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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. I do believe we as humans are born with different skills, and also more talented in diferent areas we can learn if we put the hard work in, and very few have extraordinary skills and can be good at anything they want to do. Common for everyone we need stimuli to get started, and we need reward to continue, but again, we have both introvert’s and extrovert’s where attention can work different. I believe most people who feel they do not fit in the norms, or do not see where they belong will in some way start to abuse stimuli. When I was 12 (a little coincidence) I failed to see the meaning of life, and started to see the pattern of lies and so called truths we had been thought. It was post Vietnam, Irani revolution started, Israel Palestine conflict, and I started to see a different picture than I was told. Because of the controversial world situation I saw, and the connections of how history leads us to the result we see in realtime, I felt I did not get the intellectual stimulation I needed, and I had questions my parents could not answer, or my teachers nor anyone else could answer, I started to feel lost and stuck with to many unanswered questions Nobody was even willing to discuss. Even before 12 I also saw how we treated animals and the nature around us, and that was something I could feel inside as pain, and It was the wake up for me to start investigating more about politics. Im no radical and more or less in center where I can see both sides as right or wrong, or least evil. Anyway lack of intellectual and physical stimulus I found my escape in extreme sports. I believe we are driven by stimulus, and in lack of felt purpose for the right reasons, I guess we or many start to escape reality and create our own purposes and realities to reach our reward system to feel better about our self. That said, even if its just for a short instant fix, and it comes with mixed feelings for good and bad. My experience was for the long shot involving problem solving and survive in a few pioneer sports where there where high risk and high reward. When it comes to prostitution I can not enjoy that, because, as said, I cant manage to oversee or manipulate myself away from the reality it involve for a girl to finely ending up in prostitution, and for what reasons she made that choice or ended up there of other reasons than of free will. However I have met prostitutes who obviously seems to manage life as good as anyone else around be it more accepted jobs, but also met people in accepted jobs who feel abused and taken advantage of, Yin Yang
  2. In late age I got a full screening and psychologist for free, and I got friends who-was quite opened minded who climbed, skydived, white water kayaking, base jumping. Friends who often was spiritual grounded, and we often discussed the meaning of life, maybe because of the nature of the sport being lethal. We lost every year several friends doing what they loved, or sometimes to suicide. ADHD, ptsd, and some bipolar spectre’s with more is not unusual in creative and highly dangerous sports, and I would say in some more challenging involving high risk profession’s, we also have tendencies of same types of personalities who have accepted and willing to risk it all, to do what they are trained for. No statistic of course or proved data and of course many border line types as well. I would say many of the same types might search for new excitement in life and take risk on other areas in life not involving risk of their life, but high risk in economics. Maybe moving to a new country? Give up and let go of their old life and start a complete new life without safety net, which they should have, or a good plan b. Of course the result for my struggles both chronicle and my mental health, was heavy medication, offered by the leading psychiatrist. I knew I could live a good life without, because I did function good when I did not have any chronic issues, and now started to learn how to change my life physical and mentally. I had 5 hours only with a psychologist, one month with screening together with a group, and two hours with psychiatrist. what I learned by the group, was how they had narrowed down their options and their possibilities and given up, broken either by the toxic environment they grew up in, or the system they had been placed in to protect them, and had no more will or energy or belief in them self, that they could overcome their struggles. This is people who had function good for most of their life with families and work, but experienced one or more life crises. Well anyway, have to stop my ramble her, need to go, I am a person who like to do small puzzles and read science and also love the theories about our brains plasticity and how we can manipulate our self, as well how positivity can change you, how you feel, how you see the world, colours, taste smell, and more. the moral is, we can do alot for our self, creating our own reality in a positive way as we all maybe already now,, all roads leads to Rome someone said
