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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Owl Log - 22-03-2023 - Wednesday afternoon Unfortunately, I have a problem. The restriction on file transfer size is so severe I cannot put a decent pic on site. Vids of just a few seconds are not now possible. Anyway; let's get on. Finished getting all the fish out of number 7 yesterday (Tuesday) . Transferred about 300 pla nin to number 3 pond. Had to enlist the help of 'E' and 'Soo', from Bella's farm, to finish the task. The crabs, and the big shrimps, were nowhere to be seen. Did find a big snail in the mud though. Every time we got to the farm in the last few days we saw those big white birds wading about. What we did get though was two big snakefish. Gave one to Soo and brought one home to Mrs Owl. Took the pick-up to the test centre on Monday. It passed without a hitch. Have to go back on Thursday to get the disc and to pay the 2,300 baht fee. Took some great pics of the fish, birds, lizards and chickens, at the centre, while we waited On he trip to town, Mildred had to hand in some stuff at her school. Took a couple of pics of the huge building that was started a couple of years back. Looking good. Also took the opportunity to go to Kasikorn Bank to get internet banking on one of my accounts. Had to tell the guy at least a dozen times that I didn't want any apps on the phone; just internet banking on my computer. Eventually, everything seemed to be OK; with Mildred's translation. Had my PP, my Pink ID, driving licence and yellow book with me. Oh yes! The mobile phone to get codes. Mrs Owl's mum is asleep on the floor just 3 metres from me. Looks like she is in the front room to stay. Very tough game at Barnsley for The Owls last night. They seemed in control after 75 minutes when the made it 2-2. They went to sleep, and let in two more goals to end their running run. Have a pop-up on screen right now. Can't get rid of it. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  2. You are not wrong there HP. But not to worry about the book Since then I ordered another and got it 31 days later. In that book - by John Hammer - there is a section on humans. He postulates that we were actually from another planet. His arguments are compelling. Were we put her as a future food source? If I had not had the delivery problem with Dawkins' book I would not have been so enlightened about the very nature of humanity. As for advertising. For my sins, I used to advertise in the Spurs monthly magazine.
  3. A book company was advertising on AN. I clicked on, and looked at the books on special offers. I was quite taken with a Richard Dawkins' book about the universe and slugs. So paid me dosh (about 1000 baht) and looked forward to some bed-time reading. That was nearly two years ago. Still waiting for the delivery.
  4. Thanks for that Boss. I've no objection what-so-ever to having adds on a web-site. It makes the www world go round. But I personally don't like the adds that pop up and take away working space. There are two on screen as I type this reply. To be fair to AN; it is a good site for us farang, and on the whole better than some others. I have also occasionally clicked on the adds and even bought one time.
  5. Anyone else getting those pop-up adds? Makes it difficult to do a long post. The last Owl Log was a mess. Can I pay and be pop-up add-free?
  6. Bang on the money. Have to be HP and Andy. Show any sign of weakness. and you're as well off as a tramp at the South Pole. Can't do Owl Log 2 this evening. Things are a bit topsy turvy at the mo.
  7. Owl Log - 19-03-2023 - Sunday afternoon. Another busy week. Back and forward to Ban dung. Work at the farm. And MinL is gonna move in with us. Found a cute little car in Ban Dung. Should have taken a pic of the name-plate. Must be Russian. Not seen one like this before; anywhere. Must be electric. The future. And it's in town. The lady next door to us has been having a clear-out. I think she has plans to sell. Only see her once in a blue moon. Lives in Udon. It was a small shop a long time ago. Still has goods inside. Also doubled as a small eatery. Had me eye on a couple of things. The chicken went outside, and the rack got fixed up for the shoes. We have learnt that any shoes that the dogs can get hold; they see as prey. Poo already selecting her sleeping spot. And it's not just the house being sorted. Some big clearing at the rear. Mrs Owl sorting out the shoes that are worth salvaging. Mine were mullered, so when I spotted a pair of size 45s at the 20 baht shop I was made up. A bit fancy for my taste, but 20 baht wasn't too expensive. However, when I wore them at the farm I realised why they were at the shop. Without doubt the most uncomfortable shoes I'd ever worn. I'll be looking for paying the normal price of 50 baht next time in Ban Dung, and not be taken in by 'bargains'. Mildred has a new companion when she is in her studio. And the farm has been proving to be a little test. The water in number 7 is low; very low. Me and Mildred have been putting water in every day; waiting for the rain to come. One of the problems is that it is an up-hill journey. All the ponds run down from 7. So I had to put in a valve or two. Tried the 'bucket' but didn't work. Had to get the chog-chog out. Dug out a small channel. Turn off the valve in number 5. Had to check that there was no air coming into the system. Mildred's time for a bit of work. Top it up and hopefully everything will be OK. We will see later today. That's it for the pics. Limit reached. Can't upload any vids. Will put links to them on Owl Log part 2 later today. Footy round-up. Draws everywhere yesterday. Owls, Orient, Rochdale-Swindon (4-4), Charley Austin getting all four for the away team, and Chelsea drop points at home. Banks O'dee get a good away win. As do Leeds at Wolves. Burnley realise that gap between promoted teams and the top boys is vast; 6-0. World focus. Russian jets spray a 12 million dollar, US drone, with fuel and send it crashing into the Black Sea. Swiss bank in crisis. Problems in France as the retirement age is raised by two years. Mass protests in Israel. The BBB - or farmers party - do well in Holland provincial elections. Millions of dead fish in NSW's Darling-Baaka river. Gary Lineker back on the BBC presenting MotD.. TikTok denies handing sensitive information to Chinese government. But UK officials not too sure and want it banned. The UK PM, and his US and Australian counterparts, agree the