for us to be collected. So Mr Owl dad the bizzo. Picked up 200 metre. No sooner had I dropped them at the farm, we were informed that they were not for us. So back they went. The duck pond - at the farm who are in control of the water - was low. So low it was in danger of no longer being a pond. But water, from the new solar system, to the rescue. Work was being done to deepen the 'Waterless River'. When the rain finally comes and fills it!!?? Did a couple of short vids. vid no water in river.mp4 And a bit further along. vid machine dig river.png.mp4 Our nut cutting team have left us. Mrs Owl found a husband and wife pair to cut for us. Spent the first day removing the fronds and the second day cutting the nuts. And it was your truly who had to load them onto the pick-up. Did two trips on Saturday. Nut 5-70 a kilo at the mo. Our biggest bunch went 28 kiloes. Some at the wholesalers are pushing 40 kiloes. When they are that big, they are a job to handle. Loaded the last nuts on Saturday evening, and took them Sunday. The only bad thing, was that I stepped back, and fell, loading the last few bunches on Saturday evening. It was almost dark. Hurt my right hip and right elbow. Hip gave me big jip that night in bed. Didn't know what way to lay. Last visit to the nut buyer on Sunday. All done. Last night hip much better. Elbow still sore though. Just along from the buyer's yard was a new plantation of about 400 palms. So someone has confidence in their future. The more people buy the bio-fuel the better for us palm growers. Sang's house extension is nearly finished. Robert testing the concrete. Buffaloes in the soi, outside the MinL's house. And cows at the farm. What a week!? Have to sort out the hole in the rice-store today. Can't get my usual man. It will have to be BeApp, the wife's sister's hubby. Last day of the EPL yesterday. Lucky Toffees. Villa finish strongly. Luton got in there after a penalty shoot-out. Coventry players obviously upset. One player took off his shirt, to show everyone his designer bra. What is this new thing? I wouldn't have worn a bra on the pitch - or anywhere else - when I played. Would have been the laughing stock of London. Well perhaps only Dagenham. Barnsley v Wednesday today. Just showers for the present. Big rain later this year hopefully. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  3. Be good to see either of these clubs in the EPL. Both have had traumatic times since they last featured in the top division. I fancied The Hatters for promotion since last year and said so on the platform. But my other tip to make in into the ELP flopped (Watford). But this one is a toss of a coin. I recall Coventry beating arsenal 0-3 in the first game of the season many years ago at Highbury. And The hatters, then 1st div', stopped the 3rd div' Norwich dream, in the semis of the FA Cop. Both a while back. I'll try to watch, but it's on very late. Why is that? Should be a 14-00 KO IMO.
  4. Can't have enough. Have to safeguard yourself. Trouble is brewing everywhere in the world it seems. And a lot of the west's banking problems are being hidden.
  5. Two beautiful young dogs. Two completely different characters. The Squanderosa has yet to have its finest hour. Who sang that?
  6. All together now to the tune of 'Tie me Kangaroo down; sport." 'Come watch me burn in hell; sport.'
  7. So many of the posts paint a negative picture of the ruskies. I have found them to be truthful. In fact I had a Russian g/f once who always told the truth. Sometimes the blunt truth is hard to deal with. Anyway; she said I was the best lover she had ever had. And that put me top of over 900. Although that was an estimate; she said. I stood proud.
  8. You are not wrong there PW. Belongs to Sang. He has business in Phuket. As for the vehicle'. I've got better things to waste my dosh on. Have to upkeep the Squanderosa."
  9. Vid from about 8 months ago. vid mekongs.mp4 At 14 seconds;;; "Is there a better place to be."
  10. Two great pics there Garry. I went to a village where the monks were sending up the rockets. It was just off the Sawang Dan Din - Ban dung road. A long time ago. Mildred was just a baby. We need downpours; and soon.
  11. Think there is to much pussy-footing around with these people. They are out to get whatever they can from the unsuspecting. If you are trying hard not to get ripped off by remaining cool, and explaining that they have it wrong, but it's falling on deaf ears, try a different approach. First, learn to pronounce the area's chief peeler's name very correctly. Then mutter it a few times; as though he is your best buddy. Or, as some do, stand your ground and throw a few obscenities at the peeler trying to extract your dosh. That often brings home the bacon.
  12. Never been to Dubai; so can't comment. Been in Isaan for 15 years. Never a dull moment. Weather nice and warm. Cheap food. Welcoming people. Accommodating ladies. Lovely parks. Airport. Not too much rain; so not good for the farmers. But not everyone aspires to be a farmer.
  13. Why? I live in Isaan; and I love it. Don't think there is a better place to live in the world.
  14. Some encouraging signs against City last evening. Apart from the goal and the possession, the stats read well. Is Frank the man to steer The Blues back to the top? Are there others on the horizon? Unfortunately Big Sam is not available.
  15. Last couple of days have been very warm for sure. Not much I can do. I've tried dancing and praying; also a bit of moaning. No luck so far. Bangkok it gonna get a storm or two this week. But that don't help us up here in the North East. Any suggestions on the rain front DJ?
  16. Any two from Foxes, Peacocks and Toffees to go down with Saints. Don't think Foxes can escape. Exciting next Sunday.
  17. Could be the 'twisting' that the monkeys have to do to get the nuts off. Seen them do it when I was in Africa many moons ago.
  18. You are not wrong there CL. Don't know how they get the nuts down from a 20 metre tall tree. In The Gambia they train monkeys to get up there and twist the fruit off.
