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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Of course you are right there Sterling. Nothing better than gold for that bit of security when there is no cash. My wife just loves to spend the dosh. I can go to Ban Dung with a couple of thousand in me pocket, get what I'm after, and not buy anything else. If Mrs Owl went, the money would be gone. On what? Stuff she don't need, and things that will not even be seen about the house a few weeks later. Just stored away, waiting to be given away after a year or so. My situation - as a farang here - is different naturally. I have to see the bigger picture, and although a bit insular to say, it's money that keeps me here safe and sound. Take it away and I'd be in sh!t street. Fortunately Mildred is on the thrifty side.
  2. Can these clasps not be bought on the internet? And generally; how much cheaper is it to buy gold on the www?
  3. Got the phone call from Mildred at 9-45. So she was finished within two hours. Went to pick her up in Ban Dung. All it was, was collecting a few books from the book store and cleaning the classroom. Back proper tomorrow.
  4. Good game United but thought you had a top striker!!? Overpaid and over-the-hill. Ronaldo is dragging United's good name into a dark place. I hope they find a mug club to buy him soon. Glad my club never went for him.
  5. I agree Bannork. Don't think it is a day for learning. More like sorting out books and cleaning the classroom. I'll find out what it is all about when I pick her up later.
  6. A big motorway crash unfortunately led to four nuns dying. St Peter was waiting for them at the gates of heaven.. He spoke to the four nuns. "I'll ask you a question and if you answer truthfully, and agree to do as I say, you are free to go through the gates and enter heaven." To the first nun he said; "Sister Alice; did you ever touch Father Thomas' penis?" "Yes, but only with my little finger." St Peter told her; "Go to the font of holy water, and wash your finger." She did as requested. St Peter nodded, and Sister Alice walked through the gates. St Peter said to the second nun; "Sister Matilda; did you ever touch Father Thomas' penis?" "Yes, but only with my hand." St Peter replied; "Go to the same font full of holy water, and wash your hand." She did as requested, St Peter nodded, and Sister Matilda walked through the gates. There was a little bit of argy-bargy with the last two nuns. St Peter saw that one of the nuns was trying to force her way in front of the other. St Peter asked; "Sister Teresa. Why are you trying to force your way in front of the other sister?" "Well Peter, I thought it better get my gargle done, before Sister Mary had to wash her backside."
  7. Mildred did check last evening about going to school. It's on; at least for her school. Went to the pick-up point with her this morning at 7-00. Not many children in the bus. Gonna pick her up from Ban Dung when she calls later on the dog and bone.
  8. Most Thais that I know owe money to someone; banks, finance compaiies, money lenders. Their dosh is accounted for week in week out. Mrs Owl is different. We owe a few baht for a loan taken out on the pick-up to help the useless daughter Nan. But apart from that she don't owe nout. It disturbs me that I have to be sneaky with the money. Hide some here and there. Cause if she sees it, she will want to spend it. On what? Wasting it in my book. Easy come - easy go, I guess.
  9. You are right of course HP. Have to see what transpires during the next week or so. Since that Gucci handbag a while back, Mrs Owl has not mentioned that she needs a new one. Moved onto gold instead. As she informed me last week; "only need half baht for four baht," Dear me!. Have these people never heard of saving?
  10. Needs a bl@@dy trim. He is one mass of knots.
  11. I'll get her to check that Bannork. Wouldn't want to get up at 6am for nothing. You are right about the concerts. Not a great fan of them myself. The music is just so loud. What with the Lao Khow and the music, it would take me all next day to recover. Went to a daytime concert at Kham Chanod about 12 years ago. A big fight broke out between a couple of youth groups. I had Mildred with me, and beat a hasty retreat.
  12. Tried a lot of bikkies here. This is the only one I have now. My favourite by far.! But to get the best taste from them, there has to be cup of rosy at hand.
  13. The way to avoid a fine, is to keep a sausage in your top pocket. When a brown-clad guy looks at you, take it out and bite a bit off. Cause the police know you don't have to wear a mask when eating. Always works for me.
