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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. 300 baht. lol that wouldn't even buy you a pint of cider in Thailand. The real tourists are not going to even notice there is an extra charge.
  2. An iphone is hardly compensation for a kidney, even in Thailand. NHS England will reimburse costs and expenses if you donate a kidney to them. They wont quote a price however its thought around £3,000 - £7,000 for your living kidney. (i.e from a live donor)
  3. Lol my information comes from traveling the world and looking into the sex activities in everyone of those cities. Where does your info come from?...no you dont offer any contradictional information just question mine. hmmm.
  4. Umm to not be groped on walking street is probably even worse than being groped tbh. I'm not a huge fan of the place however its all part of the game when you head into the sex capital of the world. Walking street in pattaya is pretty unique place, gross and hedonistic but sometimes thats exactly whats needed.
  5. 500 baht is more than enough to be entertained by a beach road girl, anything more than that is juts giving your money away for no reason. Perhaps the rest is for a tip, depending on the service?
  6. Who hasn't been groped in walking street? I had 7,00 baht taken out of my pocket by some 5 year old children at 7am on walking street. Didn't report it though and was lucky enough to get my money back as some girl had seen the pickpockets ( i had no idea they had knicked my money)
  7. ''Selection of the vaccines will go through a panel of experts taking into account safety, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. '' Haha another round of royalties to be sorted out. They wont let this cow die until it has been fully milked.
  8. His flight is not til the 11th of this month, surely the company will offer an alternative flight / refund, or route back, they / he still has a few days to sort. I wouldnt be panicking yet. My only experience with a cancelled flight was with British airways ( i had an emergency in Thailand and it was the only ticket available at short notice) I paid £1,200 for an economy ticket, went to the airport to be told the flight was fully booked. Anyway i received about 500 euro compensation in the form a credit card and an alternative flight the same day to Austria and then connection to Bangkok. To be fair i had to propose this option as BA officially moved me onto their next flight 24 hr later.
  9. With all due respect, domestic violence happens in all countries and its generally the lower uneducated classes. The fact you have met so many 'Thai men haters' suggest you are not talking or socailising with the pinnacle of the community. Its all also a bit of a 'pick up line', like all Thai men are horrendous and you are their knight in shining armour etc.. Yeh right!
  10. No countries property market is 'starting to see recovery' but nice try.
  11. Most of my friends are in this group i.e had the first 2 shots (18 months ago) when they came out but nothing since. They are considered fully vaccinated for the statistcs however they are being told that they are late for their booster shot, which they are being advised to take. The booster is the same as a vaccine but is called a booster if you have already had 2 but a vaccine if you have had no shots. This literally does not make sense or add up. Perhaps someone can explain it better? btw this hair loss story, probably more to do with stress.
  12. Yes i still go for my polio booster every 3 months, have been since i was 6 year old. To compare existing vaccines to what really can only be described as a 'symptom suppressor' at best, is bizarre. Just look at the stats out there in terms of numbers of 'unvaccinated' in the world now. Most of Africa under 20 % jabbed, Why are the hospitals not being over run? Why are are the deaths not high? These are all questions that you you really shoudl consider. The information is out there and it looks positively horrendous and contradictive to what we are actually told.
  13. Absolutely gross that they are jabbing 9 year olds. Sure if you are over 60 and suffer from some ailments then sure take the flu and cold jabs but other than that its disgusting to see what is happening.
  14. upnotover said it, but didnt know his name so couldnt reference him, hence guy above that posted above, apologies for any confusion.
  15. didnt mention you, said chap above...
  16. Its quite straightforward if a little annoying, to the guy above its a tourist tax not for Thai people, so they wont be charged. Just because you have insurance does not mean you will not have to pay. The only exemption is for Thai people, end of story. Its less than 10 dollars, 99.9% of tourists wont care or notice.
  17. Oh yes, i've often commented or been shown someones new tattoo and always straight away, the very next thing is they give me the history and religious semiotic significance of their latest marking!?
  18. 99% of tattoos are just copied stencils.....nothing to do with art. Getting art on your body would mean going to the studio and just getting the artist do what he wants on your skin, that would be art.....not coping some daft picture of worst of all some daft slogan. 'You are my brothers keeper' If i ever see a women with 'Love me for who i am' on her arm......its a great signal to run a mile.
  19. Its strange that no one born after 1943 has ever been to the moon.
  20. Superstitions are always rife in areas of poverty and poor education, often perpetuated due to illiteracy and ignorance and a lack of available knowledge of science and technology. Its the same philosophy as religion, its biggest proponents being South America, Africa and central Asia. I believe many governments would rather have a nation of superstitious religious folk than an educated community.
  21. Ive been screwed over more by women in Thailand whom weren't technically a bar girl than by actual bar girls. The thing is with bar girls is they have pretty much zero education and are very unaware of the big world wide, you can tell them anything and they will believe it. Not such an easy life dating a normal Thai women. In terms of marriage best leave them all alone, marriage is an outdated and pointless task to go through and offers no benefits for the man. Other than that you can tell people that you are now married.
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