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ed strong

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Posts posted by ed strong

  1. 1 hour ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    I'm thinking even a step further. My 2nd jab of Pfizer mid-September then load up the fridge and lock myself up for at least 6 weeks to see how this pans out. My little inner voice is telling me this won't be pretty.

    this is the problem, peoples attitude is too far gone and are pretty much paranoid, negativity can have an effect and weaken your immune system, how long can you ignore or avoid the common cold?


    Apologies if your post was sarcastic however i do think many people do feel the way you wrote above, that is a problem.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, mjnaus said:

    With the implementation of IEP1559, Ethereum has drastically decreased issuance. Better yet, once "The Merge" happens early next and Ethereum switches to PoS, issuance will be negative. ETH will become a deflationary asset. 


    Have a look at this site: https://ultrasound.money/ and flip the "simulate merge" switch in the SUPPLY GROWTH meter on the dashboard to see what this will look like.

    Disclaimer: I am part of the team working on the ultrasound.money site. 

    At least it sounds like they are pushing in the right direction, however i still remember the infamous tweet by Vitalik.....''Guys can you stop trading''


    Anyone that can do this and would instruct it has to be slightly worried that a similar scenerio could occur in the future and then where does it leave it? Just seem to flaky to be taking 100% seriously imo.



  3. As long as its been 10 days since she was infected you will be just fine.


    I know of two close friends whom have had an infection in their households and no one else was infected, however there were advised by the Uk health authorities to isolate for 10 days before going back into public. (Not the family members in contact with the infected person, only the infected had to isolate)

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Tanomazu said:

    I think you'll find Bitcoin is not the only coin with limited supply:



    Cant see any details there, however no doubt there are currencies with low supply but that means nothing with little or no network effect, the Frei coin was a coin that had the idea of demurrage built in, circa 2012 not seen or heard of it since.


    Its hard to look past bitcoin simply because of the huge network that backs it, any other coin offering advantages will just be added to bitcoin therefore mitigating it usage. More or less every coin has a ceo or someone in charge, ethereum has vitalik, ada has hodgkinson (Lol)  hex has richard heart (lol).


    Ethereum also had a 70% premine and unlimited supply, which brings the whole 'value' into question.


    Im not against any other coins however the majority are scams even though the team has 'good' intention, reminds of me not for profit charities and payrolls of their ceos, some do good but the majority are scams lining the pockets of the crreators whilst actually doing very little for the actual users or people in need.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Tanomazu said:

    I think you'll find that Monero is listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including Kraken, a US based cryptocurrency exchange, which being US based has to be compliant with US AML/KYC requirements. It's also listed on Litebit, from the Netherlands, so compliant with EU AML/KYC requirements. It's also listed on Bittrex, also located in the US, and therefore compliant with US AML/KYC requirements. And quite a few others.


    There is actually no difference in the legality status of Bitcoin and Monero in the US for instance. Bitcoin and Monero are both designated as commodities by the CFTC and Treasury in the US, they are both designated as virtual currencies, but neither has legal status as money or currency. Both are legal to use in the US, and transactions for both require the same KYC and AML by the exchanges. Both are listed on exchanges in the US.


    However, Monero has some advantages over Bitcoin:


    "Bitcoin has a problem: it's not fungible. One Bitcoin does not equal another Bitcoin. If you receive Bitcoin that's previously been sent through a mixer, or that's been somehow associated with illicit activity, it can make it look like you're associated with the shady transactions.


    That's the case even if you purchase Bitcoin legitimately and with zero knowledge of its past use."







    You might want to inform the US government that they have approx 1 billion dollars in Bitcoin, and the fact they have auctioned off hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin to companies and users across America, that they have been selling unfungible Bitcoins!


    Monero is not the answer to any investment thoughts.


    Maybe sol, aave, avax could be worth a punt but I'll stick to Bitcoin, its the only coin with a limited supply and not susceptible to changes by the owner.

