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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Did you hear a loud boom before the lights went out? https://rgbwaves.com/2015/09/27/why-transformers-catch-fire-explode-during-rainy-season/
  2. Nightmarish. A reminder to remain buckled into your seatbelt.
  3. Barilla, the most overpriced pasta in Thailand. Their olive oil is priced okay, but then a few years ago they were found to be selling fake EVO, along with most other Italian olive oil producers. There is pasta just as good as Barilla's at half the price and they don't hatch out weevils a few days after you buy them. https://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/13/italys-slippery-extra-virgin-olive-oil-scandal.html
  4. No. Died because a drunk hit her from behind.
  5. She says she is moving to Thailand because she can't afford her UK energy bill. Doesn't sound "wealthy" to me.
  6. Must be a VIP. He's got a badge that says so.
  7. Bangkok western suburbs: got just sprinkles yesterday and this morning clear blue skies with a few clouds.
  8. There are eight million stories in the naked city; this has been one of them.
  9. Alex Jones is blaming the crash on a CIA weather machine. How did it ever come that such pure nut stuff is now accepted by millions of low IQ drones?
  10. Yes, let's go back to locking down and locking out. Rid the country of Youtubers. Just like it was back in those Golden Days of Covid control 2020 to 2022.
  11. Seems like a lot of people in Britain measure inflation by the cost of beer.
  12. If they want this story to be "their business alone," then maybe they shouldn't have gone to the press to publicize it. See the notice at the bottom of the story from which this AN topic originated? It reads: "Do you have a money story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing money( at)gbnews.uk." https://www.gbnews.com/money/cost-of-living-crisis-move-thailand-energy-bills
  13. Do a search on her. She is an activist. This isn't her first time in the news, complaining about energy and inflation. This is a PR stunt.
  14. So the government knows what apps are on phones. Does China even do this?
  15. Same. I now enjoy the smell of durian. And getting a perfect durian--is always an enjoyable hunt. Because some durians are better than others. Don't want one too hard. Don't want one overly slimy (although somewhat slimy is okay). Want one puffy and light, like biting into a pastry. As for the alcohol. I can't see the taste of wine or beer going much with durian.
  16. There has been a slow moving coup in Vietnam. Hardline pro-China generals (two police generals and an army general) have replaced the economic "liberals." The mass population of Vietnam may hate China, but the Communist Party sees it as the best way to retain their grip on power. That is what is important to them. More important than the South China Sea, economic dependency, and industrial growth. A lot of American companies relocated or are planning to relocate from China to Vietnam. They're still going to be playing into Chinese control. The US needs to reverse this daydream about a Vietnamese alliance and restructure all American investment and defense installations to the Philippines.
  17. When do we get a topic for the African samurai?
  18. I've had similar happen as well as the Meniere's. Hearing started fading on Saturday afternoon. I was in the doctor's office Monday morning when first opened. Got prescription for prednisone one week on, one week off, and another on. Things started to clear immediately. Hearing actually improved after this. Good to see you jumped on this and got the full diagnosis and treatment.
  19. Yes, yes, yes to this. There is treatment for this, but the longer you delay the worse the prospects for any chance of recovery. Get another opinion this afternoon.
  20. It was always going to happen, no matter what. And there will be a permanent basing of Chinese "technicians" at the submarine home port. Thailand will eventually base Chinese ships just like Cambodia has started doing.
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