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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Most families that could do so were running away from China in 1949. For some reason this fellow and his family went to China and he graduated from a Chinese high school. All that would hint at CCP connections.
  2. Now, this is interesting. According to Wiki: "Dhanin attended primary school at Sarasit Pittayalai School in Ban Pong District, Ratchaburi, until graduating in 1949 and went to graduate from high school in 1951 from Shantou No.1 High School, China." So it seems he moved to China after Mao took over in 1949. Fascinating career move. I'm not sure what it says about his political leanings today.
  3. It never would have occurred to me to think about this or even give it the slightest consideration. That is, until someone apparently started threatening lawsuits and spreading it into the English language media. Probably would have gone away in a day or so until someone started getting all thin-skinned about it.
  4. So does this mean that during these rains of late they've sat on their hands and done nothing? Didn't adjust water outflows at all?
  5. And insurance that will refuse to pay off if too many claims come in, as seen yesterday.
  6. Anybody seen anything about the 1 million Pfizer doses from the US yet???
  7. Tourism at each stage requires intense person to person contact in large groups of people. From waiting in line at immigration and luggage areas, to standing in line for taxis and BTS trains, to gathering in hotels and restaurants and bars, to visiting temples or even going to the beach. The numbers of people and close contact will necessarily increase and so will Covid infections--if for no other reason than that people coming back and working at all these places cannot get fully vaccinated and will spread it to their friends and families. It's not going to be like it is now with a handful of tourists arising and passing people outfitted in PPE and everyone a couple of meters apart. It is going to go back to a crush of people.
  8. You have made this too complicated for yourself. Download the app from your playstore and enter your certificate number and your done. All the info is already there for anyone has received a shot.
  9. Remember this next time the government comes out with another one of their plans for mandatory Thai health or Covid insurance.
  10. Got to get it back to 30 or less before any tourists start arriving on 1 November.
  11. When will other countries, particularly Western ones, realize that they are responsible for their own troubles. Their laws, their investment regulations, their immigration rules, their social engineering, their economic decisions, all have made them what they are today. Not China. China may have taken advantage of things. But whose fault was that? Now, housing bubbles across the world are going to be blamed on the Chinese? I don't know. Maybe Western and other governments should look at how China is handling Evergrande and their own property bubble. They're letting the air out slowly. Xi wants housing prices to come down. He and China needs it to come down. So does the rest of the world. And who would benefit in Thailand if property prices came down? Maybe average Thai people could own their own place? Xi is stiffing foreign creditors and paying domestic ones. Smart move. It just might work. Meanwhile, Wall Street bubbles, Bitbubble, Techbubble, housing bubble, debt bubble, all just keep on climbing. It's going to pop. And it will not be China's fault.
  12. I don't know about your situation, so if you need a car, then I guess you need a car. Does everybody in your village have a car? With other people, I do know that they have never tried or even thought of living without some form of motorized transport. Their default position is if they want to look over their property, go shopping, visit a friend or relative on the next street, then they hop in their car. That an alternative may exist does not occur to them.
  13. I taught Chinese graduate students here in Bangkok. I would rather have a classroom full of Chinese than Americans. My American students always felt they were entitled customers and that if they paid tuition, they paid for a "B" or an "A." The Chinese I taught were not only friendly, eager, and willing to work, they were smarter, better organized, and grateful for their opportunities. They were sometimes embarrassed by their fellow countrymen, but not nearly so much as I am at the sham American education has become. If my Chinese students represent just 10 percent of the Chinese population, they will dominate the future. And they would deserve to do so, because they worked for it. Nobody is entitled to anything. Those that think they are also deserve to get their "reward" as well.
  14. Or maybe the very concept of a condo. I'm an American and I would never rent or own one. I don't want my neighbors surrounding me top, bottom, and sides with little more or less than a foot to separate us. And I sure as heck don't want to be locked into owning some condo cell that is magically turned into airbnb hotel. I want a house. That is what I have had ever since I came here. Walls and yards give me privacy and seclusion from the people around me. And those that are around me have been here longer than I have. Mostly retired Thais, living quietly with respect for their neighbors. I rent the house. But I hope I can stay here until I die.
  15. Not sure what is meant by "low income," but the US sent 5 million Moderna doses alone to Vietnam
  16. I have lived here 12 years without owning a car, truck, or even a scooter. I walk, bike, use the BTS when in Bangkok, take taxis, and use buses. I did that when I commuted to work for the first six years; I do it now that I'm retired. Thailand is one place where owning a car is absolutely unnecessary. If you ever have a food emergency, there is usually a 7 Eleven within 200 meters. Outside in the more remote villages, they have shops there, too. Most people live without cars and trucks. People would be healthier, fitter, and probably happier (no road rage) if they organized themselves to use either mass transit or their own muscles to do a bit of walking.
  17. Has the flood threat passed? No stories, headlines, or topics. Seems to have disappeared as a subject of worry.
  18. Occasionally the local police in many places allow gambling for two or three days over holidays. At least that is what they announce.
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