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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Looks like she got a nose job as well.
  2. If you quit today, nobody cares, Where is Thaibeachlovers? I have a steady countdown to my own detox going full on turkey, and sure it will please a few in here knowing Im leaving. Forum become to stupid lately. 6 days
  3. A paragliding wing becomes pressurized, not deployed, and most likely took of before completely pressurized, or turbulence, thermic burble came up the hill and took him out. Could be changing wind at the exit point (take off)
  4. This bought at cj for 450 baht last week, and cant say it was great, but decent table wine for those who do not know wine or have a taste for wine
  5. Where are you located?
  6. ⁴ Agree and say it by t-shirts
  7. This was for the conspiracy breed, who believes anything and everything is mixed and places in the vaccines. Tracing devices etc etc Would had been much easier to put in anything else like Ink for tattoos, piercings, Silicon implants, botox, lip fillers you name it. Lipsticks, bodylotion, shampoo, shaving cream, foot cream. Food Just anything else than vaccines wouldn't create any response at all. Wake up
  8. Do magas and conspiracy theoreticals have Tattoos? Nooooo Covid vaccines is dangerous, and the ink they use, could be anything in it. Just think about it, you volunteer to take 10k to hundreds of thousands of punctures in your skin with ink from various sources. Incredible 🤗🤔😂
  9. That was close, The World Health Organization began naming the variants after Greek letters to avoid public confusion and stigma
  10. Just sad to see Milus Cyrus tattoos, one of the most beautiful girls I have seen, managed to make such horrible tattoos on her self. And maybe even more sad, is all those wannabes who follow the trends set by their heroes. Most tattooed people, thought it was a good idea because they see someone they admired doing it. Wannabes
  11. Created by Usa, I actually wanted to believe it, but I didnt
  12. And you need to consider what kind of activities you will get involved with Diving Arial sports Motorbike Evacuation Pre existing condition Send an E-mail to an broker AA or simular. AA is great, speaks several languages. I went through it several years ago, and it a study by itself, and the last years I have been on Nomade travelling insurance, since I got adress back in my home country and Healthcare
  13. Will you have rights to Healthcare in you orign country?
  14. The sad thing, next time we have a little bit more severe virus to deal with, it will be ragnarok, If China created the virus, be happy it was a test, and prepared us for something worse! Reading the comments here, you understand how little knownledge the average have, and how to deal with their insecurity to think by themselves, and see why the wuhan virus was a good test.
  15. Waiting for moon and mars viruses arriving as well. And we all know aliens created the black death! Spanish flu created by the Vatican, just to mention a few
  16. Latest news Ukraine's SBU detains its counter-terrorist center chief accused of working for Russia https://kyivindependent.com/ukraines-sbu-captures-anti-terrorist-center-chief-suspected-of-working-for-russia/
  17. If it was just Donald, Suggest new name on Greenland https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/02/11/buddy-carter-greenland/78422602007/
  18. Spooning all night
  19. You start making excuses again for not answering the questions. Anyway, we are way off the topic
  20. If you want to believe that, then you believe in the script as being unique, and given by god, and what god said will be fulfilled. Israel has the legal right to conquer every enemy and take back their land, as I have said is the real intention behind this war. It will happen. I believe all religions have the same origin mixed in with different cultures as it spread, and some clever politicians together with religion have made themselves superior to others, and convince people of their heritage and responsibility. an endless fight for the same religious landmarks and resources creating chaos.
  21. I'm already coming and going, and for the last two years stayed less than 6 months already, so I have already decided to escape an eventually forced taxation by Thailand. My banks have also been at me the last two years to verify my standing when it comes to where I actually lives, and I had to get verification of my adress in Norway as well. However I plan to create a new bank account, an safety account if something happens in Europe the next decade. Constantly reminded of war with Russia, and latest reports we got 5 years to prepare for war. That's why
  22. I'm only guilty in a missing ? Mark, nothing else. And you are wasting time on poorly based arguments I tried to change a text to become something else than the original meaning. Do you deny Judaism could root from somewhere else?
  23. I didn't pay previously tax on transfers from savings, but now I want to have a reserve here. Next question I transfer this year, stay 5 months. Next year I'm staying 7 months? I'm off the hook then? Someone must know for Eu countries, efta, Nordic or Norway.
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