  6. The UK - population 65 million, ~80% of adults fully vaccinated - is very much heading the wrong way. Deaths are up 10x - yes, tenfold - compared to this time last year. Cases are rising again.


    Thailand has begun opening up as cases are still on the increase, as vaccinations numbers increase. Go figure that one out, basically once all the 'stock' of vaccines and orders are completed we go back to normal. However there's no way all this stock goes to waste.



    My god daughter in the UK tested positive for Covid 2 weeks ago (she  had a slight headache for 2 days) and was told to isolate for 10 days, we then presumed that she would need to be tested again after the 10 days.  However we were strongly told do not re test as she would test positive again, just that as along as it was 10 day she was then fine to go out and socialise etc.


    If you've already had covid then there is a very strong chance of you testing positive again as it remains in your body......and we are told that natural immunity is better than the vaccine.


    How on earth do you manage a situation like this!? Potentially vaccinated the already protected? Which is a complete waste of everyones time and money.


    Perhaps simple antibody tests could help attain their level of protection and how susceptible they might be and whether a vaccine might help them against the newest strains.

    Also no point to vaccinate against a strain that is no longer prevalent.

  7. Makes uncomfortable reading, there is no official line because no one really knows what's going on, now we have uniformed people trying to get as many shots as might seem viable for positive travel plans.


    I was in hospital 3 months ago and was told by the nurses and surgeon that it made no difference if I was vaccinated or not ( I wasn't and was going to get vaccinated before I went for surgery) so I did not bother with the vaccine and still haven't today, yet somehow now a vaccine is needed for travel! What's changed in these couple of months?


    Please look at Israel the most vaccinated country in the world, its a disaster.


    • Confused 1
  8. 6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    There were 2 of them under clinical test talked of a few weeks ago. Now you mention it, not heard of them for a while. 

    Theres no domestic vaccine production in the majority of 3rd world countries, not because they dont have the facilities but because they have to order from countries that are approved, essentially either China, European or Russian. No surprise there.


    Thailand will gain approval once there is no real demand for the vaccines and the majority have been offloaded from the countries that are approved to manufacture them.


    Indonesia / Bangladesh all have the facilities to produce hundreds of millions of vaccines but for some reason they dont have approval! ?


    Its essentially a racket but money rules the world!


  9. You have heard of placebos, well Thailands narrative seems to be spouting the complete opposite.


    My uncle once said don't read health books you might die of a misprint!


    I appreciate Thailand expats are generally retired so best to get vaccinated however it seems to be marginal protection and for a limited time but better than nothing.


    When you move to Thailand there's certain things you have to accept, and surely the whole roll out thing was always going to be chaotic,  can't really be surprised.


    Still there's twice as many deaths on the road as there is is from covid, yet no one's debates driving as much as you do about worrying about people socialising etc.


    As we are now finding it's just a case of living with it as most other countries are now doing.


    If it wasn't for the media here in the UK, I'd have no idea we are in a pandemic


    • Confused 2
    • Sad 2
    • Haha 2
  10. The UK has ordered 500m does of vaccine, yet we have a population of 60m.


    Surely in any other area of business there are laws against hoarding? Especially during a pandemic.


    How can some countries order so many even 3 or 4x the actual quantity that they have publicly stated they actually require!? Thus leaving more susceptible people and countries clambering for shots.


    What i like to see during a global pandemic is countries pulling together, even the vaccine producers perhaps limiting their profit in these type of times to ensure a good roll out to the people that need it, old and also people that are more susceptible to these types of virus.


    Astra have changed the name of their covid vaccine to a more generic name,  Vaxzevria (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca ) which suggests that its going to get used for other things other than covid( Basically at some stage they will need to offload these vaccines)


    The whole thing unsurprisingly has turned into a money grabbing experiment, with 3rd world countries leading the way by charging their already poor citizens and of course the highest bidders get what they want, yet the people that might actually require it could miss out due to be a low earner!

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