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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Best not to employ women. Keep them looking after babies and grafting in the kitchen where they belong.
  2. I see the frog. Took me 23.69 seconds to spot it. In between the white and brown stones.
  3. "Now Paddy. Answer this one, and the £1m jackpot is yours." "Which of these birds does not live in a nest?" A) Thrush, B) Kestrel, C) Blue Tit, D) Cuckoo." "That's a tough one. I don't know." "You have one life-line left. Would you like to phone a friend?" "Yes. I'd like to call Murphy," Murphy is phoned and is told the question and possible answers. "It's D, a cuckoo." Murphy says immediately and with great conviction. "I'll go with that. It's D Cuckoo." "You had half-a-million, and now you have 1 million." The next day, Paddy went round to see Murphy. "Murphy, how did you know that cuckoos don't live in a nest?" "That's the easiest question Paddy. Everyone knows cuckoos live in clocks!"
  4. Can't say that this is what I see. I'm in a very rural area, and the amount of rice that was harvested this year by machine is possibly 5% at most. Much of the yearly wage, for many people, comes from their neighbours, and those neighbours themselves rely of their neighbour's employment. It's a merry-go-round. The daily rate has more than doubled in the last 10 years; having gradually crept up from 150 baht a day to 350 baht a day (present rate). If the daily rate goes up to 600 baht, then the money has to come from somewhere. And that 'somewhere' is the unit cost of what is being harvested; be it rice, sugar, cassava etc. Then the money comes back when the commodity is sold. Generally, the rice is sold, all bar that which is required for the family table for the rest of the year.
  5. Thanks for that Rick. I'll be popping along there no doubt. There was another place that I don't know what happened to. The Bookhouse. I would play chess there on a Saturday. That was many moons ago though. Mildred was just a tiddler then.
  6. Sex with a lady who is refereed to - or later refereed to - as a person of 'feeble mind' was a crime. The evidence is below Lou. The original Irish Act of 1871 (forced upon them by the English). The 1935 Criminal Law Amendment Act. The 1993 Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act. Section 5 of this act refers to sex with a person of feeble mind, or that person having sex with another. I hope that it's clear now Lou.
  7. Shame you are not interested Lou. I've provided you with evidence, and three actual Acts that you can go to for info'. The original Irish Act of 1871 (forced upon them by the English I should add). The 1935 Criminal Law Amendment Act. And the 1993 Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act. Section 5 of this act refers to sex with a person of feeble mind, or that person having sex with another. It is shame on the Irish authorities of old - and not so old - that allowed the abuse of females in this way, referred to them as having a feeble mind. This was the umbrella term for names like idiots, lunatics, retards, imbeciles, spastics, mongoloid etc. Once the girl had been labelled thus, it was easy to lock them away, and in many instances take away their babies. In the vast majority of cases these girls were just normal girls from poor families who had been abused.
  8. Unless I'm mistaken it is, even now, illegal to have sex with a lady of 'feeble mind', and for the lady to have sex. Of course guys can be of feeble mind also. But the original Irish Act of 1871 was primarily aimed at females. Have a look at the 1871 Act Lou. Not an easy read, but seeing as you are interested, then go to it. There are amendments planned, at the present, to repeal aspects of 'Sexual Offences and Capacity To Consent.' I can keep you informed of any developments Lou.
  9. Just normal sex Lou. In days past, if a churchman told the police that a young girl was having sex, they would probably arrest her. At court, if a churchman, or a doctor, said that the girl was of 'feeble mind', she would be sent to an institution., Some girls sentenced in their teens were held in these 'houses of sexual correction' until they were in their 40s. What constituted feeble mind, in days past, was a moot point. If a clergyman was rejected by a young girl, there was often revenge. And the simple threat of the law was enough to make many girls comply. This alone has been put forward as a significant reason why so many Irish girls had babies out of wed-lock. The sex law came into effect in 1871. It was amended in 1935, and again in 1993. However the 'feeble minded' law is still in effect. It should be noted that the catholic church once had great sway in Ireland. It still does; but to a lesser extent now. Now courts are more likely to absorb the 'evidence' of a psychiatrist than a clergyman. However, if a girl is thought to be having sex, and is judged to be of 'feeble mind' she can still be sentenced to be institutionalised.
  10. It's old but still worth a life. Many different versions. There was a new catholic lass at St Plods, who thought babies came from the almighty. But it wasn't Jesus's dad who took off her nightie, It was bell-ringer Roger; the sod.
