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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. 'This is not a busy time - its almost low season. ' Where on earth are you referring to, not everyone travelling through London is going to Thailand. Its Easter time and also the middle east is certainly not in its low season! All the models on seasonal travel are out of the window during this past year. Most that normally goes to Thailand at Xmas did not go then and are now going (yes out of season)
  2. Thanks for letting me know that a flight from BKK - LHR via Amsterdam is not a direct flight. ( a real eye opener) Also however i take your point that some of the airlines are not flying direct but there are still direct flights. Also you dont need to pay business class levels in order to not be in economy. Eva for eg, book premium economy and you can check in at 1st class checkin, no queues!
  3. Tbh im not surprised you have difficuluties when travelling, or just like moaning about travelling during a busy time. Of course if you are flying direct (non economy) you dont fly Qatar, choose another airline (not the busiest one lol))
  4. As mentioned the middle east (abu dhabi / doha) is extremely busy area at the moment and choosing to fly through there at this time is going to be hectic. Only way i would travel was a direct flight, more airports = more potential problems.
  5. Yes Bangkok to London or Amsterdam. To get where you need to go.
  6. Flying through 3 airports, one of them being abu dhabi (or that area) in this day and age is asking for a ruff trip. Just travle to london and fly direct, would be easier and less stresfull. As mentioned not flying economy would help also, especially direct as you will not have any queues at the airport.
  7. yeh i lost the op when he mentioned he organised a hotel taxi and wasnt happy when a van arrived with other customers on board, when he clearly asked for a solo trip! Lol thats Thailand and the more time you spend here the more you have to just brush these type of things off, as the are a regular occurrence and they will take advantage of you if you let them.
  8. This is about the worst take that i have seen, You suggest the Thai Governments gonna give 40 odd million people, over 10,000 baht each in order , in some cases 15,000 that roughly equals 400,000,000,000 baht away!? Plus all the associated costs that stop people getting 6 shots and taking 5,000 baht each time. A clerical and financial nightmare.
  9. Surely it would be better to have people 'socialising' all spread out and at different times. By limiting peoples time out, you actually increase public densities which would accelerate any bug or virus that is going round?
  10. I know an irish guy whos lived in the UK for the past 20 years and he gets his accomodation paid for and £1,200 per month and he hasnever contributed NI or UK taxes. Bizarre system!
  11. You are obviously blissfully unaware of how things and people work, and still argue if after being presented with information. Forget covid for a moment.....You have no idea how a basic hospital works, they receive money based on how many and what conditions they treat, how on earth do you think it would plan if they did not? Now take in to account all the unknowns with covid and the financial incentives if patients are cared for/ or placed on a ventialtor and you WILL have people on a ventialtor that will later die and of course because of the treatment issued they will be listed as covid, when it was probably old age or something else. Does this happen in every case - NO however does it happen, yes! It seems you have confirmation bias and are unable to accept information that is contradictory to what you have heard and therefore stand by.
  12. Don't be ridiculous, they is no way they would get away with that! What i am saying where there is an option to deceive for monetary gain (or for other gains) unfortunately alot of humans will be tempted. (Where they can they will) My gran passed last year, she had pretty much everything, cancer, 101 year old and they were putting covid on the death certificate, I wasnt personally involved by my uncles managed to get it changed, as there was no way they felt that covid as the cause of death, however if they had not got involved.
  13. From the second line of your link..... ''This is different to the data used by PHE which records all deaths with a positive test within 28 days.'' So are we just to ignore the reports of Public Health England? ''Public Health England was an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care in England which began operating on 1 April 2013 to protect and improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities'' TBH.....The fact that two government organisations can put out two totally different bits of info is disgusting and puts into question the reliability of any information put forward!
  14. They sacked all the staff that were employed prior to 2020 and now a few more tourists are arriving they are now short staffed......it makes sense, you dont want a load of employees if there are no customers. better headline would be. ''Hotels looking for more staff as they get busier''
  15. I know what you are saying however in Thailand prostitution is a way of life for many.. the only option. In the UK most i have seen are generally ex or current addicts, or are very hot but require thousands (£) per night Either way i certianly wouldnt be giving any money in the form a sin sod or dowery or to a UK prostitute or a thai womens family, To be fair if i did marry a Thai i would look after the family but not through a sin sot.
  16. Any hospital operator will receive approximately 800,000 baht for providing treatment to a severe COVID-19 patient. Around 400,000 baht will be paid for treating an uncritical patient. Thai government reimburses the hospital operators for the following items. https://eng.nhso.go.th/view/1/DescriptionNews/No-hospital-charges-for-COVID-19-patients/318/EN-US
  17. Yes exactly. There is nothing wrong with this type of practice, as long as the numbers are not swayed in anyway..... it how the industry works and you seem to suggest that in Thailand its different? Its no where near being a conspiracy theory, its just how it works, you have to be paid depending on what equipment and staff you require. Thats the same for any job. Its frankly ridiculous that people band this term (conspiracy) around and its somewhat insulting! when the user has no idea himself.
  18. They are called 'uplift payments' and that is exactly how the industry works, always has done. Its not malicious or a conspiracy if the numbers reported tie in with those that actually requiried treatment for that case. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/hospital-payments-and-the-covid-19-death-count/ '' I would remind him that anytime health care intersects with dollars it gets awkward. Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.'' https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-care-homes-faced-funding-cut-if-they-didnt-take-in-covid-19-patients-11986578 Holding back payments if the did not take covid or untested patients.
  19. Pretty much every hospital, apart from africa and some of the stan countries received extra money if patients died of covid whilst in their care. So there's always been a motive to list them as covid, they tried to do the same with my Gran RIP yet luckily my uncles managed to get it off the certificate. We had the nursing home debacle in the UK hen this started again, the homes that took covid patients in, instead of them going to hospital also received monies per patient. (Horrendous idea) Also the other reason is just normal governmental propaganda in order for a particular rhetoric to continue. I find the whole thing disgusting, but also not sure what else you would expect from our governments, a bunch of crooks, always have been and unfortunately always will be,
  20. The other guy that answered me on this thread pointed me to Google showing how aftershaves purpose is actually to rehydrate your skin after shaving lol. I'm presuming that's not the reason you wear it?
  21. I used to wear aftershaves and it was chanel antaeus, which also seems to be the one most mentioned on this thread, an old gf also brought me some issy mayeke, which to be fair smelt nice. (the gf wasnt old, just was a few years ago now) The problem i have and why i stopped wearing was the association, the over powering smell after was related to the demeanor of that person and generally both were offputting. I also dont wear a watch anymore, although have and used to wear an expensive ones......it just sent out the wrong message) Basically attention seeking or look at me. A genuine question, why do you wear aftershave?
  22. If no one stands up and tells me who did it, the whole class is in detention. Terrible schoolboy propaganda, some rhetoric, different era. They are just trying to get rid of the stock of jabs the have been given.
  23. Look at the comments below yours, as you would also see if you are able to go outside unassisted? Plenty of people, (rightly or wrongly) still wearing masks in the UK, all ages and also in all weathers!
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