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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I remember you in that wheelchair Andy. Trailblazer!!
  2. Absolutely wonderful. A variety of cheeses washed down with a big glass of single malt. What a dream! Heaven on earth. I've never been to Scotland. But when they gain their independence, I'll go and visit them, if I ever return to England that is. I'll also go to Aberdeen to watch my two favourite footy clubs; Cove and Banks O'Dee (both won at the w/e).
  3. You are right there Andy. Would impress the neighbours so much. And the Mrs would be all over it. I've just looked it up and it was under Keegan, that England changed from Red and white, to Red, white and blue. There shouldn't be any blue in the strip - except on the badge - ever; IMO. Andy, you can probably recall those days when The Peacocks (Leeds Utd) played in yellow and blue. Was it not Don Revie that brought in the all-white strip?
  4. That's interesting Gerry. You grew 8 inches after turning 18! Lindsey Davenport was over 6 foot tall. As we would say in Dagenham; a slow starter but a strong finisher. As regular visitors to this thread will know; I'm getting taller. Our bathroom door-frame (top bit) is 6ft 3inches above the tiled floor. For years I could walk into the bathroom without problems At the beginning of the year I started hitting my head on the frame. I first put this down to a change of diet. But now I'm thinking that it is the beer that was stopping me growing for all those years. My new year's resolution was to stop drinking beer and just stick with my reishi home-made wine; laced with Lao Khao. That must be it.
  5. Yes! Yes! And even more yes! Give it to me. There was a shop in Udon that did cheese, and other farang delicatseez, like Marmite and Bovril. But it moved from the Aundulet Road over to near Nong Bua. Never found it again. That great English icon, Cliff Richard, went on a cheese only diet way back. Kept it up for 12 months. Didn't do him too much harm.
  6. The footy. Just have to comment. Not on the Spain, Germany draw, which really means that they will both go through. No! It's the England shirts. There is me all tarted up in me proper Three Lions shirt and the players are prancing about in anything but. Where is the red of England? At least they got the Three Lions right; and on the shorts too. Where does all this blue come from? OK, I hear you, Wales play in red also. So why not all white like Leeds, but with a red cross. Seem to recall a shirt like that yonks ago. All this blue is just an insult to us proper English.
  7. I have a 700 baht a month package with True. I can't see the footy. Inquired on Friday in Big C, and I was told that I'd have to upgrade to some other package or other for just another 299 baht. I'll settle for a live commentary and catch-ups. Hope Thailand get knocked out next match.
  8. It all looks fantastic Lacessit. But I couldn't trust Mrs Owl to get the ingredients in the right proportions. Or even cook it proper. In my defence; the bread is brown and stale. When it's getting to the end of the pack, the Mrs puts the last few slices out in the sun just for me dunking habit. Very thoughtful in some ways she is. Cheese. The main reason why the Dutch are so big and healthy. Not ate a lump of cheese since September 2019, when me daughter brought a kilo of cheddar over from England, when she visited.
  9. Maybe it's my age, but I do get confused with some Thai names. The twins just round the corner are named; Nadile and Nadene. Can't tell who is who with those two, especially as they are dressed in the same clobber. And next door there is Song and Sang. At the corner shop there is Sai and Guy. And the most confusing is Mrs Owl's brother Pee App and Pook's hubby BeeApp.
  10. That looks fantastic Lacessit. I'm converted! Where's those cucumbers Mrs Owl? I forgot to say; sometimes I have stale brown bread to dunk into my chicken-foot soup.
