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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. The chicken feet and legs are special for us. But!! It's important to make sure the feet and the legs have had a natural life. That is running about on the earth in the sun. This promotes the growth of collagen and other ATP enzymes. It's the plastic that turns me off. Put hot stuff into a plastic bag and molecules of the plastic will find there way into the ingredients. The human body's response to the soup; is to reinforce the protective elements around the joints. Magnesium helps to send calcium to where it's needed.
  2. Evidently there are a number of solutions. Mildred's solving differs form mine a bit. But how someone can do it blindfold in just over 20 seconds is mind-blowing. And I've seen people do it just using one hand or even their feet. The blind-fold one is fantastic. It's on 'Rumble' I think. I'll dig it out.
  3. Must clear something up. Wouldn't want anyone to start in the wrong place. The urine challenge is in three stages. I'm on no 1. Phase one, is using some urine on the body. Phase two, is drinking it. Phase three, needs a special tool to do it properly. Chicken foot soup!? Good on ya girl friend Andy. Full of nutrients. Especially if the actual chicken's feet had been used for running about. Rather than laying dormant in some coup. However, in saying that, my hip has been playing up, so it's magnesium tabs alongside the soup.
  4. I'm at the point now, where the mind is faster than me fingers. The two newest cubes are well fast enough. My weakness is the fingers. I tend to use the right hand too much. Interesting what you say HP. Can you remember your best time?
  5. Owl Log - 20-11-2022 - Sunday morning Another busy week. Fixed up the rice-store ready for the sixty or so sacks that are shortly to arrive. Deliveries every day. And exciting things happening on the world chess scene. Everyone will soon hear of this young lady; Miaoyi Lu. A great attacking player. I think she has attained the status if 'Women's International Master' at just 12 years old. Started playing at three, and was regularly beating her local club members at the tender age of six. What a talent this Chinese girl is!! Talking of chess. One of the deliveries in the week was a chess set. This was a magnetic set. Next time me and Mildred play, and the cat jumps up on the board, the pieces will not fly all over the place. Cheap; 150 baht. Another delivery was the second pair of shoes for the Mrs. Silly me ordered the wrong size first time round. So they went to big-foot Mildred. These ones fitted perfectly, the wife told me. That's good. Another lucky escape. And another Rubik Cube arrived. Mildred picked this one out. It was a disappointment. A bit noisy, and the colours were so similar that I couldn't tell some apart. So only one thing to do. Put stickers on them. Although Mildred said the colours were OK for her in the first place. Much better now. The new cube moves freely, but is not quiet. Mildred has not improved her time (as of Saturday evening 19-11-22), but I have. My Personal Best is now 3 mins 26 secs. The next step is doing it with eyes closed. We had our rice cut on Tuesday. A gang of six made quick work of it. Just shy of 2 rai. Finished the day with time to spare, despite all the rest breaks. The call went out for fish. So it was me and BeeApp sorting it out. Ponds one and two did the biz. Got two biggies and 8 little uns. Would you believe it?! Just as everyone was harvesting, we had a couple of showers in the night. So it was drying time. Us too; but we had only 20 odd sacks to dry out. Guy had 100! Went to the big village shop to stock up on drinking water. What did I spot?! A nine year old with her own m/c. And she was off home. Tried to get a glass container for my chicken-foot soup on Lazada. I like the soup a lot, and it is good nutritionally. But, I don't like it being stored in plastic bags. So bought myself a gift in Big C. 'The moment of cheerfulness'. 220 baht. Can just about see the chopped chicken feet at the bottom. Yum yum. Some of the bigger farms use a harvester to cut the rice. Because the farms in our area tend to be quite small, it's not a common sight. And at rest. Waiting for the next job. Went to inspect my mango tree, I grew it from seed two years ago. Mrs Owl! "My mango tree is snapped off. How did that happen?" "I did break. Too slow grow. Getting high. Not get fruit ever." I'm sure it will be OK. I also sorted out the euca growing next to the farm house. It didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped. This time it was me who snapped off the top of a tree. vid trim euca.mp4 When I was getting diesel on Friday, the owner showed me his latest 'toy'. 605108409_vidspots00.mp4 And it puts itself away too. 1592026320_vidspots.mp4 He is the agent also, for a 55k baht tractor. 55k baht??? Looks good to me. Do I need one? Found a new 'bargain' on Lazada. Anyone into precious gems? Cash on delivery available. Free delivery. Only 1,900,000 baht. Anyone have any small change? Mildred just loves her new hat in these cold times. vid cowgirl.mp4 Footy round-up. My two favourite Scottish clubs both lost at home. Cove and Banks O'Dee. In fact 'Banks' are bottom of their league, after being hit with a 24 point deduction, for a misdemeanour. Orient march on. Now 5 points clear. The Owls win away, and are challenging. World cup next week. So exciting. Iran v US could be the nuts. World focus. UK PM Rishi Rich meets Zelensky. Another 50 million into the dark well. Problems looming in Brazil. Nancy is no more. So all that running about in underpants at her home by her hubby and his mates, was in vain?! The US elections. What an anti-climax?! Full results not expected in until next month. A Russian missile hits Poland. WW111 imminent. But no! It was a Ukraine missile. WW111 postponed. Rain in the week. First for over 40 days. Mrs Owl says more this week. Can't see it myself. Might have to get the pump ready. My urine challenge is supreme. Eyebrows need regular trimming. Mind is more focused; no more 'brain fog'. And that important bit of equipment, that all us farangs need to keep in top shape, is improving every day. Still waiting for my latest book to arrive. Been a month now. When I was in Udon last, I inquired at the main post office, what had happened to my two outstanding deliveries. One 15 months ago, and t'other from February this year. They told me they must be in Ban Dung. Ban Dung insist that they go to Udon first, and they have not got them. Deadlock!! Let's hope my latest arrives. Just as a further downer; Mrs Owl says there is a mountain of undelivered items in Bangkok warehouses. Can't make it out. In Big C, cat food is 29 baht a 400gm tin. The same size tin of dog-food is 33 baht. Got the cats some tins of dog food. I'll keep the dog's face covered as I scoop out the goodies into the cat trays. Don't want to upset them. The S-in-L, Pook, came round on the scrounge Saturday morning. Gave her a kilo of cat food biscuit. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  6. After watching him this season, I think the number one thing, on the pitch, is the sharp deterioration of 'off the mark' pace. Once he gets going he can still easily match others, but his early pace has gone. As it does when you are approaching 40. Off the pitch, he is simply living on past hero-worship. His present ego is 5 years in the past. When he was 32 and arguably the best player in the world, he was treated as such. Perhaps he still craves that adoration. The United fans deserve better.