  3. I belive feeling of freedom is a individual sense of feeling. I know westerns in UK, USA, Australia feel the same about their individual freedom is taken away from them as much as a Thai does. Literally freedom is a different matter. Looking out at neighboring countries ? Do they have individual freedom in comparison? Touchy subject to discuss, and I I had been born in Thailand I would maybe feel different if I was born with an silver spoon or not, or I managed to gain the silver spoon by myself or not! Seems no matter where you coming from, complaints about freedom is universal. I know some Norwegians compare the Norwegian government with the last Soviet state or North Korea. Some few of them thrives very well in Thailand, and are not so proud of Norway. I'm quite proud and feel fortunate to have been borned in Norway
  4. I was going to write two other absolute truths in my reply, but kept it short. Out of bad happenings good things come, and of course the nature of it the opposite. Anyway, when I finely got grip on my own reality, I stopped experience bad things, and my life kind of mellowed out in a bliss. I do not say bad things or challenges does not happen, Im just better to handle them, because I finely have a solid foundation I feel safe on. I have come to peace with my life. To follow up on miracles is chosen, given or earned, I wanted to mention it, because religion have abused those terms to manipulate and mislead people and leave them in the belief, they deserve illnesses and struggle in life because of lack of their faith. We put to much guilt on our shoulders, and I like the idea of having a Jesus to carry all of our-sins for us, I know that can be comforting for some, but for me, the understanding of Yin Yang in some terms, explains a-lot of the true nature of humans. It is just one side effect of all this chasing the real truth, and is the given error to complicate everything we have to deal with, and complicated stuff takes time redress and reshape. As an engineer you know all of that, but of course we need the right tools and right materials to reshape, redress and reconstruct as well known ledge as well experience
  5. @Tippaporn Another thing that worries me with miracles, if we appreciate them and if we believe in them, what about all the negative experiences and challenges trown at us, trough out the whole life, are they also given? Given because we deserves it? Maybe thats why I do not like to believe in miracles, because if they exists they certainly have an opposite pole as everything else does have that seems like an absolute truth? Everything have an opposite pole!
  6. Short answer Snake oil sellers is those who make a living as gurus, spokesmen of god who often have karisma and god given gifts to attract people in need for help, and exploits them. That is not pointed at you, because you as me have been searching, reading, learning for maybe the same reasons, and even we use different names, the methods seems to be the same, and give maybe same results. I guess we all had our experiences when it comes to miracles, and Even I say by coincidence it can be energies that works for us, and I would like to believe it, but it is not necessary for me to use those terms as a fact or truth. I keep my mind open and keep on going with my comfortable view on life and it’s mysterious journey as long it lasts. I truly believe by thoughts we can change our lives and future for the better or the worse. Depending on what you are willing to cultivate of positive constructive thoughts (energies) or negative not so constructive thoughts. It takes a bit self realising to start in the first place. Another question would be nice to ask, why have some of us spent so much time to think and create our beliefs and for others who say this is the truth? I believe it is because at some point in life we needed something to believe, to give a meaning trough difficult times.
  7. The only difference is, those who choose to marry is villing to commit or try to live up to the standards set within a marriage, but for you, I believe you are not! You want acleg in both camps, enjoy the benefits a partnership gives, and also the freedom to do what you want within the partnership without boundaries. I believe that is a good reason if you do not feel that person is the one. To me personally, there is no difference being married or not, but I know it is a different world for my gf who never have been married, no kids and It does mean something to her family as well. We havent signed the papers yet, but I reckon us married even only verbally agreement and waiting for legalising our papers right now.
  8. Would be nice if we could drop by when possible to have a look. My parents in law planted a few now at our land while I have been gone, and seems like the interest of avocado now start to pick up in our region as well. We are located on the border to Phetchabun Chaiyaphum side.
  9. Because in Thailand you are responsible for your better half. Look it up, and see how much trouble that can give you, if you believe that is an easy solution. It can make you bankrupt in Thailand. I marry because of visa for my gf so we can live in Norway, and also secure her if something happens to me. I do not believe in marriage as an institution, but thats what legalises a partner ship, so be it. If you have no trust in life or in your partner do not marry. Simple as that. 45 - 50% of marriages world wide ends in divorce, to rest ends because of death ???? Something to think about.
