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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I was an expert on wines a few years back. People would come to me for advice and to learn. Sadly, I've forgotten most of the little knowledge I did have. Just get the juice and mix it with a decent alcohol of choice. So easy. This fermenting stuff is a waste of time for me. I can still recall me mum, being woken up in the night by my bottle of banana wine exploding at 3 in the morning. She told me to clean it up next day. All over the ceiling and walls.
  2. Right you are GammaGlobulin. I am informed. What about buffalo and buffaloe?
  3. Bang on the money there EVENKEEL. The world can't get enough of the US.
  4. I think the '10 gallon hat' came about as a way of measuring oil. Which is what Texas is also famous for. It's good that one state can be known for so many things.
  5. I read recently that Texans were the biggest 'weight challenged' people in the US.
  6. It's so easy to earn big money on Tick Tock, or the other platforms. Don't mean you have to waste the dosh though. Better to buy gold or Bitcoin.
  7. True enough. But at least we sometimes use numbers. Essex - EX. Glamorganshire - GE. Cornwall - CL. Rutland - RD. Dagenham Dock - DDK. It's inevitable as we cosy-up ever more with the Americans.
  8. The Americans seem to have those Big letters for virtually everything. FBI, CIA, POTUS, NIH, FDA, BARDA, DARPA, NASA, CDC, HLS. Not even thinking about the individual states. It's very confusing at times.
  9. Have to watch those monkeys. Some are trained to grab yer wallet and credit cards. They often have sick cousins. I know one that keeps buffaloes.
  10. Can't go wrong with a Lao lady. Very attentive. Very communicable. Some have a good understanding of chess. Burmese ladies are nice too.
  11. Two things to do. In the short term get a bottle or two of Witch Hazel. Called 'Le Labba Dee' in Thailand. Super good for reducing the swellings. For longer relief; chuck out the western toilet. Sitting on one is unnatural, and can lead to piles. Check out 'Squatty Potty'.
  12. Liverpool v Arsenal Been a lot of great rivalries down the years. Most are between local clubs. But there are others that stand out. One of these is the North-south Liverpool v Arsenal fixture. The stats say The Reds have the edge over The Gunners, but this gives us an incomplete picture. A story of twists and turns over 100 plus years. Total matches between the clubs 238 Liverpool wins - 94 Arsenal wins -. - 82 Draws -----.----.- 62 First match between them took place on 29th October 1893. Arsenal was known as Woolwich Arsenal back then - due to their location south of the river near a large military compound. The first four matches were all comfortably won by Pool. Arsenal's first win came in the following century 1905. WW1 arrived, and the teams did not play each other again until 1919; a break of six years. Woolwich Arsenal had moved from their Plumstead Manor Ground to Highbury in North London , and were now called Arsenal. The matches were pretty even through the 1920s to 1931, when Arsenal had a good run of 10 games; winning eight. Some big scores too. November 1931 6-0, and September 1934 8-1, were the two standouts. After WW11 Liverpool had the edge; winning the first league in 1946/47; although Arsenal took the title the following season. From November 1952 Arsenal had a decent set of results. Plenty of goals too; including a couple of fives. Liverpool went down a division in 1954 and they didn't meet again for eight years. Pool were promoted in 1961/62 along with Orient (had to get that one in). But Unlike the 'O's (who went straight back down), they consolidated, under Shanks, Paisley and Fagan, and won the title the following season 1963/64. From November 1964 they started playing in all red and 'The Reds' became their calling. They then went undefeated against the North Londoners for 13 matches. Again it was even-stevens in the early 1970s until 1976 when Pool went on a run of 25 matches with just three defeats. Since then The northerners have had slightly the better of proceedings. The Arsenal's most celebrated hour was Friday 26th May 1989; the very last match of the season. Liverpool were top with 76 points. Gunners were second with three points fewer. The game was at Anfield, and the Londoners had to win by two or more clear goals to draw level on points, and take the title with superior goal difference or goals scored. The odds were firmly on Liverpool retaining the title. They had only two defeats at home, and none that year. The previous 13 home games had all been wins. Table directly before the game The Gunners held the home side to 0-0 at half time. A Liverpool goal would surely put the challenge too far away. Both teams had chances in the second half, and it was Alan Smith who found the net on 52 minutes; 0-1. Time was ticking away, and as the game went past the 90 minutes it looked like Liverpool were about to retain the title. But into stoppage time, Michael Thomas sent the visiting fans into raptures by slotting home a second. The final whistle went less than 60 seconds after the restart. Arsenal had done the seemingly impossible. The title left Liverpool and went to London. Final top six positions An amazing finale? Arsenal won by scoring more goals, as goal difference was equal. Centenary Cup. Another interesting match took place that season. And it was unique; a once in a hundred years competition. The top eight clubs in the First Division (standings as the the end of previous year), contested the knock-out trophy. It turned out to be a bit naff. The fans didn't really latch onto it, and gates were poor. Only the match between Arsenal and Pool at Highbury had a 'decent' attendance of 30,000. The home team won 2-1, and they won the cup by the same score against Man Utd, next game, in the final at Villa Park. One of the most exciting matches that I can recall between the two, was played at Anfield on 30th October 2019. For Gunner's fans. For Liverpool fans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ImKDNA8zY Both clubs have graced the EPL with some great football, and before that the old League Division One.
  13. Boy Bush could not spell so good. What was it now; buffaloe? But Clinton was put through the mill for telling the truth about Monica.
  14. We all know it. 'Breaking rocks in the hot sun - I broke the law and the law won' Falang in Thailand. 'Making love in the hot sun - she burnt her ears and I burnt my bum.'