  7. TBH, I don't know what an android box is. We have True wifi, for the laps and tv.
  8. When I played, the occasion would take over. Any dislike I had for the tea-lady or coach was put aside. They didn't have substitutes when I was in my prime, but refusing to come on as one wouldn't have gone down very well, at best, and not tolerated at worst. I agree about the egoes. He thinks he is special. He was once, One of the world greats. but can't expect his team-mates, or the people who pay is wages, to constantly allow for his tantrums., by turning a blind-eye or deaf-ear. And that massive weekly wage, must make some of the others a bit envious.
  9. I'm impressed with this post showing the translation. How did you do it? If you don't mind me asking.
  10. It's always been a mystery to me where these loans actually come from. OK, so there is the IMF, but the other money lenders are more obscure. And where do they get money from? Has Thailand issued bonds?
  11. Could I get myself on the scheme? Barring accidents; I'm next in line for the;;;... Wouldn't want the wife to be out of pocket - too much - when it's time to go. Might have to sell some of her accumulated gold (she don't know where mine is hidden)..
  12. Ronaldo would get into a world X1 at his best. United brought him back, gave him shed-loads of dosh and the fans loved him. But it has all gone pear-shaped, and I feel that it is time to call it a draw; at the top level.
  13. But what is his crib? Sounds like he is just 'past it' and can't accept the truth. A bit like those actresses; 'my fans don't understand me'. United are paying him a lot of dosh. Over rated. over paid, over the hill. Very sad about his baby.
  14. Technology will solve all the world's energy problems. A previously unheard of way of energy creation. Perhaps using sound or sea water. And all those plastic bottles floating in the ocean? We had carpets made from them yonks ago. Why not chomp them up and make concrete?
  15. That's a good point Tootoo. In my book an agreement is an agreement. Obviously there was/is 'small print' that I didn't know about.
  16. Thanks for that Kopitiam. With the member's help. I'm getting closer and closer to understanding what it's all about. We have two life insurances with the bank. Because of 'unexpected' deaths - above the norm - there is a sir-charge. I have to find 2400 baht for the two agreements with the bank. Not moaning (much) about it. As long as it's legit, I'll pay up willingly. Still not sure what the last paragraph is about. I think that if a person had claimed the death money, they have to give extra.
  17. 99 baht!!!! I bit too expensive for me. Think I'd give it a miss. Why pay for something that will not do the job anyway? ie fill you up. Chicken-foot soup 20 baht a litre.
  18. The wife has just spoken to someone about this. Evidently it is an extra payment for anyone who has a life insurance at the Farmers Bank. We have two, one on the wife and one on her mother. No idea about the incorrect dates; if indeed they are incorrect. Could the 2012 one be when we took out the life insurance? Think it best for wife to call on the appropriate number (at the bottom of the letter).
  19. You are right. Both dates are a bit iffy. The 1825 one and 2012 also. If it was from a bank, I don't think the dates would be like this.
  20. I've been in the village for over 14 years, and this is new to me. Where does the money go? Is it payable to the farmers bank, or is it kept safe by the village boss? I've just spoken to the Mrs, and she says that so many have died the 'government' fund is very low. Nothing to do with our insurances at the Framers Bank. Although the sign on the top left looks like a bank emblem.
  21. I just don't know. Waste of time asking the Mrs. Who gets the dosh? But many thanks for helping.
  22. Had this slip of paper delivered the other day. The Mrs says we have to pay 1200 baht due to many people dying. Can't get my head around it. Could anyone help to decipher the paper? And has anyone had similar?
  23. Trip to Udon Thani. Mrs Owl accompanied me to Udon. I warned has as soon as we left that I was gonna stop off at the Sum Sao Buddha to take pics. She moaned; but only for five minutes or so. The front of the Buddha was pretty much the same. The construction at the pond was progressing. Gonna be nice, especially if they put flood-lights up. The little croc-pond was just the same. Can just about make them out. The in-line golden lads and lasses were looking glorious in the morning sunshine. Lady keeping watch. Then into the rear section. This is gonna be a huge piece of work. I think they could be planning to build a giant Buddha. Mrs Owl says 200 metres high. Don't know about 200 metres, but there is something substantial planned. Took a look upstairs. Have to go to Udon again later this month, to get passport. I'll take another butchers. But it will be too soon to see any progress. Probably 12 months time to see a big difference.
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