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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Ah yes! They can get into girl's changing rooms, if they say they are female. A bit contentious! So! I've an idea, to stop any hanky-panky occurring. And stop any unnecessary fretting from worried fathers. If a man wants to be a woman, he has simply to say the words; ''I am now a woman/lady/girl.'' But, in my plan there would be strict conditions. Firstly; The proclamation only lasts for 69 days. Then they have to say it again. Secondly; they have to say it in front of a designated person; trained for this very thing. I'm thinking here of a BBC personality, or a priest perhaps. Thirdly; they have to wear a unique sticker on their forehead; with an incorporated bar-code. Then, with the correct equipment, officers from 'say' MI5, Special Branch or Met Police even, could simply scan the bar-code to ensure registration, and ensure they are in the appropriate data-bank. Then they are good to go. Safeguarding built in. Everyone a winner.
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 308 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 303 seconds  
  4. I'm not so clued up on the FDA as I once was. But unless they have changed to rules; this is what occurs. Only one member of a small final committee has to say 'no' and it can't be passed. Although the distributor can again apply in just a couple of months Now and again there is a committee member that puts a question-mark against a product. That is why the Thalidomide drug never went to the US. At least not officially. However some doctors in the system were given batches to use as an experiment. The member who stood firm against Big Pharma back then, and I suspect others, was a lady named Frances Kelsea. As I have said often enough on both AN and TT; the most important year of a child's life is the year before it is born. And the second most important year follows straight after. Vioxx was withdrawn from the US market, after it was established that it had devastating side effects. OofC settlement of 5 billion dollars US, was paid into a fund for the drug victims. None so blind as those who will not see.
  5. Really interesting book on world health, the 'advancement' of organised, funded medicine, diseases and vaccinations. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History. Paperback – July 27, 2013 by Suzanyne Humphries MD (Author), Roman Bystrianyk (Author) ''Not too long ago, lethal infections were feared in the Western world. Since that time, many countries have undergone a transformation from disease cesspools to much safer, healthier habitats. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. Is this really true though?'' Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions, were/are not responsible for the increase in lifespan, and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?”
  6. The 'second' world seem to be brave, honest and supporting their own people.
  7. = = = I got a lengthy AN 'holiday' for saying this a couple of years back. The use of adjuvants, is to create havoc within the body, and 'supposedly' more quickly encourage a body reaction, leading to an 'immune' response. It is seen as part of the vaxx protection/immune cycle. For many years it was mercury that was used. Gradually that nasty adjuvant turned to aluminum. It is thought by many that graphene oxide is a most common mRNA adjuvant. The reason for the change being, that the white-coats couldn't get the mRNA petri dish concoctions to remain stable using mercury or aluminum.
  8. Bit like choosing a Thai wife. Not a good idea to shop around after the deed. Especially early on. Best to check out the options first. Can she make a nice cup of Rosy? Could she tell you all the EPL champions? Does she reach for a machete when she gets angry? Does she understand the rules of cricket; or at least be willing to learn them? Can she swim? I have 2.6k baht locked into my Lazada wallet for over two years. Can't access it.
  9. Was Ms McBean well ahead of her time? Or was she simply applying the rules of nature? Either way she is pretty much on the money. What exactly is a virus? electron microscopy shows it to be a two dimensional dot. Indistinguishable from many other images of cell and tissue breakdown entities. And what does it do? Has it actually got a function? Does it enable the removal of dead tissue and cells from the body? Perhaps a billion cells decay, die, and are expelled from the body every day. To be replaced by new; and who does that? Ourselves!
  10. Why on earth would people keep taking boosters? So OK. they had the first jab. But to keep being fooled is against common sense. Virtually every one in the UK knows someone who has been hurt by the jabs. When will the penny drop with some people? Dr D Cahill reckons that anyone who took a hot** mRNA jab will have big problems inside 5 years. ** a real jab. Not a placebo. www.howbadismybatch.com
  11. It is sad to see an adult in agony after a jab. It it even sadder when an adult passes away leaving a loved ones behind to pick up the pieces. But the saddest of all is to see a youngster hurt and even killed by these vaxxes. I have expressed my opinion often enough on this platform and on the sister platform TT. If a free-thinking adult believes the medical white-coats, and has the shot then that's down to them. But keep them away from kids. From what I understand, there are plans to have a dual flu and covid jab starting next year. A once a year shot. Not yet heard the lower age limit on it. What could possibly go wrong? To stop all this, the whole medical house of cards has to be brought down. Nature has all the answers we seek. Why these white-coats want to alter it, and try to improve it, is, quite frankly, beyond me. Money perhaps? Big pharma profits? Of course the above is my opinion.
