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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. IMO. and the opinion of most people, is that men should not be competing in women's sports, where being man can give an undoubted advantage. Swimming, athletics, boxing, football etc. However there are some sports where being a man, a woman, or someone else, has no advantage. Darts, snooker, fishing etc.
  2. They are men if they have a penis. If they have it chopped off, along with their two veg, they are still men. But!! If they want to change their name. Be called Miss, instead of Mister, that's fine with me. As long as they don't bother anyone. And as long as they don't indoctrinate kids about changing their gender.. And as long as they don't get into 'women only' spaces and practices.
  3. Well JT, a woman is certainly a woman in Thailand, and can easily be distinguished by her anatomy; but that is undercover a lot of the time. Then there are the 'other' women; the ones who look just like real women, but have meat and two veg, under wraps. Really men who pretend to be women. I was easily fooled when I first arrived. Thailand was an eyeopener for me, that's for sure.
  4. Same here. Didn't even know women were different until I arrived here. First bit of fluff I invited back to my room, after picking 'her' up on Beach road, turned out to be a 'he'. Sent him packing. Thought I'd have another try. Went down Soi Diana and met the wife. Dear me.
  5. And what policies might they be Eric? Not allowing men, who say they are women, from competing in women's sport?
  6. I think POTUS Biden is a twerp. This is a vote loser for his party. Could have misread the auto-cue. That's the only thing I can think of for this nonsense.
  7. Could be right there CH. I think the move is to get more ex-footballers (and others sports) in the Lords, before the big call to dissolve it comes up. Then it can be argued that even footballers can earn their place in the Upper House.
  8. Orient well clear. Sending shivers down the spines of the league above's clubs. Interesting to note that 3 of the 4 clubs have graced the 'top flight' in recent times.
  9. You are not wrong there Andy. Peacocks could go down for sure. Last season they were in a similar position and escaped. Difficult to call at the bottom of the EPL. Cherries smashed Pool at the w/e. Can they build on that? The Saints keep looking as thought they are dead and burred, only to get the odd result. As for the Irons! Mid-table. On the upside; it can be an exciting season in the Championship if your club has a decent chance of promotion. My three to go down; Saints, Peacocks and - wait for it - Toffees!!! To be replaced by Clarets, Boro and Hatters. Gonna be great in the Championship next season; like it is right now.
  10. I think it's pretty obvious that this is simply a ploy or ruse to get Gary a knighthood. He already has an OBE, but the powers-that-be want him in the Lords.
  11. Don't think that's a realistic sign Owl. Obviously a disgruntled Iron's fan, who switched allegiance in days past; and regrets it. Now they can see the 'O's back on their way to the very top, while the Irons emotionally suffer from having left their famous old home; The Boleyn Ground (Upton Park).
  12. Monumental humbug Jonny. The BBC is the Conservative government's propaganda media. Under the disguise of impartiality and independence. It wasn't always that way, I'll grant you that . Did some good documentaries way back.
  13. Thanks for the compliment FIATOC. Weather around the world is changing at quite a rapid pace. Some 'experts' say that it is the sun. Others say it is humans causing the changes. I personally point the finger at Gary Lineker. Or Miss Greta. Cat numbers in Isaan never really get out of control. The dogs keep them in check. We had over 30 at the farm at one time. But that was during the time of the 'dog wagon'. That has long been discontinued; hence the acute rise in dog meat at some restaurants. Now the dogs are everywhere, and they roam about - sometimes in small packs - terrorizing cats and squirrels.
  14. AN have put a 70mb limit on uploads. Could only get one vid on. Post the other half of the Owl Log later today.
  15. According to the BBC world forecast. There is a 10% chance of rain in Udon province on Thursday night. Only this afternoon i was noting how poor the sugar was. Everything needs rain desperately.
  16. That is good news on the PP front. Now I'm thinking that I'll get Mildred's PP first. Mine can wait until later in the year. Those prices for the airfares are a fiddle. Pity Ryan Air can't do long haul. I think it's a mistake to diesturb the soil unless there is water. Just killing insects and the like.
  17. Yes indeed. Shows clouds and everything. But none over our area today. They could be wrong of course. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Only trust the BBC for footy results.
