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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. I'm more concerned with the midterms than I am about what's fair. We have to get/keep the working poor on board until we can actually improve their lives enough for them to feel it.
  2. Per capita income is an average but would generally include people not included in average salary data. Average salary data typically only includes people that have salaries. A six-member household with one person working and earning $60K has a per-capita income of $10K.
  3. One can live in Bangkok on $500 a month, and one can live in Manhattan on $500 a month. One can live in Bangkok on $10,000 a month, and one can live in Manhattan on $10,000 a month. One can live in Bangkok on $100,000 a month, and one can live in Manhattan on $100,000 a month. At $100,000 Manhattan might be more attractive.
  4. Pops was a chemist, so dude is not stupid, dude is just ignorant, a leftist, and obsessed with Trump.
  5. No. Per capita income is an average and does not corollate (at least not directly) to median household income. Per capita GDP in the US was about $86K, while median Houshold income is about $81K. Your AI numbers are suspect.
  6. So, let me get this straight, leftists did a study and determined that leftists are smarter than non-leftists. That's amazing. Funded by the Department of Education no doubt.
  7. Howl louder lefty, louder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhoooooooooooooooo!
  8. More great news: "Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden's $475 Billion Student Debt Plan..." Poor Walker Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden's $475 Billion Student Debt Plan, Leaving Millions in Financial Limbo
  9. The louder you howl, the better he looks. You are such a phony
  10. So you think they should give it back to the rich? Give it to poor citizens, they can use it, and it might buy some votes in the midterms.
  11. He one of the smarter leftists, he knows a bit, but he has zero integrity and will lie about anything if promotes his leftist ideology.
  12. Hey, it's been a couple days since you've bragged about your "advances" education.
  13. Yeah, we don't pay rent, but some months we spend more than others. Per capita income in the US is about half per capita GDP in the US. How much does a watch cost?
  14. How much math did it take for you to call 4.1% inflation "about 2.5%"? Typical lying leftist
  15. What a lying, rude buffoon Schiff is. Kash to Bondi for the win!
  16. You should hold your breath...
  17. I live in Bangkok, I have a wife, and a kid in uni, and I spend between 20,000 to 100,000 a month.
  18. He's a leftist, as such all he can do is lie and misrepresent what you say.
  19. Used to see these in shops pretty often, have not seen one in a shop for years.
  20. But much better than it used to be.
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