I had a Cityboy (the high one) on a Toyota Tiger about 20 years ago. I do not recall it being noisy, nor did I have any trouble getting into parking garages all over Bangkok. BUT, it was a standard height pickup, not Highlander or some-such. In any event, I think most of the garages are built to accommodate vans. They look lowered than they really are.
The extra height was nice, but the paint all cracked and peeled off the roof of mine, and the bolt holes on the back lift-gate wallowed out and had to be replaced with through-bolts. Door locking became an issue and the struts had to be replaced a couple times. To be fair, it was worked hard and parked in the Sun.
I think whether or not the paint peels depends on the painter, not the manufacturer.
All that said, the next three I had were all low-profile steel Sammitrs and I had no issues with them (but the struts) and thought the build quality was better. Also worked hard and parked in the Sun but suffered not paint issues at all.
If the Cityboy is in good shape and the price is right, go for it.