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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. And you base that statement on?
  2. ? I believe you take my post out of context
  3. It means you are visiting Thailand, and your wife is reunited with her family?
  4. We can only speak on behalf of our own experiences, but yes I had almost two dekades with pain and suffering and also economic fall. I had two choices, give up, or try to change things, learn, change my opproach so I could start living again. Chronic pain led to mental challenges which led to economic fall. I thought it was the end of my life, and it actually changed my view on life itself, and first after my 50 birthday, I truly started to live, and not only escaping life true egocentric spoiled lifestyle.
  5. I read you as non believer, because you to often speaks as you know, and you feel confident you have found the truth. Im right or wrong? I know this have been posted before, still interesting, but for me to far out there. I enjoy my illusion of my reality I see, touch, feel, smell and taste. The enderfines and happy hormones flow through my body when I manipulate myself to strengthen my belief in a positive way, and not negative way which is to easy to do, and then start escaping creating another reality than we most likely experience every day. I like two words realism and belief, and you might ask how those two words can fit together? Unfortunate governments like we have experienced them, have been beneficial for all of us, and we had our shot to take as much advantage of the system if we wanted.
  6. Teflon tape and thread dope fix that problem
  7. Almost thought is not qualified as an death experience, and I believe actually dying would be different, same as I passed out when freediving, my body first shut down organs, and try to push as much blood to my brain with oxygen, still was minutes away from actually dying. Still one very colorful event pleasant experience, and the another just black and gone,
  8. I accept what happen today, tomorrow and rest of my life! Dying or getting killed isn't something unnatural. Living aimlessly without a purpose is Keiko Nobumoto
  9. True, reality is what it is, but my reality do not necessarily fit with your reality, and thats where we humans have our first obstacle to conquer and find a middle way around it, and thats where the government comes in as a great tool for good and bad. When it comes to final death moment, and after death, do we really know anything? I like to believe It is all black and done, but I can not be sure. When do your brain stop functioning if a normal death, do your life flash in front of you, will you feel any guilt or happiness when you die? I believe that moment you die, and are dying it will be a very individual experience based on you, your life, and how you feel loved or love somebody.
  10. Another problem that you need to consider, is when you are going to extend after a year or two, thats when you might get surprised. It is not uncommon businesses have to close or move because of Landlord issues. Your concept would be much easier with a food truck and less worries.
  11. Every post you do, would be a full day work. You make claims you obviously have no clue about, and on top of that, you manage to accuse those who have knowledge for having no clue. It takes a psychopath or plain stupidity to do that. In one thread you claiming living on 40 is not living, in another tread you claim you and your wife and family live for 15 k or so a month. You claim you know about quality clothing, but have no clue at all, and also expert on marriage and how to live, as well telling everyone they are not living at all
  12. Oh well, what do I know, 76 km to closest city, first 7/11 opened this year! As said you just trow out accusations around you and hope someone takes the bite. How come you find it ok to be so rude ? Why do you believe that is acceptable and I do not understand why the mods accept it.
  13. Jealous? My wife have land and we have also a spacious house, bungalow and we enjoy living on the land next to a National park. You wrote I have, not we have or her have! Your post indicates you are reckless with details, get arrested by other members and continue to teach everyone about their lack of understanding, be it economic, lifestyle, or opinions that doesn't fit with your view. Rude and acting like a troll with only one mission to stirr up as much bull pie as possible. I'm sure you are fun to be around ????
  14. Isaan is not materialistic at all? What in heavens name does that mean? Or people from Isaan is not materialistic? Indeed Thai people is materialistic and love to show off! Where in Isaan do you live, I would like to know where such a place exists
  15. I have seen a few of those mentioned and paddy seems to be doing good work and had 12 millions views in 18 months, but I'm still unsure how it pays off concerning working hours and dedication, comparing to dedicated work be it in multimedia or any other work that concerns graphical, sound video or anything else. He manage to build a reputation because of his 100% commitment and interest in his lifestyle.
  16. There is no perfection in this world, but yes I like Thailand as long I'm able to keep the backdoor open for leaving if I want to. I'm semi retired by now, and what future brings, we have to wait and see. If Thailand turn out to be Spain or Florida for Indian and Chinese I might reconsider in future.
  17. At the same time there is many things I dislike about Thailand, there is unfortunate more things that still makes my life better in Thailand. I could not, or do not want to live in Singapoor, Japan or Usa even I at the moment could afford it, it doesnt give me the feeling of freedom I have in Thailand.
  18. If you say so, give me links to those interesting youtubers who have something with enough essens to keep my interest for longer than 2 minutes. Very few manage to continue to deliver proper interesting stuff even weekly. It is hard work, and dedicated work, as well take the time to learn how to manage sound, pictures, enough camera angles to give the viewer a better perspective of the story they are doing. Also have the patience to know what they are talking about and work out a storyline. Most of all their personalities weigh in alot, and how they present the,selves, and also have a clear idea who is their target group. Age, sex, etc For someone who have never done any of that before in their life, they will struggle to deliver what viewers want and manage to make money on it. Just to manage to go viral, takes quite a bit luck to, not only skills. To many have to long vids to early without enough interesting material, or even with interesting material, the presentation is often not good enough.
  19. It is is because of this chaos we have found our paradise for one or the other reason. If Thailand was a highly structured country, things had been different. We havevto accept the bad that comes with the good. Ying Yang ???????? Singapoor next ?
  20. I was about to write about ego, and how it control us to continue in circles, no matter what happens outside the circle it drives everyone back inside to the same track. Most of all Im satisfied with what I know, feel and think as well my belief, but Im willing to change my belief as quick I sense something new and backed up by science. I do not dismiss chience because of some bad apples, same as your arguments, you are not willing to give up your stands bacause of bad apples in religion. After all there is no true conflicts between religion spirituality or science, the true conflict is the ego of the participants of the debate.
  21. Fly in on business or first class with airlines who have this service at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Have used the Limousine company for fast track also, and their service is cheap and reliable
  22. Sad, but true, we exploit this planet and ruin it for the next generations. We all know how important the forests that is left on the planet is, but we continue to chopping them down for commercial use. Once a time the rivers was clean, but there is no more forests or natural landscape to filtrate the soil, mud, debris from the rainwater before it ends up in the river anymore. But some scientists says we have no influence of whats happening in this planet, even I know how cool my land is after I planted 200 trees, and neighbors chop them down, and are angry at me, because I attract more birds, my trees take the water, my 3 different grass types is weed and I do not spray against insects or anything else. My soil is healing and keeps moist, collect water during the nights, and I have natural fertilizer from my sheeps. It is many small things that could save this planet, but we are a train with no brakes heading for disaster
  23. What so special about Pattaya? There was 20 years ago many other paradises to travel to that did not involve p4p.
  24. Name one actually good expat youtuber or Tik Tokker In Thailand who make money.
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