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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. So, you don't know what a quote is, that explains a lot.
  2. You still can't provide a quote that supports your false claim, yet you are asking me to comment on it, that's hilarious. Trolling, deflecting and making stuff up seems to be all you do. Do you actually know what a quote is? The left always make stuff up and pretends it's a quote. Biden is a Liar and does that a lot because: "Truth is not a left-wing value."
  3. Yeah, he's leftist never-Trumper now, that's how he makes his living.
  4. So it is your position that there is no difference between taking innocent civilians out of their homes and holding them hostage, and capturing suspected enemy combatants in the commission of a crime and incarcerating them, is that correct or not? Is it also your position that women, children (anyone under 19) and pensioners (anyone over 55) cannot be enemy combatants? The IDF is not going into Gaza and pulling civilians out of their homes raping, killing, and dragging them back to Israel to incarcerate, I think you are making that up.
  5. yes, dogs and cats are strikingly similar as well, but the differences are significant.
  6. Why are you changing the subject? It is your position that there is no difference between taking innocent civilians out of their homes and holding them hostage, and capturing suspected enemy combatants in the commission of a crime and incarcerating them, is that correct or not? Is it also your position that women, children (anyone under 19) and pensioners (anyone over 55) cannot be enemy combatants?
  7. I'm 34, you? What does that have to do with anything? You still can't provide a quote that supports your false claim, yet you are asking me to comment on it, that's hilarious. Trolling, deflecting and making stuff up seems to be all you do. Do you actually know what a quote is? The left always make stuff up and pretends it's a quote. Biden is a Liar and does that a lot because: "Truth is not a left-wing value."
  8. To be clear, in your opinion, there is no difference between taking innocent civilians out of their homes and holding them hostage and capturing suspected enemy combatants in the commission of a crime and incarcerating them, correct? I bet.
  9. No, I am saying you still don't have a quote that supports your false claim. The left does a lot of that, because: "Truth is not a left-wing value."
  10. So to you, raiding a concert and residential areas and killing, raping, torturing and taking over a thousand hostages is no different than enemy combatants captured and imprisoned. You must be a leftist, yes?
  11. Bla bla bla, but you still don't have a quote that supports the false claim, or that identifies the correct statute that support the previous false claim, I thought not. The left does a lot of that, because: "Truth is not a left-wing value." value."
  12. So, you still don't have a quote that supports your false claim, I thought not. The left does a lot of that, because: "Truth is not a left-wing value."
  13. So, as usual, you don't have a quote, I thought not. The left does a lot of that, because: "Truth is not a left-wing value."
  14. Not everyone is saying it, only leftist organizations and antiemetics. Everyone else says Hamas needs to be compelled to surender.
  15. One could argue that Hamas and Palestine are darlings of the left and the press does all they can to cover for them. I understand this in complex, but Palestine is holding hostages, Israel is holding prisoners.
  16. So the AP said it, not Trump, got it. The left does a lot of that, because: "Truth is not a left-wing value."
  17. Hamas wants a ceasefire on their terms, if they get it, they win, and Israel loses. It does not surprise me that the left supports Hamas, the left supports anything that helps destroy Western Civilization.
  18. No, it's about: "UN Cuts Death of Women and Children in Gaza by Half" In any event, the Palestinians are targeting civilians, and if they have their way, they will exterminate every Jew in the world, and when that was done, they will start on the Christians. Israel is hitting military targets, that are hidden in apartment buildings and hamaspitals. The civilians they kill, while tragic, are collateral damage, not targeted.
  19. Oh, name calling, how clever. In any event, the Palestinians are targeting civilians, and if they have their way, they would exterminate every Jew in the world, and when that was done, they will start on the Christians. Israel is hitting military targets, that are hidden in apartment buildings and hamaspitals. The civilians they kill, while tragic, are collateral damage, not targeted.
  20. You said the crime was concealment of a campaign finance violation, what is the statute number for that? Is concealment of a campaign finance violation not what Hillary got a slap on the wrist for?
  21. What does that mean? Closed borders and separate bathrooms for boys and girls?
  22. I have not been surprised by much of anything in the last ten years, except perhaps how Evil the left is. I used to think they were just stupid.
  23. Now it seems we have the new Hitler Youth at American universities calling for the extermination of Israel.
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