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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. And people do not have free speech everywhere. One does not have free speech rights in the workplace, in the classroom or any number of other places.
  2. What funny (not really) that Trump-haters have to depend on lies. Why lie? No one thinks it's up to Trump to decide what's legal and what's not.
  3. You're post only had a two word quote. So, what did he say? Did he say that he was going to withdraw federal funding from universities that allow what he terms illegal protests? No, he did not say that. Bring the quote. As always, you can't.
  4. So, you agree he was shot in the ear, yes?
  5. So, Trump said "illegal protests" and the OP added (in typical leftist fashion) "what he terms". Yeah, I got that part.
  6. So, it was staged? You guys are a hoot. Back when it happened, I said Trump got nicked in the ear, and some other Trump obsessed moron (no you) was claiming it was a shard of "glass" from the monitor. When was the last time you saw a glass monitor? Too funny. Then when Biden's FBI said it was indeed a bullet, the same Trump obsessed moron came back and argued for days that it was not a nick, but that his ear was only "grazed"! Hilarious.
  7. Every intelligence/law enforcement agency and media outlet in the US has been investigating Trump for nine years. I would rather know what the anti-Trumpers have on Zelensky.
  8. As I said, I did not see where the president declared protests illegal. He's threatening to withdraw federal funding from universities that allow illegal protests. Is there a not difference between illegal protests and legal protests? A legal protest would be carrying signs and whatnot. An illegal protest would be people damaging property and harassing people.
  9. But free speech does not give you the right to criticize them anywhere.
  10. I did not see where the president declared protests illegal.
  11. Maybe Trudeau can make good on his NATO commitments before he starts grandstanding. Is he ready to put Canadian boots on the ground in Russia?
  12. That's what I thought. Go with God brother.
  13. The threat has nothing to do with peaceful protests and only involves protestors that are breaking the law. Do the anti-Trumpers believe protestors should be permitted to break the law such as damaging property and harassing other students?
  14. I'm not a conservative, but as a conservative, which of Trump's policies do you like? And as a conservative, which of Trump's policies do you believe would have been better handled by Harris, had she won the election?
  15. Of course, if only I were smart enough, I would hate Trump the way you do and use Vox as a reference. Why can Trump haters never explain anything? Why are they only ever able to regurgitate links to other Trump haters? Come on, what evidence do you have that "Trump and the Republicans deliberately hobbled" Ukraine? No need to link, just explain it. But like all Trump haters, you can't, can you? He did provide a number of answers, but you had to watch the whole meeting, not just the last few minutes. Ha ha. The agreement would have been with the United States, not with Trump. Didn't you know? Apparently, you did not. The question was: What is so terrible about attempting to negotiate a peace agreement with Russia? Are you willing to answer or not?
  16. As did yours. I do not remember you catching me in a number of lies, but you would call me a liar regardless of what I said, unless it was something negative about Trump.
  17. Russia has not decided to take my country over. I do not want my son to fight and die in Russia.
  18. There are a lot of real Democrats left, but they have been voting for the hard left, but that may change. Look at any poll on the issues, and Trump is way ahead. Think about this:
  19. What I think is disgusting are the people that sabotaged the agreement Zelensky was supposed to sign. The anti-Trumpers would rather see every Ukrainian dead and half of Europe flattened than to see a peace agreement negotiated by Trump
  20. So, you have no evidence. Just tell me, not need for links. Do you think Trump was going to leave American mining interests unsecured? That train left the station a couple years ago. Trump is the US? Did you not understand the question?
  21. Don't forget the half of Americans that support them. Oh, except Cheney, he's on your side now.
  22. I think what you meant to say was: I completely agree, and I think that the world should stand up in mutual defiance of Trump and the half of Americans that support him. He and the half of Americans that support him are all blazing idiot, he and the half of Americans that support him are absolute fools, he and the half of Americans that support him are incredibly ignorant, and he and the half of Americans that support him should be defied at every single opportunity. The world absolutely has to speak out and let them know that the creeps and the half of Americans that support him antics and stupidity will not be tolerated. Trump's and the half of Americans that support him arrogance knows no bounds, the US under his and the half of Americans that support him guidance is completely out of control, their influence is declining by the day, and Trump and the half of Americans that support him needs to be taught a very painful and very powerful lesson. Say what you mean brother.
  23. It kept refusing to set up for me, but that's been a couple years, I'll try again, Does it deduct one toll at a time from your account or can you load it with "stored value" like easy pass?
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