  11. The shepherds washed their socks at night All seated round a tub, A bar of 'Sunlight soap' shone down, And they began to scrub.
  12. Ah yes!! It wasn't so long ago that sex was illegal in Ireland, unless you were intending to make a baby that is. Things have moved on just a little in that country. But back to Thailand; Pattaya particularly. Next time keep the windows shut and give that lady some somtam to eat while she's working.
  13. Thanks for that Hank. My phone is just a text and call one. Steer clear of anything 'smart' due to the control and tracking. I have a nice stash of golden stuff. Always looking for offers on the www. Buy one; get one free. That sort of thing. There was also a special from west Africa a while back. One kilo of pure gold at half price. Delivery free too. And also from OZ; gold dust. This guy was getting gold from old computers. That was also cheap.
  14. I don't mind Exeter at all. They are one of the few clubs in the 4 divisions that are owned and run by the fans. Manchester United supporters missed out on being able to buy the club. It was on offer for 12 million a while back. Should have put their money where their mouths were. Derby are in the same place now. A few thousand supporters putting their hands in their pocket would secure their beloved club's future. Make you right about the kneeling. Where is a Stan Cullis when he's needed?
  15. Thailand 6 - Burma 0 I'll have a tickle on the Thais for the 2026 World Cup. Easy money.
  16. That sounds like a very good idea. I don't like Google Chrome as a rule. I use Firefox. I've been buying gold online. But if this shop does good deals, I'll use them.
  17. I visited the www. Is there an English version? Can't easily see it on their site. My Thai is not so good. I don't like to ask the site, and copying everything into 'Translate' is long-winded.
  18. The problem with safes is that robbers know they contain valuables. Better to get a dummy safe and hide the gold and cash in a clothes drawer. Ok! So you will lose the safe. A decent dummy one only costs a few thousand baht.
  19. Three friends were in the bar talking about their wives. My wife is so fat she just stays in the kitchen all day eating. Well, my wife is so fat she cannot get up to go into the kitchen. What about your wife bud? Well, my wife is so fat she sits around the house.
  20. That left eye of mine is so sore. Made a patch, so as not to stress it. Went and had a lie down. Mildred wondered where I was and took a quick snap. I'll keep it on for a day or two.
  21. Owl Log - 11-12-2022 - Sunday morning The wife's brother Oodd, has moved to the village from Chaiapoom. I think his wife kicked him out for being useless. He has moved into the MinLs; just 40 metres away. He was last in the village as a monk a couple of years back. He started like a whirlwind, cutting down trees and generally getting things in order. Not keen on picking up rubbish though. His exuberance showed yesterday. Looks like he has spiked a water pipe. Had a look at the Buddha project. Looking good, except for the walkway. Has the tree been put in place to deter farangs from walking out there and taking pics? Or has it just fallen. I didn't go any further. Went to Ban Dung twice in the week. On Wednesday Mildred called me around 12ish, and said she had finished school for the day. A big teacher's meeting in the afternoon, I was told. Just me and Mildred; no wife. Took the opportunity to have a look round and get some nice pics. Couldn't resist viewing these two beauties. Someone is maintaining this bush outside their house. Just great. Not all beauty though. This could be beyond repair!! Real shame. Must be a story there. Activity at the Ban Dung footy pitch. Grass cutting in progress. Chopping more soil than grass. vid footy cut grass.mp4 Back at the village, Young took a couple of logs home. The twins and their cousin holding on. Rice is all gathered in. Took the last sacks to the farm rice store. That's it. Sixty six sacks. Had to fix a little hole. Can't give those rats any edge. Mildred got her haircut. Girl about town. I offered to cut it for her, but she wasn't so keen on that. And her latest art-piece. Called 'Aunt Sally'. She must have been watching Worzal Gumage on her tippy tappy. Did our weekly shop on Friday. The cat-food in Big C is an absolute joke. All the flavours that the cats really like are gone. They will not touch the new 'Tuna in jelly'. As I type they are me-owing for attention, even though there is food in the trays. I think it's all a ruse to put a cheaper food in the tins. The days of fish and shrimp might have ended. I've suggested to Mrs Owl that she can make some food for them. "Get a chicken in Big C for 129 baht. Take the chicken off the bone. Shred it. Mix it with a few cornflakes and there you have it. Enough to last the cats for a few days. What you say teerak?" "Farang stupid. I not like cats. Waste food." That's another good idea buried. I'd do it myself, but I don't like going into the