  19. Owl Log - 21-05-2023 Sunday afternoon Yesterday it got quite dark late morning. A breeze arrived, and the distant sound of thunder could be heard. Definitely in for a drop of the wet stuff I thought. But by 15-00 it was back to normal. Warm last night again. Found a big hole in the roof of the rice store. It's not the first time the see-thru roof panels have given problems. TBH, I'm no longer up to the task of getting up on roofs to sort things. Our fixing man 'Soo' is away in Bangkok, with his wife, looking after their grand-son. He is due to return shortly. Fortunately the problem is at the far end to where the rice is stored. Might be a good idea to change the whole section. The panels have been up there for 15 years. Time to replace them? I'll ask Soo for an opinion when he returns. The build at the corner house - just 40 metres from us - is nearly finished. Roof sections on. A little party to celebrate the construction end. Back in the day we called it 'topping out'. Found a new helper for trash collection. Has the makings of a first-class Bin Man. Here comes mum on her bike. Back at the farm. Mrs Owl was concerned about the stored rice. She reckons someone is having them away. And despite all the precautions, rats are still creating havoc. vid rats in rice.mp4 Wouldn't get away with this in England. I want to buy the one at the bottom; the green one. Another new house being built near our farm. Mildred gets the cats over by offering some grub. They don't come too close 'cause of the dogs. The best way to get the wayward pussies interested. is with something they want. In this case it's food. Escorted Mildred to the bus stop 4 days last week. The mobile food shop come around at the same time. Hi farang! Want some chilies? No dog meat today. Sorry! But have some fresh ant eggs. Coconuts!? Those round sods up the tree. Mrs Owl said to get the 4 big ones down. Couldn't saw through the holding stems from the ground. So had to get higher. Mrs Owl though I might fall into the pond. Managed to get them OK. Went to take a pic this morning, to find that 3 had been given away. Big sort out in the week. Loaded the pick-up with unwanted stuff and had a burn. 27 Pringle Tubes went up in flames. Was saving them for something, but couldn't find a use for them. Mildred didn't want them. ++++++++++++ World news. Mac City are EPL Champs. Owls to play Barnsley for a place in the Championship. Luton or Coventry for next season's top flight. NATO munitions - and some suggest Depleted Uranium - went up in smoke in a massive explosion in Poland G7 in Japan and Bilderberg in Portugal get underway. Move Forward Party and Pheu Thai form alliance. Thailand announced initiative to provide free condoms for individuals holding universal healthcare cards. ++++++++++++ Where is the rain? Historically we should have 8-10 rainy days this month. And the rain should be heavy. And just as type; a rumble in the distance. Leccy went off at 13-00. Water too. Left for the farm at about 15-30. One good thing about the juice going off. is that it's cooler outside, And if the internet goes off with it; then people out and about. vid twins walk.mp4 Did a little vid of the new structure. vid look at house.mp4 Young tear-a-way. Must be all of nine years old. Mildred left her mobile on the seat at home, and she was worried that Robert might fancy a chew. So we came back from the farm early. About fiveish. Fortunately mobile OK and juice back on. Just as I was coming into the village; a beast. Still quite warm at night. Have a couple of fans on in the bedroom every ight. Leccy bill still under 2k baht. MinL's under 400. Not too unhappy about those charges. Wanted to hear to all the Euro songs last week. Just to see if there was a hidden gem among them. Not even listened to the winners'. or the English one. If I have time to spare I'll try to get one or two this week. Can't make out why the pound // baht rate is not getting better after the Thai election result came in. Hovering around 42-5 baht to the pound. Fortunately Mrs Owl now likes the new sink tap. So that's a win there. Sang was talking about concreting the covered area. I said to leave it. Very late posting the log today. Leccy and internet problem. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  20. And it's Barnsley. Agg 2-1. Bolton manager Ian Evatt said the most apt words; "The biggest disappointment for me was the outcome." Final at Wembley on Monday 29th; kick off at 15-00 UK time.
  21. What a game. Good job away goals didn't factor in. Reminds me of Derby being overturned in the Euro a few years back. And Toon were 0-4 down and came back to draw 4-4 against The Arsenal.. Well done Owls. Barnsley or Bolton' who'd yer fancy? I don't like the play-off like this. The Owls finished their campaign well ahead (19 points) of Posh. This format is simply a money spinner for get some Wembley expenditure back.
  22. Indeed! Just a word of caution to anyone thinking of buying gold. Please do not be tempted by the 'half-price' offerings from West Africa. It might seem a good deal but best to be careful. Also the 'buy one; get one free' offers coming from India. I bought a ring for the Mrs and it was good, but the other (free) one was 'iffy'. Best to steer clear.
  23. Owl Mini Log - 18-05-2023 - Thursday morning. The good news is that Man City are through to the Champions League final after whacking Real Madrid 4-0 (agg 5-1). Sorry to upset any Real fans reading the thread. Very sorry. Very <deleted> sorry. Honest!! The not-so-good news is on two fronts. Firstly; Ivan Toney - Brentwood and England - has been suspended from playing any form of football for 8 months. He was found to have wagered - at least 200 times - on football outcomes. Details of the actual betting have not yet been released. And. Indonesia 5 - Thailand 2 AET. The AFC final match was played in Cambodia on Tuesday evening and featured two big brawls. 4 players were given their marching orders. Thailand won the fighting 3-1 and finished with just 8 players on the pitch. One of the Indonesian scorers showed off his fashion bra during a goal celebration. Big one tonight in Sheffield. Post take a 4 goal advantage to Hillsborough. Eventual winners will meet either Barnsley or Bolton in the Wembley final.
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