  14. Owl Log - 23-10-2022 - Sunday morning. Big party at the village over the w/e. Put 500 baht into the pot. Any left over will go to the completion of the Buddha-over-the-pond. Two lots of dancing yesterday. Went out to see them with Mildred. 248231711_vid01dancing.mp4 That's the brother-in-law; BeeApp. 344678351_vid02dancing.mp4 Can just about spot my donated 500 baht note, on the money tree, at the front of the procession. Rubbish everywhere one morning last week. And the culprit was Curly-Wurly. Bella says to give him a whack. I couldn't do that, but I did give him a stern look, and a bit of a yak-yak. I reckon that did the trick. No more rubbish this week. Did a bit of gardening work at the farm on Friday. Both the smaller trees needed attention. Pulled out the weeds and tidied them up. Put some egg-shells round each of them. It's enjoyable, but the work with trees can often take years to materialise . Don't expect any fruit for at least three years.. The bigger one is gonna do the biz next year. Still no progress on moving the avoes outside the house to the farm. Perhaps this week. Mildred's birthday last week. A teenager! She wanted a set of 'girl books' as her pressie. Four in all. Ordered them on Monday. But from three different suppliers. Not one had all four on sale. Lazada had just one. Shopee another. Waiting for the other two; that's books 1 and 2 of the set. The writer is Lilin. All fantasy dreams and stuff. Like her art. I'm reminding myself that I ordered a book way back from Book Depository. Not heard anything; 'shipped', when I checked last. Before that, I ordered a Richard Dawkins book and another about the rivalry between Wallace and Darwin. One last year and one in February 2022. Give up on those two. Disappeared into the dark dungeon of Thailand's delivery service. November next month. Have to renew my visa. Will call in to see that favourite Buddha of mine in Sum Sao on the way to Udon. The cats have found a new special resting place. Away from any dog nuisance. Don't pull it down Poo! Beautiful flower outside the M-in-L's house. Just about the whitest flowers I've ever seen. Mildred goes back to school tomorrow. I will seriously miss her. She finished two paintings last week. Family pic. Me, with green hair and a flower in me gob. Is that a message? Mrs Owl next to me, looking so sweet. The three cats and two birds. And Mildred (green eyes) with her three friends. And another on the same theme. Mildred with a patch in this one. www.mildredart.com Mildred has put them up for sale on www.showyourarts.com All for sale $100 each, plus P@P. We will see. I feel guilty about the budgies. If I thought they would be OK, I'd let them go. Sorry I got them. Just two now, after the others escaped. Mrs Owl was big upset with me this morning. I'm up first every day. I replenish the drinking water, empty the bins. open the windows, and like today, fill the tub in the bathroom with hot water for Mildred to wash her body and hair. Open the gate and check the bins. Put on the Wifi and feed the cats. But this morning i didn't notice the dead rat just outside the door. The result was that I had to wait nearly two hours for my cup of rosy. I'm a 'dunker', and I probably wouldn't eat a cookie unless I had a cuppa in front of me. So I waited and waited. In the end, when my tea finally arrived, I tucked into my favourite bikkie. It's nearly eleven-thirty right now, and my breakfast cereal has not yet arrived. What to do? Teach Mildred how to make tea and cereal is the obvious answer. Or offer Mrs Owl more money? It's a dilemma. Made a reishi brew on Tuesday. Ginger (cat) making himself comfortable. Had to go looking for ginger (root). No luck around the village, so put in extra onions. Did meet up with a very nice lady though. Footy round-up. Orient back on top. Wednesday let a lead slip. Leeds, Fulham and The Irons all play today. Forest win at home against Liverpool. Evidently Salah was not at his best. Nor was Ronaldo. United's overpaid bit of nonsense had another strop. World focus. More changes on the UK front bench. Fighting in Haiti. Trump in trouble again. Just where is the rain? This is awful! Need to pump water into the paddy from a pond, but keep holding on; just in case. Rice not ready for 3 weeks or so. Saw the first rice being harvested on Thursday, on the way to the farm, but most will be quite late this year. Started up my urine thing again yesterday. Keeping it a secret from the Mrs. But she could get a benefit, if all goes to plan. Mildred got her test/exam results through on LINE from her teacher. 90%+ in both English tests. 90% in one maths' test and 60% in t'other. 40% - I think that's an F - in history. So a mixed bag. Don't know about Thai and Science yet. I asked her what happened in the second maths' test where she only scored 60%. It was all about Roman Numerals; would you believe. She said a couple of her friends got zero. Far better to teach binary and hex stuff I reckon. But what do I know? A couple of things to say; get well Build766, and take care out there to all. Bye y'all.