supplies of nuclear-powered submarines to Down Under. Arrest warrant issued for Pres Putin. Pres Biden welcomes the move. Thailand musings. The Thai government is drafting a bill to legalise sex work, to protect sex workers from exploitation. Jealous Thai man shoots his ex-girlfriend in Nakhon Pathom province, central Thailand after she refused to take him back. Thais who whiten their teeth with nail polish, should stop the practice. Top medical technologist warns that it's not a good thing to do. A power plant in Prachin Buri province in central Thailand has upped the reward for information on the whereabouts of their missing radioactive cylinder, containing Caesium-137, from 50,000 to 100,000 baht. A crazy buffalo went on the rampage and gored four people in Uthai Thani province. A Buddhist relic, believed to be over 700 years old, emerged from the Mekong River - between Laos and northeast Thailand - sending hundreds of people scurrying to view the rare event. A pregnant cow is rescued after being stuck in the mud for week near Bang Kaew.. The dear MinL is now officially living with us. She is now getting top notch care. Loads of deliveries from Lazada last week. Gogi berries. Dates. Cranberries. Cherries and some dog food. Also pampers for the MinL. The berries are part of my new diet. Only berries and dates until about 5, when I'll eat something else. TBH, the dates don't taste like I remember them from a few years back. The cherries are on the sweet side. The gogies are horrible, but the cranberries are delicious. Got some blueberries on the way. Very expensive. But will probably do me good. For next week I have on order a complete Edam Cheese. 1.6kg. Total cost including delivery 1,420 baht. Still no rain. Farmers without a water source are crying. Only one drop of rain since the start of October. More news in the Owl Log part 2. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  8. An 'illegal war'? And there was me thinking it was a 'Special Military Operation'. Must get out more.
  9. Well Steven I see it like this. Free massages on demand (happy ending?), free rounds of golf at selected courses, and free transport between airports. What about the fishing? It has been estimated that over 5k farang arrive in Thailand just for the fishing. Stingrays, Giant Mekongs and Asian Carp. Wonderful sport! You can count me into the scheme if there is free fishing. I think this visa is a bit like a season ticket at a footy club back in the UK. "I can't make the match this week due to work. Anyone want the ticket for a fiver?" In saying the above, I will admit to not fully understanding this new scheme.
  10. Can't the Ozzies see that the US are just using them? Not quite as bad as Europe where the US is actively shafting them. As the UK and Germany have found out; once you let the US get in, they can't easily got rid of. Oz should be independently selling their fantastic commodities/produce around the world. In 'free' trade mode. They do now to an extent; but they are only scratching the surface. Oz has an abundance of gold, ores, gas, coal etc. And what do the authorities do with this export dosh? Waste in on what the Americans say they need, just to ease their paranoia..
  11. Yes! And i think it's going to get worse. The Aussies determination to share a bed with the US, will send the down-unders to ruin. Can't get me head round the whole thing. Australia should be one of the most wealthy countries in the world.
  12. Make you right there Andy. i wondered what that sensation was t'other night.
  13. Farang in Thailand!! Windmills of your mind. Noel Harrison. Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel. Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel. One of my all-time favourites.
  14. Yes, yes yes. But is it better to watch for the police than the wife? Two of my friends died in the area I am now. Both mysteriously. Very mysteriously!!! Better to be looking over yer shoulder than being brown bread. You could be here many years without anyone bothering you about documentation. Just make sure you have a couple of hundred in yer back pocket. I met a Swedish guy in Patts who had been here for many years without any. That was 15/16 years ago. I wonder if he is still about?!
  15. A couple of things spring to mind. Is there a link to the 'film'? And also, it's not clear from the fuzzy pic' if she was wearing a mask or not. If she was, then how could she be recognised?
  16. Sounds as though the OP's friend want to get away from his wife. There are many ways to fry an egg of course. I have heard that some farang get a trip to Laos and then swim back to Thailand. That's it. No-one looking for him as he was last seen in a bar in Vientiane. Just have to make sure he has access to his funds. And keep well away from his 'old' wife's stomping ground.
  17. An extension to Sunday's Owl Log. The village Buddha was being prepared for the rave.. But it wasn't gonna be all about frivolity and drinking and dancing. No! Before the big day things had to be prepared. The serious places. This is where the dosh is handed over. Craft-work for an offering. Brooms at the ready. Mrs Owl will want one of those. Her favourite one was shot down by the Russians over the Black Sea. She was lucky to escape back to the village. Good job she had a spare strapped to her back. Security out in force. https://rumble.com/v2dhoz4-buddha-rave.html Then it was all over. Everyone making their way to the temple for some meditation. Any brooms left were gonna be used to clean up any trash that the ravers might forget to take away with them..
  18. Intriguing story. Wasn't there a big gold scam in the Pattaya area some years ago (about 15), where a few farang were tempted to part with hundreds of thousands of squids to buy cheap gold? They went ahead with the get-rich-quick' scheme, only to lose all their dosh. Think it made the BBC news. Then the story just died a death.
  19. I have read reports about 'testosterone' and IMO it is utter nonsense. Just going through puberty give men an advantage that cannot be taken away. And by the way Eric, there is a reason why men are bigger, faster and quicker than ladies. Nature dictates. on so many levels. Personally, I don't care how much medical treatment a man has, to convert him into someone else. Men shouldn't be competing in events where being a man gives an unfair advantage. Women's sport should be for girls only, and not for men masquerading as women.
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