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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. Anyone that does not want to keep the war going until every Ukrainian is dead and half of Russia is dead is a Putin puppet!
  2. What is your claim that Trump is caving and, giving Putin everything he wants based on?
  3. And a great one to live by. No idea where it originated. Another favorite: "Do things that make you feel good about being you, not things that just make you feel good."
  4. He outsmarted Kamala Harris, Obama and the entire leftist machine.
  5. There is a cap on Social Secuity benefits, that's why there is a cap on Social Security contributions. As was said, if you want to remove the cap on contributions, remover the cap on benefits. There is no cap on Medicare benefits, and Medicare contributions are not capped. What is the maximum Social Security retirement benefit payable? | Frequently Asked Questions | SSA
  6. You have stated this as fact several times and it is not true. You are a liar.
  7. No doubt you think the leftists that did the study (that you failed to link to) at the leftist Sanford University that determined that leftists are smarter than non-leftists were unbiased and would never stoop to "selective use of data and unsound statistical methods". You know better Pops. Every "study" starts with a premise. How surprised would anyone be that that the people that castigated Noah Carl for "selective use of data and unsound statistical methods" and called him a racist were all leftist.
  8. Poor, poor lefties...
  9. I think it aged great and getting better every day.
  10. Nor should he. It was a stain on our democracy.
  11. "Happiness is not getting what you want, it's wanting what you have."
  12. It's brilliant. The left wants to get the illegals voting even before they let them flood into the country and put them on welfare
  13. Trump made a bad choice with Chris Wray. He's corrected that now,
  14. Had you said it was about 2.5% for the last year, I would have said nothing. But you said: "Inflation rate for the last 2 years has been running at about 2.5 percent." when in fact for one of those years, it was 4.1%. Had you just said, "my mistake" or some-such, I would have apologized, but you didn't, you just doubled-down on the lie and attacked me for calling you out on it.
  15. You are correct. Trump should not have allowed the lockdowns. I am happy I voted for Trump because the Democrat party has been taken over by radical leftists that want: Open borders Mass illegal migration Genital mutilation surgeries and puberty blockers for children Girls compelled to shower with and compete against men in sports People to be hired and promoted based on their skin-color and or "gender" Higher taxes More spending More radical judges More targeted and or selective prosecutions Harris-Walz would have just continued down that path. Trump is attempting to stop those things, and the left is fighting to keep them, so thanks, but I'll take my chances with the felon. I only hope you guys stick to your guns at least until after the midterms.
  16. What constitutes "factual" evident to you? If Kamala Harris said it, you would call it proof.
  17. Chris Wray? What folks went against who?
  18. I managed a manufacturing facility in Prachinburi, and the at least six people were above B100K per month and another twenty that were above $60K per month. Everyone in the plant got a minimum one-month to maximum four-months' salary for annual bonus depending on plant metrics.
  19. The labor department mandates full time employees on a daily rate be paid for 30 days even if they work five days a week, and I do not doubt Swenson's complies with the law. I went to the Swenson's at the new "Bangkok One" on Rama IV yesterday. Life for an old man just does not get much better than eating ice cream in comfortable seating served by attractive, nice young girls in short skirts.
  20. 350 a day full time is 10,500 a month. (30 days)
  21. No, I don't have any medical expenses.
  22. If single and rent, you figure B10-20K is about minimum for rent in Bangkok. Then B1K a day spending is doable, and B800K in the bank for visa.
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