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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. You sound really smart. You must be a high IQ critically thinking leftist schoolteacher, yes?
  2. Trump will be back groveling on bended knee, Zelenski just needs to hold strong.
  3. Ukraine was carved up long ago while Putin's mate Obama was in office. Obama sold out Ukraine for a bit of space until after his last election.
  4. Zelenski has made it clear he does not want anything from the Trump Administration as has Germany. Let Ukraine continue the war with aid from Germany.
  5. Zelensky was not there to negotiate, he was there to sign an agreement that had already be reached and he backpaddled and started grandstanding and lecturing Trump for the press. It was a signing ceremony, if there was supposed to be negotiations, there would not have been any press in the room.
  6. Do the people that support trans in the military, also support taxpayers having to pay for their gender surgeries, gender medications and gender psychiatric care both while they are in the military, and for the rest of their lives?
  7. "Like dipping a pencil in a bucket of warm water...
  8. You get a little chubby thinking about that?
  9. What does past history of calling you out for lying have to do with anything? That you believe sending money to "United Nations counternarcotics program" is going to "stop fentanyl chemicals from reaching Mexico’s drug cartels" says a lot more about you than me.
  10. Kasikorn always calls me when I receive a swift transfer to confirm the exchange rate is acceptable and to state what the money is to be used for. Swift transfers, in my experience typically take two days. Update your contact info.
  11. The left has to destroy civic pride and all sense of community. They can't have people helping and caring about each other as individuals.
  12. I feel sorry for the people in the EU, it seems like it's dying a slow death.
  13. Tax breaks for billionaires!
  14. The Bangkok Post sells ad space
  15. You got the quote wrong, what Reuters actually said was: "A United Nations counternarcotics program that seeks to facilitate fentanyl chemicals reaching Mexico’s drug cartels has been held up by Trump’s aid freeze." Fixed it for you.
  16. No. The rates you get from the Thai banks are much, much better. That said, my experience is with US banks only.
  17. Meanwhile, in Germany they are arresting people for posting memes on the internet the left does not like,
  18. Always send in the currency of the country you are sending from.
  19. I went to the Kanchanaburi Film Festival to hear my boy sing and stayed for a few nights. The hotel was nice enough, if a bit remote.
  20. So, no "proper restaurants", just coffee shops with "food" and no salad bar. Thanks! That said, they look like nice enough places to eat.
  21. Name one, and make sure they have air-conditioning, nice seating, plenty of parking and a salad bar.
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