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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Well I must have slipped through the net. No passport for me. I didn't take it to the bank. I couldn't, I don't have it.
  2. I changed my ATM card the week before last. Didn't have my passport. But they accepted my Pink ID and Thai DL.
  3. The fee to leave Laos without 'correct' documentation was 30k baht a few years back. I helped to get someone back to Thailand.
  4. """""Don't change what I wrote, I didn't say all of Isaan but don't go out of a small village in Isaan as it has been reported. To swim across the Mekong I wish you good luck.????""""" The going can be hard when the river is in full flow. But if you are not that great a swimmer; hire a boat and rower.
  5. I'm happy if when you say living in the wilderness in Isaan is like being in prison. I don;t agree. If you are on overstay, simply swim across to Laos and go from there.
  6. Time for the Ozzies to do proper trading and get out of bed with the manipulative US. Oz is one of the few countries in the world who should be self-sufficient in everything. And while I'm bigging up the down-unders; dump Charles and become independent.
  7. Up here animals have priority. Be they chickens, pigs or cows. I hurt a duck with me pick-up. Didn't kill it. Man said it was his special breeding duck. Gave him 300 baht.
  8. Overstayers on par with murderers? If you reported yaba dealers up her you would be quickly taken out.
  9. Bang on the money there gamb00ler. And of course they all have that little camera on their mobs. Don't want to get into a Gary Powers mess.
  10. Let's hope the luck doesn't run out. Better to go for a win every time. One win and one loss is better than two draws. I didn't see any WC footy except the goals of Eng v Iran, TBH, I'm more happy watching the English game over all seven divisions. I like a couple of Scottish teams as well. I always look for Hamilton, Cove and Banks O'Dee. Mildred does seem to like doing portraits, but she has done other things. She likes fantasy stuff. Always reading the books by Lilin, who has published a set of four books focusing om her dreams. There is nothing much in the way or art schooling around where we are. Perhaps in Udon. Rick would know. Lots of stuff about art on the www. Is Ting a fantasy or could she be real? I've got a couple of cracking avoes to plant in the farm. One is just 6 months old and getting on for two metres high. very thick at the base too. Cold this morning. I was the only one not wearing a gansey or coat when I escorted Mildred to her bus Dogs at it again. Rubbish everywhere outside. I was rubbishing David Popovici in the Owl Log, but he did come through in the 200 free; with a silver. He is the fastest swimmer in the pool but not a good turner. Can expect great things from him in the Long Course season. I think Biderman's 200 free world record could could go in the summer.
  11. Bang on the money. That's why I have so many hats. Also her shop sells reishi strips. But I like reishi wine anyway. A few years ago I was accused of having sex in the middle of a sugar field. Anyone who has been in a sugar field would laugh at that. Anyone but Mrs Owl that is. Gave me hell for weeks. She was probably upset about someone else and got angry on me. Funny enough, the sugar field is now our best euca farm.
  12. Not yet HP. But I have a plan. Have to go to Udon soon. If I'm to go on my own, which is likely, I can detour past Ban Dung, and visit her shop. Not really a detour. More like in the wrong direction. She has lovely ears. Made to look even nicer, by her mask pulling them forward.
  13. The female sex organ had been overlooked. researchers said. "There was a combination of female genitalia being taboo and scientists not being able to find it," said Megan Folwell, a doctoral candidate and lead researcher. Research published Wednesday, provided the first proper anatomical descriptions of female snake genitalia.
  14. Owl Log - 18-12-2022 - Sunday afternoon Mildred off school for three days last week. That gave her some time for her artwork. She had been painting miniatures. These are only 'post card' in size. This one is a portrait of her friend at school. One of the farm avoes has kicked the bucket. Right from the start it was poorly. Never recovered from transplant shock. Usually it's broken roots that do the damage. The other one is doing OK though. I'm gonna replace the dead one just as soon as this cold spell is over. Dogs everywhere at the farm. At our farm we are visited by Curly Wurly, Happy and new pup Milo. Happy looks on as Milo gets the attention. And across the road opposite us. Spotted a wagon full of hay in Ban Dung. Mildred's bus driver's wife, is up to something. She is planting something special in those rings. Don't want no chickens or dogs in there spoiling whatever she is ganna grow. Watch those fingers dear. Has she never heard of cable ties? And Mr useless, the wife's brother - whose wife kicked him out - put up a fence at his mums. Nice job! Animals rule here. Chickens, dogs and cows have right of way. The light in the bathroom stopped working and I put up an emergency. The Mrs likes it. So it could be there to stay. Brightens up the kitchen too. The younger children in the village have been having a real bouncy time all week. 201595983_vidtrampoline.mp4 Me and Mildred went to the duck farm on Thursday. This is the farm that had the disaster with cassava last season. Planted sugar last month and it is showing through. Went to Ban Dung yesterday. Weekly shop. Good to see the old cat food back on the shelves. The moggies didn't like Big C's new range of flavours. Last week I bought half-a-dozen 'tuna with chicken'. They wouldn't eat it. Bought 12 of the old ones yesterday; 'sardine with shrimp' and 'sea food platter'. Well, really it was only ten cause of buy five get one free. That brought the price down to under 33 baht a tin. Not too bad that. Footy round up. The Owls dropped another point; at home this time. But not too damaging as rivals Ipswich got beat. Orient go seven clear. World cup finishes this w/e, but no EPL for another 8 days. Although there is a League cup game in the week between Pool and City. I'm impressed with the support that Division one are getting. 