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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Anyone who gets their kicks out of killing beautiful animals for fun is a 'retard' in my book. And those NZ lads are right up there. Plenty of them in the world. My ex-country has many. So I'm not just taking about those down-under nitwits.
  2. Good for you Lacessit. But if you only have an ounce and you want to buy a toothbrush; there is then a dilemma. I like silver. Can get a big lump of it for next to nothing. But the same situation arises if you want a small item, like a pair of flip-flops, how do you proceed? Take a saw with you; and a set of scales? I'm now thinking that a chain might be the way to go. Simply cut a link off, with a pair of nips, when you want to buy something at the market. I don't own a smart-phone. Mine does simple texts and calls. Don't understand the big flat ones.
  3. If it comes in, and the people don't like it, they can vote the gov' out. Buy gold. Not those great big heavy necklaces, but one gram lumps.
  4. I have not heard of this chap. I will take a look thought. That fickle substance; rain. Our area is not blessed with much. All I have seen with the footy, is the England goals against Iran. Went to Ban Dung today and inquired about the True exposure. To watch any, I had to upgrade, and pay another 300 baht a month. I'll keep trying to get a watch on the www, but it seems it's sewed up. Years ago I used Fox Sports. But that's a no-go. Best bet, I reckon, is a VPN, routed to England. Watch it on my beloved BBC.????‍♂️ More important things for me in life than watch the WC. Even though it's one of my favourite sports, along with swimming and chess. Some shocks already. I see that Wales lost today. 15 minutes of 'injury time'!? Darts start up soon.
  5. Carry on like this and the beautiful carp will be extinct. The carp in the photo are not kois in the true sense of the word, but a colour variety of the common carp. And as a side-issue, they are all commons rather than leathers or mirrors. The NZanders should start learning how to cook them. Like the Poles and some jewish groups.
  6. Sad to know that some OZ people have such a strange view of anything, or anybody, that is not related to a convict. There is just a handful of people sharing a vast expanse of land, and they still disrespect the animals. They shoot the roos, slaughter the carp and the crocs get a very raw deal. And it's not as though they need the room. Good job they are respectful of the Aboes. In saying all this, I have relatives living there, who have been there for yonks. Who doesn't? I don't bother with them now after the last couple of years. Very stubborn lot they are. Couldn't see it my way over C-19. Was gonna get some barrimundi fry a few years ago. With the droughts of recent years I'm glad I didn't. Although they are a quite hardy fish, they still need water.
  7. Very sad to see these beautiful fish being slaughtered like this. In some countries they are a delicacy on the dining table. If they ate them there would be an excuse for this wanton slaughter. Hope NZ you get smashed in the World Cup.
  8. You are not wrong there fellow Owl. As well as improving my condition, it has given me clarity of thought. And is helping me unravel the secrets of football prediction. Had a decent result last week end. Yes! I've almost cracked it.
  9. I'm sure OZ values its wildlife. The bin-chicken and smelly toad get a free reign. Unlike some retards in New Zealand who go hunting for kois with a bow and arrow. They call it 'bow fishing'. I was in conversation with some of these 'real men' a few years ago, and they told me they were looking after the environment. Sounds like cruelty to me. How can anyone harm such beautiful creatures? It rained in some parts yesterday and last night. Not in our parts however. Just unlucky I guess.
  10. A tiny drop of rain last night. Maybe enough to stop a game of cricket; but not in Dagenham, where we would be fishing at The Chase and certainly not dressed up in white clothing, prancing about with a little ball. We would be in camouflaged attire; using skill and tactics, to snare 'Big Bill' or 'Scarface', Don't know about you voyeurs on this thread, but I'm fed up with being told what 'real men' are, or what 'real men' should be doing. It all started going downhill for me when Henry, one of England's greats, went on TV and splashed it on all over. I just had to go to the Roundhouse and drown my sorrows. Then we had that David bloke prancing about in his wife's panties; allegedly. Oh, he is so much in touch with his feminine side. I cringed at the way things were going. so more trips to the Roundhouse. But recently it has gotten much more serious. We have a cream that you put on ya skin to smell nice; to attract women!! !Smell nice!!!!??? What happened to the days when a good whack over the head, with a stout club, could get any woman into ya bed? Of course we never whacked our ladies in Dagenham. We simply promised them a ride in our Cortina. Now, there is this LED light that is strapped onto the forehead of 'real men'. Good for searching out those wayward ladies in the wood, at the back of the Without Hope pub, on a Saturday night. And it has an anti-mozzie, 'red mode'. Those mozzies will be sick as pigs, when Global Warming really kicks in. and it's warm enough to invade Kent. That 'red mode' will certainly fool them in the Dover area, where this head-band will mostly be used. In Dagenham Dock the mozzies will just have to be content with a slap. They have paraffin lamps there don't ya know. Things are bad enough, without getting the shock of my young life this morning. It must have been a David Beckham type who wrote that the largest ever 'goldfish' had been caught in Champagne, France. Most of this ilk, think that this area is only good for that stuff that 'real men' are now drinking. Not because they can't afford beer in their local, No! Another way but to impress those ladies, along with the smells the lights, and the wife's panties. "Hello luv. I'm not wearing my last conquest's panties. What would ya rather have? A fast ride in me motor, or a night fishing at The Chase?" The true Dagenham way. But I am getting side-tracked. Real men do not go fishing for goldfish!! We brave the elements to temp that most majestic and crafty of fishes; the carp. Well done Andy. A real man in the true sense of the word. Weighed in at 30 kilos. Andy returned it safely after showing the camera what real men can do.
