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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. If you login to My Social Security and go to the homepage, at the bottom there is a link to My Earnings History. It doesn't provide any employer's name (I don't remember if the yearly hardcopy I used to receive did provide that), but it does show income during any given year. So, it will not show if Harris worked at McDonald's in 1983 but it will show if she worked at any time during 1983 for any business required to deduct social security. Easy enough for her to show that she at least worked somewhere, if she did, during that year, I would think.
  2. I agree with you, there. The entire political edifice looks to be stuffed with degenerates.
  3. This is really degenerate and scummy on Trump's part. Not to mention stupid. It's the sort of comment that can only lose you votes, especially among swing voters. Poor judgment, bad instincts, and yet another step Trump has contributed in making the culture cruder than it was before he opened his mouth.
  4. The tip of the iceberg? Robert Malley. https://nypost.com/2024/09/18/us-news/disgraced-iran-envoy-robert-malley-may-have-participated-in-classified-white-house-organized-call-after-security-clearance-was-suspended-state-dept-ig-says/ Ariane Tabatabai. https://nypost.com/2023/10/20/pentagon-aide-called-iran-spy-keeps-security-clearance/
  5. Most people don't like Mitch. https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/trackers/mitch-mcconnell-favorability
  6. Seems to be a lot of Iranian agents embedded in US Intelligence agencies.
  7. The White House may realize it, too. The Energy Department is pushing out guaranteed government loans for biofuels before things change. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gevo-calumet-shares-jump-us-220251259.html
  8. Went down like a sack of potatoes.
  9. What is revealing about the 32 days incident is what it reveals about her understanding of what she had just said. When the teleprompter went out, she was stuck on the last two words she had just read off the screen. If you had asked her what she had just said prior to getting stuck, she couldn't have told you. It's the worst sort of vacuous brain jerk. This used to be said about local evening news anchors. They, too, couldn't remember the stories they had just read on air. Just (and they) are just a face, with somebody else behind them operating them like automatons. Elon's new robots have more individual awareness.
  10. Nobody trusts gold from China. It's all fake tungsten filled bars. They're selling themselves fake gold.
  11. Don't do it. Send US investment to the Philippines, not a country like Thailand that is helping disguised Chinese companies evade American sanctions through starting up front companies in Thailand.
  12. What is the status of Chinese in Sihanoukville? Are they still there? Or have they left it in ruins and pulled out in significant numbers?
  13. Trying to justify Thailand's anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, pro-Iran, pro-Russia votes in the UN?
  14. I thought I read that Sinwar tried to escape dressed as a woman. Sort of like, Santa Anna
  15. This is difficult. Who do I dislike more, Tim Cook or Europe?
  16. "in the interim we had a good exchange"--quoting Baier. I don't hear him say what you claim he said.
  17. That link has the ugliest picture of Kamala Harris I've ever seen.
  18. In all these debates and interviews, who has been the most sober, knowledgeable, detailed, even toned, and interested in the issues facing America. Just one answer: Bret Baier. Bret Baier should be president.
  19. Speaking of body language, when Harris was asked if she should apologize to the mothers of the three young girls killed by migrants, Harris shook her head No while saying she was sorry they were killed. Go back and watch.
  20. You want to improve business costs and generate spending by households? Cut electricity rates.
  21. She is terrible. Trump is, too, although a step better than Harris. At this point, I really wish I could vote for Biden.
  22. Well, I for one, am a little disappointed. I wanted to find out if she was from a middle class family.
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