  15. Couldn't you have copies and pasted? Take that last line out of your post Build.
  16. I was using Brave when I was on windows. Liked it! Since moving to Linux Mint, I've not been able to load it. But I have three browsers installed; Opera, DDG and Firefox.
  17. Indeed. Even in England, in the London area, wouldn't get much change out of 500 squids. BKK; probably 3k for all three. There are a lot of Thais doing deliveries now-a-days. The people that service our area do around 50 parcels a day. The Mrs asked one lady how much she got. Just 12 baht a delivery from her m/c sidecar. I always tip between 15 and 30 baht. But without the tips it's not really an earner. She said the Thais don't tip much. She has to pay for benzine too.
  18. Of course not telepathy. But, I'm here in my house with family. If I were on my own in the farm, I could live on nothing. As I said earlier, I would treat myself to a meal from one of those mobile restaurants and enjoy eating fruit and veg. And I suggest MR Mr, that if the conflict in eastern Europe escalates, we might all have to learn to do without technology. But back to the OP for a jiff. Had some tree trimming done last week. Paid 1500 baht for three guys to do the tolling. Took them one day.
  19. A priest and a nun are on a pilgrimage when they get caught in a blizzard. They come across a small abandoned cabin with a bed, a stack of blankets, and a sleeping bag. The priest, being a gentleman, offers the nun the bed, and takes the sleeping bag. They say their prayers and tuck in for the night. The priest has just dropped off when he is awoken by the nun. "Father, I'm cold!" The priest gets up, places a blanket on her, and goes back to his sleeping bag on the floor. He is starting to nod off when he's again awoken by the nun, "Father, Father, I'm sooo cold!" Once again the priest gets up, places another blanket on the nun, and heads back to his sleeping bag. When he's almost asleep she calls again. "Father, Father, I'm colder than ice!" The priest responds. "Sister, we are in the middle of nowhere in a storm. No one but ourselves and the Lord God almighty will know what happens here this night. What would you say if, just for this one night, we act as though we were married?" The nun says with an excited, "Yes Father, I'd really like that!" The priest asks. "Sister! Are you still cold?" She replies. "Oh yes! Colder than ever." "Then get up, and get your own blanket."
  20. We don't need all this 5G and supercars. For the most part we are not any more happy than when we are looking after our pets or growing our food. This idea that modern technology makes us happy is a myth. Get with nature I say. Love the beauty around us. Ditch the phone.
  21. I was thinking that I would spend 40 baht a day on a meal. Fruit and veg can be bought very cheaply round the farms, Bananas, mangoes are cheap when available. Filter my drinking water, which would be saved - when it does rain - in big containers. Not massively keen on insects, frogs and rats. So I'd concentrate on fruit and veg. I would look after my cycle, as it is my transport. no need to go to town. Stone-wash my clothes. Wouldn't bother with ironing. Look after myself medically. Pull my own teeth. Look after any money I could save out of the 80 baht daily allowance for emergencies. Might need to replace footwear now and again. But only 40 baht a pair, so no big expense. Would buy the occasional bag of biscuit for my cat. but mostly he would find food on the land.
  22. Last year, after big rain on the 22nd October, we then had 119 days before it rained again. Drought started at the beginning of October this year.
  23. If I were on my own, I could live for 2,400 baht a month. at the farm.
  24. Try Linus. Been using it for the past 9 months. Coming from using MS for years, I find it's not as user friendly as MS. But for me anyway it is more stable. Also more secure.
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