  18. Owl Log - 12-03-2023 - Sunday morning - part one Due to the new restrictions on size of uploads I've had to split today's Owl Log into two. A much more relaxed week compared to the last couple. M in L seems stable and no-one is panicking. Not been back to the hospital so getting up onto their roof for a bit more snapping will have to wait. My silly billy daughter Mildred thought that the last day of school was Thursday. Caught the bus as usual in the morning. Got a call a bit later to say that there were no classes. So it was off to Ban Dung to pick her up. What I did see when there was a fair few people at the KrungThai bank - opposite the hospital - waiting for it to open. vid bank.mp4 I'm not happy with the KTB, and will try to open another account with the bank in the small one-way soi; between the lady-boy massage shop and the barbers. The road-works on the 2022 are finished. What a great job too!! Street lighting; the lot. Can't wait to drive down at night and see them operational. And those lines"? So straight! Who owns that pick-up? What a brute! Dogs still can't leave stuff alone. Clothes, shoes or anything really. And of course there is always rivalry on who has the first and last bites. Is it worth sewing up? Saw a Tesla in Ban Dung about a week ago. First one I've seen here. The Mrs spotted it too. Put it on her wish list for 2023. The duck farm - just along from us - has a solar set up. Went and had a look. See if I could gather some info'. A bit of a jumble this farm. Discarded things everywhere. And there it was! And upstairs. I only want a system for pumping water into the ponds. Checked the head - in the deep well - yesterday, and it was just over 6 metres. Perfect. But I will try my vacuum free-water pump first. Have to get a metal drum in Ban Dung. Still not got the water flowing from pond 5 to pond 7. Water is desperately low. Maybe just one more day before the fish come to grief. The plastic pipe just wasn't up to the job. Got a PVC set-up in place now. Was missing a connector or two. Had to melt a plastic pipe to get a fit. Tried to bodge it, but no luck. Lit a small fire to melt the plastic. Nearly burnt the farm down. Fortunately Mildred was there, throwing water on the raging fire. Try again today. Last chance. Last day for Mildred on Friday. Got to the pick up place at the normal time, but the bus had gone early. Not the only one. Bus driver's wife did the biz by running the kids up to the 2022 to meet the bus. Mildred examining her nails. Footy round up. 'It was close until they got their second'. The Reds went on to score 7. How many times have United let in that many in their history? And as for the victors Liverpool. They visited Bournemouth yesterday full of hope. But, were humbled by the South Coast outfit. In the Champions League; Spurs go out. Chelsea go through. QPR end their losing run by beating Watford. The Owls win again. Unbeaten run now 22 matches. Banks O'Dee beaten at home by Buckie Thistle. World focus. BBC say 'sorry' over Lineker debacle. US bank failure. Silicon Valley Bank has inadequate liquidity and pending insolvency. Regulators in California have stepped in, and seized 177 billion of assets. Big action in Ukraine. Russia attacks energy infrastructure. The civil rights leader Malcome X's daughter says US authorities, "executed their plan to assassinate" her father. She has plans to sue the FBI, NYPD and the CIA. Senators in US are informed that China's TIcTok poses a lethal threat to Americans. Authorities in Berlin say that ladies can go topless in swimming pools. Big pussy problem down under. Killer cats creating terror among small mammals in parts of Australia. Thailand musings. Biometric recognisance - using facial and eye scans - soon needed for high-value transactions. Bank of Thailand announce. Banks must adopt these measures by June this year. An annual report has found that Thai prisons in 2022, are well below international standards. Department of Correction say reports of 'VIP sections' in prisons are untrue. A broken drill bit has been hurting a lady, after it was left in her leg after surgery. Someone at Saraburi Hospital left the tool inside her leg during surgery more than six years ago, A 14 year old girl was shot dead in front of a mosque in Pattani province TAT says over 6 million visitors will visit Thailand in 2023. In the Mae Chan district of Chiang Rai, police have seized 6,104,183 Yaba pills. 22 year old Khittiphot, a billionaire’s son, denies that he bit a woman's genitals. Child obesity! One in 10 Thai kids are clinically obese says the Department of Health (DOH). Siripaporn Nuanthakhamjan is world women's snooker champion. The cue-mistress potted the balls at the Hi-end Snooker Club to take the title. The mekongs are showing well. They have been in three different ponds, but the one they are in at present (pond 4), is very much to their liking it seems. Mildred off school until the first week in May. Plenty of chess and maths. "How do you find the area of a circle Dad?" "Just need pebbles dear. But marbles better." "That's what I told the teacher. But she looked befuddled." Every day I am picking up the rubbish along our soi. It is definitely having an effect on others. They have stopped throwing their garbage everywhere now. Cleanest soi section in the village. I said to Mrs Owl about getting every village house-hold to pay 'little leg lady' 20 baht each a month to keep the whole village free of trash. This little lady is under one metre tall, and her earning potential is limited. Mrs Owl said it was ''farang rubbish idea'.' A lot of my ideas are 'rubbish'. The Saturday morning 'Chess Club' never took off. Have a couple of roof-tiles misplaced. Have to sort it before any 'big rain' gets here. Still not put the stone down at the farm. So many distractions this year. Haven't been back to the bank. But!! Mrs Owl says she has paid the 2,800 baht. She borrowed the dosh and I've said I will not pay it back. Big event in the week at the wat. Vids in Owl Log part 2 later today. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  19. Hope you are right Gary. But I don't trust the BBC.
  20. I reckon most Rangers supporters would support Lineker. Also they mostly want independence. The two things go hand in hand.
  21. I think an IQ test. And - most importantly - the ability to speak 100 words; but not in counting. Also; why we are talking numbers. 100,00 sheets of paper, in just 40 boxes. That's 2500 sheets in each box (approximately). Those boxes are heavy.
  22. Culture! Yes, I'm with you on that Ivor. Illegal practices!! In Thailand? You'r havin a laff.
  23. Oh come now Ryan. Some farang use an accredited agent. They trust them to proceed in their best interest. Surely you are not suggesting that one should cross-examine an agent to establish where every baht of the fee goes.
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