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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. So when you said you wouldn't drive 200K in twenty years you were making that up?
  2. We? So the landlords should base the rent on whatever the business owner claims they can afford, not on what the market dictates, yes? If the business can afford the rent, it should shut down. I don't disagree at at all, so what? No shortage of fools thinking they're going to be living the life running a 12 seat beer-bar in Pattaya, is that somehow the landlord's fault?
  3. So you're driving less than 5K a year, you ran the numbers and your new EV will pay for itself in eight years. Again. creative accounting. It's amusing that the EV fan-boys (apparently) killed their thread with overzealous restrictions then they want to come over and hog up the thread the guys they kicked out moved to. Typical
  4. I think the "Good Cat" is a cute little car. Something like what I imagine an E-Beetle might look...
  5. That's easy, it's because compared to American automakers, they are much less susceptible to government mandates.
  6. Yes, but with global warming, all ocean-front property will be worthless in ten years. It amazes me that all the fools keep buying it.
  7. No doubt by the Evil oil companies. Everyone with any sense knows the World is quickly transitioning away from fossil fuels, and and at the rate it's going, they will be a thing of the past inside of ten years.
  8. Again you are compelled to make things up as you are (apparently) unable to formulate an actual argument. I have never said landlords do not have a negative effect on businesses here, you just pulled that out of your.... As I far as I know, any cost a business anywhere incurs has a negative affect on that business. Is it your position that in other countries/areas that landlords do not compel their tenants to pay rent, or that paying that rent does not have a negative impact on the business?
  9. Indeed. I wish I still knew everything.
  10. The point is, I can stop anywhere I want, as many times as I want, for as long as I want. I'm not compelled to stop for at least forty-five minutes in a particular location, generally not of my choosing. Yes, your EV/MG fan-boy rhetoric is truly compelling. Nor do I. Anyone with a wife, a child, or an enlarged prostate is going to have to stop pretty often, whether they are in an EV or an ICEV. The difference is, with the ICEV one can stop wherever they like, for as long as they like. When your wife wants to stop, just tell her to hold it, the MG dealer is only 40km away!
  11. Over a four hour drive, with an ICEV I can stop three, four or even five times anywhere I want to toilet, snack or buy fuel in the same forty-five minutes required charge your EV at whatever charge station you choose to use. I routinely drive 700km around without having to fuel, and I would bet I could go over 800km.
  12. As far as I know, none of the manufacturers replaces the batteries under the warranty, they typically replace only the bad cells, and only enough to provide the minimum guaranteed charge. It's not like you are at the end of the warranty period, and get a new battery because it has degraded.
  13. I think I had a mini-bike at about 12! I I rode regularly until I was thirty, and occasionally until I was about sixty. You can slip in the shower or get hit walking across the street. Life is too short to spend time worrying about what you shouldn't do, particularly at an age where we should be doing what we want, as long as we can.
  14. But earlier in this thread you stated you would not drive 200,000km in twenty years, but you are using 180,000 in eight years for your justification. That's what we call "creative accounting".
  15. I would use something round.
  16. It's pretty much all cut to specification, you just have to understand the specification.
  17. Yet when you ran your numbers did you not use 180kkm in eight years to justify it? As I recall, even then it didn't really pencil out.
  18. Industrial EV have been doing battery swaps for 40 years that I know about, nothing new about that. I think the idea of swapping batteries at a station make sense, but even assuming you have one battery that fits all cars, the power requirement and logistics would be a nightmare. Each station services hundreds of vehicles a day, so each station have have to be able to test, charge and store hundreds of batteries a day. The costs of such a facility would be many times the cost of a traditional pump.
  19. You seem to call everyone that is not 100% in agreement that the worlds is ending and all that can be done to save us is the idiocy you advocate "warming denialists", and when I point out that most everyone I know believes the Earth is warming, you still call them "warming denialists" if they are not in lock-step with the left.
  20. "He is now recovering but still needs brain X-rays.”
  21. I'm in Bangkok as well. So you are likely money ahead by closing, yes?
  22. Most everyone I know has never argued the Earth was not warming.
  23. And you blame this not on lack of business, but on greedy, stupid Thai landlords refusing to cut rents, correct?
  24. This could work for businesses that have lost 20-50% of their revenue, but were into what, the third year of this? Do you really think a business that has lost virtually all of it's revenue can afford to continue paying 50% of it's fixed costs indefinitely? I doubt that very much. Ironically, the guys that were operating month-to-month with virtually no savings made out the best. It amazes me that so many people believe rich Thais are stupid.
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