kitchen. On the way out of Big C I noticed a special Toyota Yaris. I had a 'Yaris T Sport' back in the day, but this one was special. An 'E' Yaris. The first one I've seen in Ban Dung. In fact the first leccy car I've seen anywhere in Thailand. Some people visited us in the week. Music and a dancing girl. Couldn't make out what it was all about. The Mrs told me to give them a sack of rice. She explained that they were helping the poor people. Thought that's what Buddhas were for. Anyway they got the rice and moved on down the soi. vid old lady dancing.mp4 Gave them the rice and they were off. A bit of chili drying. Highlight of the week was the village school marching through the village. vid village school00.mp4 The week never went as planned. Didn't get the trip to Udon done. Didn't get the stone to sort out our road round the farm. Perhaps this week. But Pook wants to borrow 20k baht so I'm a bit short of readies this month. Get it back in a couple of weeks she said. So the stone might have to wait. Perhaps next year for the road fix. Footy round up. Well done Morocco. 100-1 just two games ago. I fancy them to beat the Argies in the final. Had my wallet stolen in Tangiers a long time ago. Don't hold bad feeling for them. Good to see the back of Portugal and Ronaldo. England undone by penalties again. The Owls get a point at Exeter. Orient's game at Crewe postponed due to a frozen pitch. In my day a frozen pitch was relief from playing in mud. Would focus. Nothing much going on. Andrew Bridgen put Richie Rich on the spot in the UK Parliament. Asking about jabs and the compromised MHRA (Medicines And Health Products Regulatory Agency). Muskie unloading truth-bombs on Twitter. The dollar losing value fast. Came across an interesting www. Thinking of signing up. https://humanmeatproject.com When I went to pick Mildred up in the week, I visited the ATM to get a bit of dosh. Card rejected? Phoned up the help-line when I got back to the village. Must go to a bank they said. Went on Friday afternoon. It's turned out that I am too old for the card. Although it has another 12 months to run, I had to get another one. 500 baht!!!!! Also, the old card insurance had been cancelled. It can be a tough world out there for us elderly farangs. But at least we are not freezing to death in Europe. When we were outside I asked the wife if it was for all, or just for farangs. "You fault. You too old for old card. Must have new." Mildred off school again tomorrow. That's two Mondays running. I'm not unhappy about it though. Don't even know what they learn at the school. I showed Mrs Owl the long hair on me arm. She took hold of it, and pulled it out. I have another that I've not shown her. Pic next week. Brings me onto the urine challenge. I've had a sore left eye for a couple of days. Am I doing something wrong? I've emailed Amandha about it. No reply yet. Pook came over and the Mrs gave her a plastic bag full of hand-bags. Out with the hand-bags and in with sandals. Ordered another three pair on Lazada. Should be with us today or tomorrow. There is another dog at the farm. That's three. Mildred asked Bella about it. They have called the new one 'Milo'. Don't know where she came from. Nice little dog all the same. The light in the bathroom has gone kaput. Fortunately I bought a plug-in LED lead a while back. Thank to the thread's posters. Works OK. No rain for a month now. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  22. I'm not normally drawn to 'gold shares'. But the PMC ounce got me thinking. In the US the metal mix can be delivered to you at your door. But here in Thailand?! Is there any advantage to buying gold on the internet? It can be cheaper, but there is no relationship of good will being built up between a shop and yourself. I'm not talking chains and rings etc; but gold bars. Would a shop buy a piece that was bought on the internet? For me the beauty of holding gold is that of safeguarding. If the US dollar crashes - which many annalists think is inevitable - it is predicted that most of the world's currencies will go the same way. Then gold in small amounts will be a saviour.
  23. Interesting debate this. Since the beginning of this year I've been adding a gram every month, The reason that I've started this year and not in the previous 14 years I've been here, is simply the uncertainty of world events. If there is a serious escalation of the Ukraine conflict (as eg), worldwide investment money, would get out of currencies and into assets that would be considered to hold their own in a world crash. Imagine the situation if we were unable to transfer money to Thailand or even get baht out of an ATM! The humble gram of gold would allow purchases to be made and work to be done. Not so popular in Thailand is silver. Although bars of silver are now a decent buy to hold; and will be even more so in the future, they are not as transferable in everyday living. So for me it's small blobs of gold.
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