22k at Wednesday, 20k at Bolton and a whopping 24k at Derby. It's cold, everyone is too poor to eat and heat, but they are getting out to support their team. Great!!! Been watching the swimming from Melbourne all this week. Last day today. Biggest disappointment for me was David Popovici. Blew out in the 100 free and finished last in a 400 free heat. But to see Jordan Crooks, from the Cayman Islands, winning the 50 free was uplifting. Five swimmers represented Thailand. Not a sport that Thailand excels in. Although well short of the medals - or even finals - a few national records were set. Guys. Ratthawit Thammanantachot - 800 free 7.55.24 Navaphat Wongcharoen - 200 fly 1.56.37 Dulywat Kaewsriyong - 100 IM 54.81 and 200 IM 1.59.85 Gals. Jenjira Srisaard - 50 free 24.69 and 50 breast 30.48 and 50 fly 25.78 Very well done swimmers. Commentators struggled a little with the names. China having a terrible time. Is it because they are all wearing masks right up until they are about to dive in? Davis Weiss was a guest on the Richie Allen Show on Wednesday last. He has proof/evidence that the earth is flat. Well, the top bit where we all live anyway. Not so sure about the underside is David. Very interesting! A funny thing in the week. When Mildred was off school for a couple of months during the Covid spell. in 2021, we were doing a bit of maths every day. She must have remembered a method I showed her about measuring circles. At school they just started doing areas and the teacher asked if anyone had done areas of circles before. Mildred put up her hand and the teacher asked her if she had learnt it at her old school. She said "no", and explained that her dad (me) had said you only needed pebbles, or marbles, to find the area. When pressed further she said she couldn't remember. Evidently the teacher was baffled but appeared quite interested. When Mildred came home, she asked me to explain again; which I did. No lessons since due to not going to school on Thursday and Friday. Will be interesting if the circle theme comes up again next week. I've drawn out a 'proof' on a sheet of paper and she has it in her satchel. Was quite cold last week; and today also. One morning just 8C. Not a drop of rain. even though the forecast was for a shower or two over the week end. I've taken to wearing socks in bed. One claret and t'other light blue. My left eye is much improved. A bit irritating, and it's a job to keep self control and not rub it. But on the mend. Mrs Owl wants to cut the grass around the farm. Usually costs me between 4 and 5k baht. I'm not disagreeing with her, but after lending her sister Pook 20k, I'm just a bit short of readies this month. World focus. Same old stuff. War and fighting. In UK Labour easily win the by-election in Trafford (Greater Manchester). An MP asks about the MRNA Vaxes in Parliament. Europe shivering; especially in Ukraine. Muskie coming under fire in the US. Florida's DeSantis wants the US authorities to come clean about C-19 data. And it appears he is more popular than The Don, in Repub' circles. Didn't get anything done in the week as planned: again. No stone on the road. No trip to Udon. Next year now I reckon. Did a nut cut last week, Price has dropped to 4-80 baht a kilo. Bit of a difference to 10+ baht a couple of months back. Seez ya all on Xmas day. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  15. Can't agree there. The Imperial College forecasting was enormously influential in England's early response. Should add that c-19 was originally given the grade of mild flu status at the beginning of March 2020. There was also the insistence that even if someone was run over and killed, it was still put down as a c-19 death, If that person had tested positive in the previous 28 days. As I say poor data in, rubbish projection out.
  16. In the earlier days of computing, everyone was familiar with the term; 'garbage in garbage out'. Mathematical modelling is only of use when the input data is accurate. A few extra here, or miss a few there, gives wildly inaccurate results. Only have to look at the nonsense being spouted by the Imperial College, in the early days of c-19, to see that.
  17. Interesting topic. What some older men do is cut their shorts and wear them as a kilt. Saves a lot of bother when putting them on, and going to the loo. The problem I have with proper kilts, is the actual colours and patterns. Someone could easily be offended by seeing a 'rival's' colours. Sort of waring clans of old, or footy teams. Or even religious reasons. Look at the uproar, a while back, when a politician said that the Pope wore red socks . Some people get offended by colours and symbolism. Have to be careful out there. When some people are fuelled up with Lao Khow anything can happen.
  18. There is more to this. There is a history of 'revolving doors'. Out of Big Pharma and into government positions. And vise versa. Big tech, and big weapons, and big food are just the same.
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