  15. Where have I been for 15 years?. This place sounds exciting. Now what can I get addicted to?
  16. Of course, I would have got up there and got the Mrs to mix up the cement. But I couldn't have trusted her to mix it good.
  17. This is a fantastic post Bannork. I've learnt more about the place by reading it, than the wife has told me in 24 hours. We did take her other brother to a place in between Udon and Khon Kaen many years ago. That's the one I suggested when he started to cut loose in the village a week ago. Do the herbs do an Iowaska job on the subjects? Always wanted to try that out myself. But I've no addictions; not counting being the family farang <deleted>.. There are two ways of making the wine. I prefer getting the juice and mixing it 50/50 with Lao Khao. The other way involves fermenting. Bit scared of that since I blew up the kitchen 50 years ago. That was banana wine though. I always look out for the saints scores. I like the way they play their football. And one of my all-time footy heroes, Matt Le Tissier, played for them all through his career. A great advert for English footy; both for player and club. Fans have a sense of humour too. When they were getting tanked by Leicester a couple of years back (0-9), they started up the chant; '''All we are saying is; give us seven goals'. When the 7th went in. And they changed the words when the 8th and 9th went in. Went to see them play at the Dell a couple of times,; but not at St Marys. As I said in the Owl Log, it's so close down there. Just 2 points separate the bottom 7.
  18. On that International Prediction Competition, I was equal top of 4.000 players, with the first three scores correct.. For some reason - even though I'd been biggin them up all week - I put City to get the away win. So with that, all hopes of being the highest ever scorer went south.
  19. Owl Log - 15-01-2023 - Sunday afternoon Another busy week. Due mostly to a problem in the family. The wife's Brother returned to his drinking and drug ways. Last time, he went into the local wat as a monk for a few months. This time, I'm informed, they don't want him. so today the family plan to drive him to Saraburi, where there is a rehab centre/compound. So I'll wait to see if my 4k donation has helped. Mrs Owl's sister Pook bought some water melons. Gonna push them round the village in my cart and sell them individually. She paid 500 baht for the 'lot'. Gonna make a killing alright. Gave me couple for my help. Finished the dog-houses. Put them in place. Taped up the joints. And the doggies love em. The dog-houses finished, it was time to secure the front gate. They have new admirers. vid dogs play.mp4 Last week one of the cats tried to get into the roof. So said Mrs Owl. I think it was a bit of cement fatigue. But not worth me telling her; I just hate my morning cuppa tasting salty. I would - in days past - have fixed it myself, but someone had to mix up the cement and pass it up. Tied the edge blocks in place with wire and cementrd them in place. All done. Not gonna bother getting the roof-paint out. Cat-proof repair. The grass has had a good cut. Three guys finished it in a couple of days. Next cut about 8/10 weeks time. Leaning tree still leaning. Will it fall this year? Noticed this year that there are thousands of bales of rice-stubble everywhere. Saw these next to the SinL's gaff. No idea what their plans are to do with them. Will find out soon enough. Glad last week has ended. Might get a day or two for my stuff this week. Might even get some farm work done, and that trip to Udon could get the 'green' light. Footy news. The Owls storm into second spot, roared on by 30,000 hopeful supporters. They leap-frogged Ipswich who drew with leaders Plymouth. Another bumper gate there too. Fulham make it 4 on the spin. They rolled Chelsea at home 2-1 on Thursday evening. That run bettered by United, who have now won all five EPLs games since Ronaldo left. Battle of Manchester on Saturday, went to the home side 2-1. Who is gonna be the first EPL manager of the year to get the dreaded; 'the manager has the full support of the board' statement? Moyes at West Ham, Lampard at Goodison, or even Rodgers with the Foxes. Only 2 points separate the bottom 7, and a couple of wins can see a club rocket up the league; as Forest have; all-be-it maybe temporarily. Leeds also looking over their shoulders. This year's relegation battle could be one of the best (exciting) ever. As I said last year. Send the trophy to Arsenal for safe keeping. It's as good as over. World focus. In the UK, the biggest news is shared between Harry - the royal bean-spiller - and another bean-spiller ,Andrew Bridgen; ruffling feathers in the HofC over the jib-jabs. In the US, another batch of top secret files have been found. This time in POTUS Biden's garage. He made the point on MSM, that the garage was locked most of the time. Perhaps all the US's secrets should be moved there. Safer! Brazil has some serious problems. The Ruskies seem to have the upper hand in Ukraine. But as soon as the Ukas get US's 50 Bradleys and the UK's 10 Chieftain Tanks, things could change?! Funny week with the weather. One morning it was so misty - or was it fog - that visibility was down to about 20 metres. It also rained non-stop one day for about 6 hours. The rain was so slight though, it wouldn't have stopped a game of cricket. All told about 0.5 mm. Had to plant the pineapple out front in one of the avo pots. I came away thinking I'd done a good job, but one of the new dogs must have dug it up. Found it the next day. The roots were very dry. Replanted it. Hope it will be OK. The Mekongs were very slow to show themselves all week. Don't know what to make of it. Threw in food and sat by the pond quietly for nearly an hour on Wednesday afternoon, before a couple gently rose up for their dinner. There is a big road-widening scheme underway on the 2022; the Sum Sao to Ban Dung road. Looks like a task that will be on-going for a month or so. About 2km on either sides of the Don Khillek road. I'll watch with interest. Haven't see the budgies at all. Hope they are safe. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Oscar has a new friend.
  20. Brendan Rodgers will soon get the 'vote of confidence' from the board.
  21. What? He lost us the world cup by being stupid. Can never forgive him. There is still a noose hanging from a lamp-post at Northumberland Park; just waiting for him, after all these years.
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