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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. Even such a small section makes it impossible to walk from hilton down towards the kings palace beach when the tide is high, irrelevant if its small section as it effects the whole beach.
  2. Its a bit of a lottery, even if you book a driver theres no certainty that driver will turn up to drive you. Unless you pay limousine type prices
  3. There's a vineyard just outside of town, owned by the German red bull guy i believe. Unfortunately i visited on a buddha day and was unable to sample any wine. In terms of restaurants i would try Carlo, an Italian place opposite Centara, quite pricey but they have some good wines. Theres a wine bar opposite city beach hotel although not visited hua hin for 2 years so not sure its still there.
  4. FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. That's the message and that's what doesn't help you sleep, you don't get insomnia after a bleedin cold.
  5. building where theres no other buildings or infrastructure isnt generally the best business plan. First job is to knock down all those illegal restaurants in between the hilton and the pier.
  6. I accidentally dropped my phone on the main road outside the Hilton in Hua Hin. I spent the next day or two phoning it and sending messages but to no avail. It was still on but not being answered. Eventually i asked a Thai friend and she took her phone, sent a message to mine and within a minute we had a reply and i was instructed to one of the security huts within the hilton grounds, wherby i was presented with my phone. So i'm told its actually theft to hold onto an item that is not yours in Thailand, regardless that you did not originally steal it.
  7. Generally what absolute confusing and awful advise given to the poster, especially one bright spark telling him that he needs an app to receive an online payment!!? come again? I'm confused after reading that lot. Glad you got it sorted....... however it would have been much less of a strain had you just gone to the bank rather than post on here for 'advise' (Not your fault)
  8. If you have something to sell (arms) and anyone that has money.....you will work together regardless of what other political situations are occurring and disregard any concern the public might have. Gross but thats business.
  9. Ridiculous assumption..... Look at Nigeria less than 12% fully vaccinated yet only 3,000 related deaths in a population of 250m with less ideal sanitary conditions. How does that add up with Thailand's figures and related models?
  10. More like partners than enemies. Saudi Arabia has been historically receiving security assistance from the U.S. since 1945 when Roosevelt met King Abdul Aziz and agreed a deal. Saudi Arabia is the United States' largest foreign military sales (FMS) customer, with more than $100 billion in active FMS cases. Through FMS, the United States has supported three key security assistance organizations in Saudi Arabia—the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, and the Ministry of Interior. Biden said it would all stop when he got into power but actually the situation is now worse.
  11. generally its the person rather than 'other parameters'. ''All my partners turn out to be nutters / crazy etc, its not that you choose nutters rather you end up turning them all into the same type of person''
  12. Exactly anyone with just a basic understanding of math would not buy for the potential returns, just for laughs. Although i could think of better ways to entertain yourself in Thailand rather than throwing money at the lottery but each to their own.
  13. National lotteries are designed to extract money from the already poor citizens of any country. No one that already has any money plays the lottery. Only those with low iq and a poor understanding of maths and probability would participate in a state sponsored transfer of money from its citizens back into the state.
  14. Every country has their own way of 'dual pricing' or giving their own nationals an advantage over foreigners and I don't have a problem with it. Take Wimbledon the tennis tournaments and how the British players are given centre court when they aren't always the best players at that time in the tournament. Great for the British audience but imagine being a foreigner and paying for top tier tickets and then having to watch second or even a third tier match just because a player is from the home country.
  15. Er no, even if their were very young girls or boys available, you generally wouldn't post about it on a forum.
  16. About time, i predicted this a few months ago and all the posters on here that mocked me (cant remember who you were but you know)
  17. Indeed, Thailand is in the same group as pretty much every other country in the world. Anyone who has taken a loan for a car or mortgage in the last few years that could just about afford the repayments is going to endure a lot of discomfort over the coming years. We were all encouraged to borrow with rates very low, now unfortunately things can only go one way, up.
  18. Particular tattoos can relate to gang membership and recognising these could be useful for the police.
  19. Majority of Thai's refuse the helmet on a motorbike but wear a mask. Sort of sums up this thread and Thailand. Stop the scaremongering type posts on here, that continue to deliver anxiety and fear in those that are easily influenced. Have a look at the bigger picture zoom out. over 70% of the population have not had a booster so inefect they are unvaccinated as the dose only seems to last around 2 months of protection. So why are they are they not dropping like flies? Also the people that had no vaccines are not all dieing by the shed load, they really are not, neither are they getting really ill.
  20. Some people just like moaning, probably because they are used to it. This forum seems to attract alot of these types ????
  21. 'The unemployment rate here is one of the lowest in the world. That's where you are deluding yourself.' That's hilarious, i guess you need to research up on that 'fact' The average wage for those actually employed is about 22,00 baht, not easy to live on.
  22. Ive lived in Thailand and so has my family. Ive never tried to 'save' anyone. 'Poor little things putting up with those horrible sweaty old men. How is it different back home lol? You think there aren't people grow up in broken homes, bad backgrounds and live in or near poverty wherever you come from? They are not judgements by the way, they are facts.' You cant compare your home to Thailand thats the biggest mistake people make when living in Thailand, like apples and oranges. Go to parts of Northern India and you wont even be let into shops, let alone touch anyone. No Thailand is not quite like that but its closer than what you are used to in your home country. If you are from UK/ US and from a bad background or broken home you dont have to go on the game to get a decent wage, there are plenty of options, in fact if you dont work and have kids you get given a home and a wage. That doesn't happen in 3rd world countries.
  23. You say you are not making any judgement, yet the the last few sentences are exactly that. Yes its a desperate life either way but to suggest all the parents and grand parents are drunks and the kid has no hope is not realistic of what happens. Prostitution is a very different scene back home, for eg if i took a girl bar girl out in Phuket, everyone there is going to know i picked her up and am paying for the priveledge, they will also be from the north so any resident or southern girl is going to really look down on this girl from the north. However if i hired an escort in the UK no one would have any idea she was on the game, no waitress or anyone would talk down to her and no one would realise i was paying her. So to make comparisons of what are to very different situations.
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