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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. That area especially the karaoke bar next to polo has some very good connections!
  2. Countries that locked down with high vaccination / booster rates have fared worse than those that didn't impose restrictions and still haven't jabbed more than 20% of their population! How does that equal to a great vaccine? The fall out from this mismanagement is going to be immense
  3. It's 10 bucks, 99% of travellers won't know or won't care about this small charge. It's peanuts compared to what most people spend on a holiday. Surprised anyones really bothered about it!?
  4. How many of the ex pats go for a beer with a Thai guy, say once a month? I'm presuming that 99% of people don't ever. Anyone with a Thai wife is going to be viewed suspiciously. Even if you went to live sool in a village and helped neighbours etc...you will and always are a falang!
  5. Issan women are uneducated and their best chance of making anything in their life is either through being on the game. A terrible situation for any women. So a half decent falang with a decent wad of cash and diminishing timeliness, provides them with a great opportunity. Bit like us enduring a <deleted>ty job for 40 years because of the final year pension salary and just getting your head down and doing what needs to be done. Of course this is quite a good situation for most ex pats as they get a younger better looking version of anything they may have pulled on their own country. Win win if you can deal with someone that comes from a completely different culture.
  6. Everything we do is a risk, moving to Thailand was a massive risk and no doubt created some anxiety throughout the process but im bet you are glad you did it. Driving in Thaland is a massive risk, getting married etc,
  7. The planet that is optimistic, the planet that sees all the information for what it is. Just wait and see.....
  8. My nickers are fine thank you. The point is regardless of experience the op presumes he got a bad deal because of his skin colour and its hard to disagree. If i was of African origin, one of the last countries i would visit would be a 3rd world military dictatorship in the Far East.
  9. You are comparing dark skinned Thai people to African imigrants? You really think they get the same deal in Thailand!?
  10. Skin colour is a major issue in the Far East, every one and everything is designed to make you more white and therefore attractive. Looking at the billboards around Bangkok....i have yet to see a Thai person of the nature and complexion of the actual people in these adds. The opposite happens in the west where women are considered more attractive if they are a bit darker.
  11. This marks the end of the pandemic imo. Its onwards and upwards from now, the only thing we have to make sure if is having enough money to deal with price increases that are surely going to continue to happen. Anyway the outlook is good compared to last year
  12. Pretty much everyone's on the game in Thailand!
  13. So the tests don't works, the vaccinations don't work and the boosters, well they are just another vaccine and again none seem to work at detecting or keeping the virus at bay.
  14. if you didn't watch the news in the UK then you would literally not know anything was going on. Everyday they officially misrepresent the figures on breakfast tv, shocking really. Certainly not over run, all the main figures are actually down. Scare mongering at its best with this omnicron, that one person has died with, not because of and that was 4 days ago!
  15. Dont forget your eyes, virus' can and do enter your system by rubbing your eyes or if there is contact between your eyes and any coughing, mist or sneezes by someone thats infected can cause you to contract the virus, whether its a cold flu type. Personally i dont put my fingers anywhere near my face when im out if i can help it. I think if masks are used incorrectly that actually can srpead virus' more than if they werent used. I see so many people out and about adjusting their masks and then touching stuff int he shops / hand rails etc So you then have a concentration of droplets on the mask which are easily transferred. Masks used correctly certainly can help but when does the general public do things sensibly?
  16. Its a big business in Thailand! The same drugs go round and round, filling the prison system with small players and and the gf / wives of the dealers also go down in Thailand. The vast majority of these are entrapment situations, my ex thai boxing trainer was selling drugs for the police! The Portugal situation where they decriminalised the personal possession of all drugs. Thats not a war on drugs its allowing the personal usage of it, although you can still get in trouble but its widely ignored. Portugal prisons have 15% occupancy from drug related crime Thailand at 82% = Ridiculous.
  17. Every aspect of business and the world is a breeding ground for scammers!
  18. Indeed I have taken hundreds of flights and never seen anyone tip a pilot or steward.
  19. Anyone heard of Intuition? At one point in history nothing was known, who taught the early guys!? How did we obtain our information? Its amazing how the sentiment has changed when we actually have facts some just choose to ignore them. Alot of what was considered conspiracy theory has become true, not all but some. For eg. Governments using aeroplanes and putting silver and other oxides into the atmosphere to change the weather. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/23/us-stated-cloud-seeding-weather-modification Johnson and Johnson knowing their talc contains asbestos but continue to sell it. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/ They have even put all the lawsuits into a subsidary company and now bankrupted that company to attempt to get get rid of these lawsuits. https://www.npr.org/2021/10/21/1047828535/baby-powder-cancer-johnson-johnson-bankruptcy?t=1639043485688 The 2009 swine flu scandal, where uk stockpiled a load of tamiflu that was compared to and no better than aspirin. https://www.channel4.com/news/drug-firm-roche-faces-criticism-over-swine-flu-drug-data Not everyone has your best interest at heart, especially big companies and governments (almost the same thing tbh) and that's the problem.....Lobbyists and greed!
  20. He certainly does not have 54b worth of bitcoin! This guy is literally a scammer! A disdain on the crypto world.
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