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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. If he pleaded guilty, they'd give him ten years and fine him a billion dollars.
  2. Indians are in my experience generally pretty friendly, perhaps you look like a nice guy to them.
  3. Wow, seven months without food and water, one would think they'd have given up those hostages by now. Hey, maybe when Biden's plan to bring the Palestinian to US gets going, he'll bring the hungriest ones first.
  4. I support privately funded abortions for any reason up to twelve weeks, and publicly funding at any point in the pregnancy for women at serious risk to their physical life. At one point in a pregnancy do you consider it a baby?
  5. Are we not always told that only a miniscule portion of the Planned Parenthood budget comes from taxpayers? Surely prenatal care would be at the top of their list of services they provide. In any evert, I thought they made the bulk of their money selling the debris the remove from their customers, no?
  6. No. As I understand it, at least in the US, a "formal" background would require one's background include a degree (preferably an advanced degree) in the discipline with which they are involved.
  7. The only people that give a rat-ass about Trump dozing off in court would not vote for him anyway.
  8. So, the right is trying to overthrow democracy by attacking the Capitol with broomsticks, during a demonstration that per the left's own definition, was mostly peaceful. While the left supports democracy by baring candidates from ballots, shutting down free speech, defying the Supreme Court, circumventing congress to enact regulations, mail-in ballots and prosecuting the leading oppositions with frivolous charges timed specifically for the election cycle. Got it.
  9. I was talking about lefty calling me names, not Trump. And I said it was typical, because leftists are rarely able to formulate an argument, so their responses are always name calling and or posting links to stuff they have not read nor likely would not understand if they did.
  10. Thats what I thought, another false claim you can't back up. You brag about your educated as an economist, but you do not seem to understand anything, much less have the ability to explain anything in that involves economics. 1. Please explain how bringing in ten million illegals that are often illiterate in their native language, much less English, benefits the economy? I know how it benefits the rich, please explain how it benefits the poor and middle class. 2. Please explain how millions of low and no skilled workers do not put downward pressure on wages. 3. Please explain how the need millions of new households do not put upward pressure on housing costs. 4. Please explain how millions of new people using the same public services such as health-care, education, food stamps, welfare and all other government assistance programs does not in increase the cost of those programs and or reduce the availability. 5. Please explain how adding two million new jobs is really great when you've imported ten million new workers. Please, you're an economist, why not explain what's really going on with illegal immigration? Again, you likely can't, but you will post a link to some idiocy you don't understand and pretend you've proven something.
  11. The joke really only works if he "...was horrified to find that nearly half of schools were below..." the median.
  12. Yeah, Hillary and Obama both got nabbed for campaign finance violations. Hillary for hiring a foreign national to influence the election, and then hiding the payments. She got a slap on the wrist. Obama for failure to report large foreign donations. The donations were to influence the election, and Obama did not report them, because to do so would have negatively influences the election. He got a slap on the wrist. What I think is hilarious, is that had Trump classified the payment as a campaign expense, that would be a campaign finance violation, and he would still be in court.
  13. Well, non-leftists might say it was started by terrorists, but yeah, the one Obama's called the "good war" and the one Biden flushed down the toilet, that one. Be nice to have that base right now, huh?
  14. To the left, everything is political. They don't care about women, they care about furthering their agenda.
  15. You mean Obama's "good war"? The one Biden flushed down the toilet?
  16. Yes, it was a planned insurrection whereby a few hundred people without guns were going to overthrow the government and seize control of the United States of America using mop-sticks and whatnot. Got it.
  17. That is not my understanding. Usually, a trickle-charger is generally used when you are not going to use your car or boat or whatnot for an extended period. If you drive your vehicle regularly, charging the battery twice a week may do more harm than good. Using a charger with a de-sulfate mode a couple times a year may/should extend the life.
  18. And Madonna wanted to burn down the Whitehouse, no one on the left gave a whit about that, or the riots after Trump was elected.
  19. Everyone has a right to their opinion, including De Niro. You have that right to agree with him, and I have a right not to.
  20. Trump's tax cuts were greater for the lowest bracket than the highest, so there's that. Why should you get to deduct union dues? Does your union not provide value for your dues? And why should non-members have to subsidize you and your union? Why should truck drivers and mechanics pay off the loans of college graduates? You support open borders, I don't, that's enough for me.
  21. You're going to charge your battery twice a week for six hours? Why not just get a new battery?
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