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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. It will come down to the judge's jury instructions.
  2. I could go for a triple order of that...
  3. Not a crime False Legal False claim Trump did not deduct the payments, or lest them on any tax forms. But yes, he will be convicted, because of people like you.
  4. They falsely claimed that Trump: "..and illegally enter such payments as campaign expenses..." That is simply not true. Even Danderman knows that now.
  5. That does not look like blue cheese, is it? Incidentally, the pork and chicken cordon bleu at Took Lae Dee Restaurants at Foodland are not terrible, and like everything else there, pretty reasonable.
  6. Your memory is terrible. How many times do you have to be told it was entered as legal expenses? Do you still no know the difference? Trump’s lawyer pays Stormy’s lawyer to influence one party to enter into an NDA with another party, which is legal. Stormy’s lawyer pays Stormy to enter into an NDA with another party, which is legal. An NDA is payment in consideration of a contract, which is legal. Trump pays his lawyer and calls it legal expenses, which is legal. Stormy violates the contract. The state claims it was an illegal campaign contribution. Trump is indicted.
  7. So had Trump paid Stormy directly, there would be no case, correct?
  8. What facts? Trump paid Stormy through Cohen to keep quiet.
  9. Why do you say Trump only cares about money and not people?
  10. What facts were there? Trump paid Stormy through Cohen to keep quiet.
  11. I thought you said there were no facts yet, which is it?
  12. The part where Trump has committed an actual crime, much less a felony.
  13. I never said Trump was innocent. I think it is a made-up crime, that no one has ever been prosecuted for, and Biden's DOJ sent one of their top guys to spin up. What do you think his is guilty of?
  14. Trump has nothing to gain from testifying, why should he?
  15. You're just finding that out? Move the UN to Turkey
  16. Was any of what was proven in the trial not already known? Show trial
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