  11. Didn't The Don get banned from Twitter because he said there were fishy things about the elections? Something that Obama agreed with. Didn't see him getting cancelled.
  12. She was watching some Thai dancing. I tried to get her to relent. Talked all sweet to her. Told her that her hair didn't smell. But no use. Tried to watch it on the www. Only commentary available. Roll on Wales and USA.
  13. No! Mrs Owl says I can't watch the TV. But I am listening to it on Sammy SK football on the www. 5-1 now.
  14. Fixing up the rice-store. We expect around 60 bags of rice to arrive during this month, so I had to get the store in order. There was a problem with mice and rats, and I decided to put a wire mesh right across the floor, and to reinforce the edges, where the rats could get in. I enlisted Soo to help. He is always willing and anyway it's good to keep the close neighbours sweet. Put the mesh down a week ago. Mesh was a bit smaller gauge than before. Got a bit extra done too. Called into Daisha in Ban Dung on Friday afternoon. They have beautiful flowers outside. I was after two sheets of 3mm ply. No sweat, they had plenty; just 130 baht an 8 x 4 sheet. Took them to farm on Saturday. Mrs Owl simply had to position them in the store. I went over to help get the rice. Bella helped. 22 sacks in all. This batch was all Thai rice. About 50/50 Thai rice to Isaan (sticky) rice expected.
  15. Thanks for the nice words Bannork. I try to keep true to the title of the thread if possible. What would I write in a diary every day? So, sometimes it's little things that would get a mention. Like fixing a rail in the kitchen, or worrying about not having enough cat food. Life in Isaan can be a challenge. I've given up trying to understand it. For me now, it's simply an adaptation process. Often, that's a line of least resistance. Other farang here see it differently, and I enjoy exploring their experiences and inputs.. With the 'footy round-up', and 'world focus'; that's really about my past-times. Reading about what is happening, not just about Isaan or Thailand generally. but further afield. In saying that, my problems (holidays) have mostly come about because I've gone against the western narrative that prevails I've learnt my lesson now, and as I'm getting older, I'm keeping my typing fingers more under control. It's that middle finger on my right hand that causes so much grief. Ah yes! Chickens. Every day. when I go to the farm, I feed them. They are not ours, but when they see me with a bucket they come running, and it makes me feel good. As well as that, we may be the dominant species, but take away our weapons, and chickens might take over.; or cats! My style of writing could best be described as 'dry and bouncy'. And as long as members enjoy it, and respond with a post or two, I'll keep it going.
  16. Of course they are both different. But which one is more accurate?
  17. What is hate speech? There are laws against saying things in all countries. But could they be considered 'hate speech'?
  18. So, if that's the case, maybe better to try to see a pattern, before twisting and turning. I've not counted, but I reckon I do at least 200 moves. With that many moves to do, I'll never be a speed champion. But I think 3 minutes is good. And of course the way to a bit of fluff's bed is by solving her cube. Not that I'm interested in that. But some of these Isaan girls look up to men who they perceive to have superior intellect. And lots of money naturally. As my mate said; '''when we met she didn't care how slow I was to go to the ATM, as long as I could do her cube quickly. After we got married those two things changed places'''.
  19. Well. congrats are in order. Please tell her happy birthday. And send her this little something. A hard copy would be better; or even a real one. But never mind. Just to remind her how lucky she is to have you.
  20. TBH HP, I sometimes read back a couple of years. Some of the old posters are not on-line now. At least not on Aseannow. AT tragically died. Regular previous posters like Odyssey and Blue Sofa are no longer about. Thanks must go to Voulez Vous, who once ditched his latest bit of French skirt to help me out on one of my many holidays. And it's worth mentioning that the tread started before C-19 arrived. Interesting to see how it was coped with by the locals.
  21. I've just noticed that a couple of days ago was this topic's third birthday. Many thanks to the dozens of posters down the years that have kept the thread going. And especially the current contributors. Without your input I'd have stopped yonks ago.
  22. I'm with you part-way there Andy. I'm not keen on eating the actual feet. Although the Thais like them. I don't eat beef at all. But some pig fat - again, as long as the piggies have had a natural life - is very good for the body.
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