  11. I'm gonna just have chicken-foot soup every meal from now on.
  12. Owl Log - 27-11-2022 - Sunday evening A bit late getting started today due to helping down the village; another death. Lady of 67. Didn't know the lady who passed away. Mrs Owl did a bit of running about. But not the involvement like last time. I'm sure that funeral premium will jump up again. Someone translated the letter for me. The World Cup is in full glory. Got out my old England shirt. I'll not take it off until we are knocked out or, more likely, lift the trophy. Ginger, the cat, likes it too. Only get it out for those special occasions. A bit of activity in the downtown part of the village. Vid soil truck1.mp4 This was about a week ago, vid soil truck3.mp4 Popped along to see what had occurred. Not a lot as it turned out. Must be waiting for rice money to start the build. Are they gonna lift up the house? Blocks ready. Some of the local children were teasing me. They don't often see a farang in their parts. Very scary!! Mildred saw a cube in Lazada that was so fast it holds the world speed record at 20 seconds. So had to get one. And fast it is. A stall in Big C is selling cubes now. A bit pricey at 100 baht, but good quality. We have enough!! Not managed to better my time of 3 mins 26 secs. And right out of the blue, this afternoon, a book delivery. Not bad! Ordered it on 27th of October last. So that's 30 days. Can't complain about that. Sunday delivery too. Still no sign of my other two; Richard Dawkins and Alfred Wallace. One of the farms next to us has dozens of birds. Mildred asked the farmer how many ducks he had. 120!! He told her. And chickens? Too many to count. Seemed like more ducks to me than chickens. Three dogs and just the one cat. That's six people died this year. But with a population of about 800, I guess it's about right. Must try to get myself registered with the funeral service team. Anyone watching the US mid-term results? Worse than watching paint dry. Even the BBC have taken their results page away. Last score was 50-49 to the Dem's in the Senate and 213-222 to the Rep's in the house. Footy round-up. It's all about the World Cup. Some shocks. Be good to see the Argies and Germans knocked out in the groups. Who will join England out of their group? Looks like Iran! That Ronaldo dive!! Dear me. What a masterpiece! No wink that I could see though. Biggie tonight; Spain vs Germany. World focus. Rumour has it, that the US have HIMARS hidden in the Wast Stand. If things don't go their way when they play Iran on Tuesday; out they will come. Don't believe it myself. Americans don't strike me as being bad losers. Mildred has not been well in the last couple of days. Bit of a cough. Been going to school though. Keeping up with my diet. Cereal, with dried fruit, in the morning. Chicken and rice about 2ish. chicken foot soup in the evening. And the urine challenge is now in it's fourth week. Have to trim my eyebrows again later. Democrats going ape about Muskie. 'Free speech is tantamount to murder', one said on CNN. Anyone seen the Stew Peter's documentary 'Sudden Death'? Very frightening! Big news is that the High Speed train going from Nong Khai to Bangkok will start soon. Well the construction of the tracks. Seem to remember Mrs Owl going to a meeting about this ten years ago. But this time it's certain to be a goer. Why the optimism? Because the Lao section will be completed very soon. Be able to go from Wuhan to BKK in just 3 hours. Can't wait. A few drops of rain in the last couple of days. Plenty in Khorat it seems. Udon had a shower or two. Leccy bill was not so much this month. I pay for ours and the M in Ls. Got change out of 2k baht. Impressed to see that Big C will now take the money with just a mobile number. as proof of payer. Nearly all the rice is in now. Have to pick up some sacks after the poor lady gets laid to rest tomorrow. Should have been today but Mrs Owl said to wait. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  13. I think it is because carp are a bottom feeder, constantly taking in gulps of the bottom mud and plant debris, they are known to be 'earthy' in taste. It is best to purge them for 48 hours in fresh water. Then they are delicious; I'm told. Of course this 'bottom feeding' trait of the common carp, is what makes them unpopular in some parts. Mostly in the areas of the old English empire. North Americans are not keen on them. Nor the down-unders. They discolour the water and force other fish, that are generally tiddlers in comparison, into an adapt or die mode. If these people, who are so willing to to kill them for fun, were to start keeping them as pets, they wouldn't be so beastly towards them.
  14. Good to see you got the he/she pronouns correct. As far as I'm aware 'B' as in Book is interchangeable with 'P' as in Pook.
  15. I'm awaiting the delivery of three books; ordered from Book Depository. One was ordered in 2021. Would this crew be of any use?
  16. A word that has almost been forgotten. 'Bartering.' Back to the future.
  17. 'Knock knock.' "Who's there?" "Egbert!" "Egbert?" "Egbert, but no bacon."
  18. What about out in the boonies? Isn't all this stuff dependent upon there being electricity? What if there is no wifi or www. Satellite phones? 'The times they are a'changing'.
  19. Bang on the money there Lacessit. My phone gets a few laughs when I take it to the phone shop to put some dosh in. And just like yourself, I have an old discarded flat-phone for pics and vids. Gives remarkably good pic quality, but only when it's really bright.
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