  12. Ain't he got involved in some F1 stuff. What a let down.
  13. Wow! You certainly came at me strong there Brewster. Don't want to write a long essay, so let's just take the first two for starters. Polio is a neuro-muscular complaint caused by toxicity. It's thought that the main culprit was DDT. But there are others; even now. Polio is not transmissible. Measles is the symptoms of the body doing a serious detox. Poor food, unclean water and an unhealthy environment generally are the causes. Nature has the answers we seek, We must not take it for granted. After all. we need it to sustain life on Earth.
  14. Really! Been watching the BBC or CNN by any chance Brewster?
  15. What jabs are good for our children Brewster? Please tell. Most of the past jabs were rolled out well after the disease had past. If you become a disciple of nature - you already are part of it - you would understand that it has all the answers we seek. Consider a big strong oak tree. Wasn't born in a petri dish was it? And while we are about it. Try to find one image of a virus. Come on bro. Let's debate.
  16. What ground? Seems like it could it have been at Molineux then Champs
  17. Can't have an opinion that differs from yours eh Brewster? Can't debate, cause you would surely lose. So! Hint, hint towards admin. Under an electron microscope, a 'virus' is indistinguishable from some other decaying parts of the cell. When the cells breaks down, it is expelled from the body. The body is not stupid. It don't do things for nothing. The different parts of the decaying cells, and tissue, are coated, packaged and eliminated; mostly through breathing. What part do viruses play in this particular part of the replenishing cycle? There are as many as one billion cells being gotten rid of each day. They are - in a healthy body - renewed. It's an on-going process. Who says I'm anti-jab. I've had 20 this year. Just hope she don't discover the right cross or left hook.
  18. Giving ANYvaxxes to children is simply madness. There are moves underway to give chicken pox jabs to 12 month olds. What!!?? What is the point of any jab? To protect from a virus that has never been shown to exist, let alone cause harm? The whole big pharma medical, WHO house of cards needs to be collapsed. Nature has all the answers we seek. This post is my opinion. Although built upon decades of research. Anyone disagreeing can do their own and find their truths. Let's debate.
  19. Is the climate changing? Remember 1963? The first snow fell overnight in London and hung about for over 2 months. I can remember doing my week end paper-round. Took me about 4 hours to deliver 60 papers. And the worst winter for 200 (so we were told) smashed the footy fixtures to bits. There were bad winters before, and since, but that season was the worst. Snow or ice; the game must go on if at all possible. Baggies v Villa. Unknown match. Looks a bit like Spurs. Anyone? Can't let a drop of snow stop a Liverpool match. Pitch inspection at White Hart Lane. Spurs v Peacocks. Perhaps the biggest advancement in English football since the formation of the EPL, is the improvement in pitches. A good head-groundsman nowadays is worth his weight in,,, well snow. Very few professional games are now postponed because of the weather. Usually down to water-logging if they are. Can't recall the last one to be abandoned. Hold on there. Would that be at Old Trafford in 2016? Bomb in a suitcase scare. Last match of the season. Don't think that one got started though.
  20. I do not agree with this paragraph one little bit. There are a number of points, that not only don't I agree with, but I consider very much to be unproven. Is 'COVID' actually anything other than a computer generated string of data? Upon which, everything else seems to hang. IMO, entities, that white-coats call viruses, are/were created in petri dishes, and then without any isolation whatsoever, characterised and sequenced by computer programmess. Electron microscopy shows cell and tissue debris that has been labeled 'viruses'. At the present time, these entities or viruses are indistinguishable form other cell debris. Cells decay and die continually in out bodies. They are replaced by new. And guess where they come from? Our bodies manufacture and grow them. Now a couple of points. IMO, a virus aids the elimination of the unwanted cells from the body. Without viruses, the elimination of decaying and dead tissue, might not be so easily done. Can a virus live in a healthy cell. or are they only evident when the cell decays and dies? And could it be that the dreaded virus, during its life-span, is actually an important factor of good health? The above post is my opinion. Albeit built on years of research. Members are encouraged to do their own, and find their own truths.
  21. I had a lovely massage in Pattaya. It made me feel like an 18 year old. So I went down Beach Road and got one.
  22. You could be right. But he was bringing it in for me.
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