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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. NOT THAILAND RELATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is hilarious that a "WhichEV" survey comes out in favor of EVs... Why not get Exxon to do a survey?
  2. That's because they're not morons
  3. Never said the effects of exhaust were not deleterious. I know it's difficult but try to follow along and please don't lie about what I say or don't say. But not in a vacuum. If you mandate all vehicles/motorcycles in a particular area be EV, sales increase whether you cut subsidies or not. Yes, although they also count the "damage" the World suffers by the burning of fossil fuels as the biggest portion of the "subsidies"'. The fossil fuel subsidies are just another big lie, much like the 97% lie. What industries are causing harm? Governments buy coal or oil or natural gas and burn it to generate electricity, and then they sell the electricity to do any number of things (including charging EVs) but it's the Evil fossil fuel industry that's causing the damage. You guys crack me up.
  4. The IMF, that's hilarious. More Koolaid anyone? Subsidies for EVs typically include direct payments to the purchasers. Subsidies for the fossil fuel industry typically include what governments pay for the fuel they buy and the deductions they get from their payroll. In any event, why the mandates?
  5. How is what you're saying different from what I'm saying?
  6. Another well thought out response.
  7. Exactly. It is because EVs are so great that vehicle manufacturers have to be compelled by governments to build them. And because citizens are not smart enough to know what they should buy; it is up to the government make them do the right thing.
  8. Subsidies and mandates prove how great they are!
  9. Charging EVs in Thailand should be free as it reduces climate change.
  10. A decent washer is all about volume...
  11. Yeah, I like the Sportsman when I'm in Pats, I'll have to try the fish..
  12. I worked for a show in California where the shop foreman built one that was trailer mounted. It had a Cat pump and a ten-horsepower three-phase motor. It would strip the paint off if you weren't careful with it.
  13. Yeah, the one I bought to strip my roof and the outside of the building it too big and heavy, it cleans though!
  14. Wow, that seems like a lot of pressure washer for the money!
  15. Sure, but when people make bone-headed off-topic claims, why should they go unaddressed? It seems a little unfair that one (not you) can tell an off-topic lie, and then squeal "off-topic" when they get called on it.
  16. Which proves that it cheap and easy to install a 7Kw charger in virtually every garage in the US? Not sure what you're on about, but for residential applications: Single-phase 220-240 in the US is typically two line and a ground, or two line, a neutral and a ground. Single-phase 230 in Thailand is typically one line, one neutral and a ground. Two hots in Thailand gives you 400V while in the US you would only (typically) get 220-240 Three hots in Thailand gives you 380V while in the US you would only (typically) get 220-240
  17. I don't have a Mazda. Again, you're confused, it's the OP with a Mazda, not me. Wow, how'd you do that?
  18. Well that certainly proves every home in the US has 220V service. MMDV But it does take a bit good bit of money. I thought you said they all had 220V, now you're saying most, make up your mind. In any event, my point was that most garages do not have 220V, and that most homes do not have an EXTRA 220V circuit. You brought it up, remember? I was responding to YOU. More Koolade?
  19. While far and away most, (not all) homes in the US have 220V to service HVAC, dryers, ovens and whatnot, very few have extra 220V circuits and very few over twenty years old have 220V in the garage or carport, unless the dryer or HVAC in an attached garage. Unless upgraded by the homeowner, virtually all detached garages in tract homes have no panel and only two 15-amp circuits, one for lights and one for an outlet.
  20. 15-20% under market is close?
  21. Is that not what I said? The guy offered me about B60K under market for the Tiger and about B50K under for the Spark. One of the guys at the plant took the Toyota and after a week I let Isuzu the guy at Isuzu take it. Life changing money indeed..
  22. Put a for sale sign on it with your number
  23. If you don't want the hassle of selling it, see what they'll give you for it, and then ask your friends if any of them want it for the same money. I did this twice at Isuzu. First time after I got the offer from the guy at Isuzu for the old unit, I posted it at the plant for the same price and one of the guys bought it. The second time I did the same thing, but no one wanted it, so I sold it to the Isuzu guy. Easy-peasy. People buying for re-sale have to make money. Sure, I could have gotten more selling it myself but did not want to mess with it. I've had four Isuzu pick-ups and loved them all. I do not think there is a better value in Thailand.
  24. I had a Cityboy (the high one) on a Toyota Tiger about 20 years ago. I do not recall it being noisy, nor did I have any trouble getting into parking garages all over Bangkok. BUT, it was a standard height pickup, not Highlander or some-such. In any event, I think most of the garages are built to accommodate vans. They look lowered than they really are. The extra height was nice, but the paint all cracked and peeled off the roof of mine, and the bolt holes on the back lift-gate wallowed out and had to be replaced with through-bolts. Door locking became an issue and the struts had to be replaced a couple times. To be fair, it was worked hard and parked in the Sun. I think whether or not the paint peels depends on the painter, not the manufacturer. All that said, the next three I had were all low-profile steel Sammitrs and I had no issues with them (but the struts) and thought the build quality was better. Also worked hard and parked in the Sun but suffered not paint issues at all. If the Cityboy is in good shape and the price is right, go for it.
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