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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Go out 8 times for $1000 in the US seems like peanuts these days. Unless they were eating burritos, dinner alone is going to range from $60 to $100 per person. This is why Thailand is better.
  2. Waikiki not on the list, Venice Beach and Panama Beach are?
  3. Venice Beach: Squalor by the Sea. https://www.city-journal.org/homelessness-and-rv-fires-have-overrun-venice-beach-california
  4. You're a little too sensitive about these things. To put you at ease, I was referring to the committee. I don't make personal attacks. Or at least I try to avoid them.
  5. Depends on the state. In Texas, for example, they cannot.
  6. I just want my social security check and retirement annuity. Other than that, I don't care what they do.
  7. And you think the price of chicken is high now???
  8. This means Ukraine will need to remove the mines from their ports and waters. Just what the Russians wanted. Let's see if they find a reason to break the agreement and get a military advantage out of it.
  9. Generally, I've come to accept things. Otherwise, enjoy the weather, pace of life, ease of seeing a physician, and not being bothered by all the busy-ness of back in the US. Just don't care about most of the troubles. Except three things: 1) insurance 2) waiting in line at the bank 3) when 7, Tops, and Lotus run out of Farmhouse raisin bread (where the hell has it gone to lately, btw?)
  10. Retirement extensions are already in the country. As for the 300 baht, nobody would have noticed at all. It's a trifle, totally insignificant.
  11. They are going to get that insurance money. They've been determined to do so for years. They'll either get it from the entering tourists or make it mandatory for the retirement extensions.
  12. And then make up all the lost revenue through charges and "insurance" for retirement extensions.
  13. Russia had the advantage of being right next to Ukraine. Over 100 miles of ocean separates China from Taiwan. No matter how "overwhelming" that means a lot of ships, landing craft, and troop ships that will be sitting ducks. Western weapons it seems to me have already revealed Russian weapons, on whose designs and manufacture China still largely depends, are junk. Why would the much vaunted hypersonics in China be any better than the Russians, who supposedly were in the lead and whose hypersonic missiles turned out to have a 40 percent failure rate and poor targetting? Again, I don't have any special knowledge in this area other than what I read. But it looks like 30 and 40 year old American Himars are making a shambles out of Russia's vaunted military machine. Won't the same weapons knocking the stuffing out of the Russians have even more of a deadly effect on some Chinese armada that will be zeroed in on from the moment it leaves port?
  14. I've always wondered about this. I have a Non-B as my underlying visa and after many years on a work extension changed it to a retirement extension. So you're saying it is possible to change a Non-B retirement back to work, yes? But the problem is the work permit? What is the difficulty with the work permit?
  15. He cites 13 specific examples from the UK. The rest are from Southeast Asia. No mention of North, Central, or South America or Africa. It's a hysteria laden piece (three exclamations marks at one point), argued in the passive voice.
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