  10. We have been running in circles, and yes and no to your question ????‍♂️ Science can prove and measure how teaching religion/belief/spirituality/yoga/meditation and practice the mentioned how it influence your brain, how it changes your brain, and how it can heal mental problems, as well the brain can perform better after practice and establish good routines. However, it is like a muscle, you need to exercise. Also like tippaporn says, we can create our own realities, no doubt about that either and need no scientific proof.
  11. Great choice, I love Phetchabun. Would be nice if you could describe you legal contract in more details, 8 years do not sound especially long, if not the farm already have water supply, boreholes and infrastructure.
  12. Placebo is a great tool for manipulating your brain to perform better and as well for healing. But for the rest of your post we have science to prove how you can use simple cognitive self therapy to perform better, take control of raging thoughts, anxiety, severe mental health issues, physical pain, perform better at public performance’s, and also for motivation to succeed in life. Speaking to friends and relatives can also do wonders as well speaking to professionals. There are coincidences that happens in life to that can feel like miracles as well. What I really do not like is this mass suggestion’s done by snake oil sellers targeting people who struggle in life with promises if you do like this and this you will see and see the “light” What works for you, might not work for another. A little bit guidance from a professional and cognetive self therapy changed my brain to create new neural pathways. It is called Neuroplasticity. So many technics that have been practiced for millenniums do now have scientific proofs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroplasticity
  13. I feel we running in circles here now since I have stated numerous of times belief and what we see as our own reality and “truths” is a very individual experience based on everything I mentioned in one of my last replys to you. Last thing I would say, is that our brain is a miracle and a wonderful and great tool for for all of us for many reasons, and it can also be a complicated organ we have to control and deal with for good and bad. Good luck on your continuing journey here on planet earth, or elsewhere where you feel connected.
  14. I made a statement based on a reply to tippaporn.
  15. Not even close to believe Simpson show would nail the presidency of Trump
  16. Ladyboys are boasted
  17. Dr ZDogg is a collector of others work, and sell it to his audience for views shopping little bit from everywhere. Not so different from most people who read, study, consume, feel, experience and so on to make up a decision, where others seek masters be it a educated priest or monk, or any guru out there with appeal to the audience. Science do not work with proofs that is a feeling, a hunch or personal experiences, they work with projects that can be reproduced within same measure and with same results by other scientists. Until proven it is only theory. But you know all this, but still confused when you referring to solid truths and easy to prove.
  18. Everything will be ok, have fun
  19. Absolute freedom? In what form? Constant motion is also a good one
  20. Dr ZDogg is a dr, a real dr UCSF/Stanford trained internist He refer to Dr Hoffmans theories, and to be true, this shoots far above my knownledge, and probably shoots above 94% of everyone’s capacity to understand. Im only among the 9% when it comes to logic and problems solving ???????? I refered to as a non believer, because you seem to state truth, and there is the main problems with believers, they state and present beliefs as facts.
  21. Truism also says “Some things never change” Another absolute truth “Life travel space”
  22. It kind of expose itself in the statement ???????? Nietzsche truism Yours is one of the 3 buddhism absolute truths and had to google and found this on Quora Opinion is subjective, Truth is objective. An “Absolute Truth” is that which is valid im time and space, does not depend on conditions, and all people agree about its validity. Nichiren Buddhism points to 3 truths that are absolute: 1/ Truth of impermanence - or everything and every state changes, nothing ever is fixed. No proof is needed. Enough to observe one’s own bod&mind( and all other phenomena). We experience change in physical and mental aspects. and so did our anscestors and children. The truth of Change is a certainty. 2/ Interconnectedness - or nothing exists in isolation. Everything is dependent on other things and causes and conditions, which in turn are depndent on other things etc… We experienced interconnectedness physically and mentally, all people everywhere. Interconnectedness is a certianty. 3/ The World is not random, there are patterns, laws and principles in nature - all included in the bond of Cause and Effect. A cause of action will lead to an effect related to it. Our own life is a sequence of events of causes and their effects. This is a certainty. But because the Law of Cause and Effect works in all time and space, where everything is changing and interconnected - then it can be regarded as the one Absolute Truth.
  23. There is no absolute truth except one!
  24. Still 2. year of marriage will be 40 + 1
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