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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Lunatic, play the game, it's is an illusion you are buying, nothing else. The smartest girls I met, did not drink at work
  2. The numbers is fluctuating a bit from country to country, but all reports shows individually there is an high percentage who struggles with mental health issues, and many more who experience mental health challenges one or a few times during their life, who will be vulnerable to be exposed to high class drugs. I have lived half my life among extreme sports athletes,and I would say by experience 75% are challenged mentally, and 30% abuse hard drugs. More than 20% of all of them I met throughout my carrier, are dead. Not counting skydiving or paragliding as extreme sport. I meet maybe 300 experienced extreme sporters in my life, 67 of them are dead. 50% or more of them who died in sport, I believe used drugs. This is what I believe, and have no evidence. I have experience with cocain, and maybe taken cocain once or twice a year at dedicated parties, and I knew first time at age 23, this was to good, and I had to treat it with care and aldo choose my friends with care. I was first time offered cocain 19 years old, but I declined the offer.
  3. Well, who is most likely to use, or better say abuse substances that makes you feel elevated, happy and the smartest person earth? There is a reason why cocain became illegal.
  4. You sounds like a fine gentleman yourself, and deserves better. Did they serve you breakfast?
  5. and you did not black out, and forgot everything?
  6. Knowing 10% in the world have mental challenges, it is a potent drug to provoke and trigger their mental well being, or worsen their illnesses.
  7. Pure and right dosed cocain is not that bad. It is dangerous and bad for your health if it is contaminated and mixed with other drugs, as well alchohol. And you face seriously mood changes if done to much, to often to long.
  8. Do you see Japanese and Chinese at the girly bars, not even remember russians floating around the red light district, but to be true, it is soon 10 years ago I want for a night out once or twice to the bars for a night out.
  9. Good points, very good 😁
  10. You can bash anything you want for me, I got my experience living many places, and I know what I enjoy, and not enjoy. So my decisions is rooted in experience and knownledge, not hope and dreams or illusions. And a good start, not being so negative to others experiences and choices. To many here have to constantly share their black view on everything
  11. I was thinking of you when I saw a video today, and was looking for an earlier thread we both was engaged in, but could not find the specific post where you had a negative outlook on Norway and cold winters, and my picture in my head was totally different. You are right about that, if you meet someone, your perspective and outlook on quality life might change. Always good to have the possibility to make corrections. Important to know, living in paradise becomes normal to, and then what?
  12. Common Red light district failures by foreigners. Waiting for follow up by the local police.
  13. My wife call the emigration when there is something we need to know, and they always gives us the answers we are looking for.
  14. They are your people in your hearth, do not take everything literally. You always defends them with all of your hearth, even proofs talks against you and them
  15. Your continously apologies for your people is amazing
  16. Now you making drama again 😁 It was a question to a single man in context with the previous replies. I know the answers out of personal experience,
  17. I'm here now, but leaving in 2 weeks for 2 1/2 month, and then, staying another 1 1/2 month. Coming back In October and probably staying to March or so. We will see, and all depending on work to. Wife just delivered her spouse visa today, and that will take another 15 months or so. Just back from your neighborhood down to Ranong and back, and it was great.
  18. If you are single? Where is the nest place in Thailand to settle, if you plan to continue being single? Also if you plan to find someone, same question
  19. If someones decision is based on beer prices, then I would say they have a serious problem. I should had choosed Spain, based on my appetite for their wine availability and meat sausages fresh vegetables and seafood choices
  20. If you limit your life to an appartment in a dirty europeen city, then I can understand. Well, talking about negativity, your presets seems quite negative to a life back home where you orign from, and I find that sad, but happy you have found your chosen destination better.
  21. How do you get a tax Tin number if you do not have qualified visa?
  22. It depends how you read it, and I answered another post related to the same. I think more people should consider what they do when they give up a life in one country for another, and not think everything will be easy, and do not consider future obatacles like stronger bath, new terms and rules for visa and stay, and also world politics. Cambodia have great developments for the moment with huge investments done by China, and that should tell us about where this is heading, or is it mainly Good?
  23. Seems like many who lives in Thailand wish they didnt settle here as well, and now they are either to old to move, or stuck here with investments, wife kids and cant just run away.
  24. Just bought Iphone 15 for my wife birthday, must say Im jealous of the the camera she got now. Worth 29K ? Well I never ever thought I would buy a phone for that price, and I will most likely wait a bit longer, but when my Samsung dies, I guess I will follow
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